

Once upon a time , one tall boy with messy face and curly hair ventured from home to the near hill . None of the people have had visited towards that hill. He was the first founder of that hill. after the death of that man . most of the people were familiar about that place because of its mesmerizing beauty . Certainly they named as Pawan hill ,which was the name of that first guy. One day whole family member just attended that hill for visit unfortunately one little baby were lost , named as zosep ( The lost passenger ). Whole family members searched him but it was just like a dream . Every members was in dillema about that to return home or search him again or what to do? .

most of the people were scared about that moment and from that time goverment totally banded that place for visit . Actually it was the great twist their . The baby disguished himself into the wood area because he remember that the past happen on the days of pawan . It was really a magical moment .pawan retake his birth in the form of zosep.He was the first man who discovered time machine which is one of the best hideen histrory ever. He try to travell through that machine but he don't know about how to use .He click the seperate buttom , which may cause that he again lost himself on that machine . He reach towards his first birth . and again reach towards same hill but it was totally changed . many buildings were built on that hill .Being nervous again he try to travel past period , although it was going to collaps that machine . That machine actually get damaged and he strike on a big problem . Now he didn't have any way to return home in the form of that baby .Now He went towards that baby home and describe everything .But noone trust him . literally after few year again he was demised. At the time of birth of the zosep on that machine time . mother get pregnent but unfortunately no any baby takes birth her womb were null