
Normal life

"Oh, what to pick up?,Life has become too difficult, and yes these books have to be picked up. Hmm,May there is nothing left and I don't forget anything else, 'I have prepared all these topics'Oh my God why time is running soo fast,ah?,Now Run for class Ella! But I have to have breakfast now, let's do it tomorrow.Taxi!Please!That's all .A stupid and innocent little girl who has nothing to do with the world.Most of her time spends in books and talking to herself and the time that is left,is spent in regretting her's foolishness.Most of girls like wearing make-up, taking care of her dressing and desire to look beautiful,but she is not like all. A simple but innocent and creative girl.Despite being so stupid, she becomes the apple of someone's eye.Life is weird,may be thats why....