
Partially Extra

Being reincarnated in my own novel? Yeah it's one of many, the result is the same but with a different process. My name is Damian Cassanova I reincarnated to the novel I wrote in my past life. I was heavily influenced with character designs. I reference them to game bosses and characters. And also, I'm influenced by some generic novels that I know enough how to build character. The novel I made in my past life was a piece of art for me, it was a way to vent my life after all. But of course I was sent to it my next life. It was too late when I recovered my memories about my past life. And the worst part, the family I never had was gone. Everything is. But my hope is not lost, my cousin. One of my blood is still out there and he is one of the main characters I made in the novel. And he was destined to die, according to the plot made by me. and the world I made was dangerous as it could get, i'll still do whatever I can to prevent such thing But as I went on my journey, can I still be myself?

Roses_Heinz · Fantasy
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47 Chs

New Experiences 1

As I walk down the big tunnel that I assumed to be man made. I saw one of the first few things that I cannot avoid.


A Snake, but by the looks of it, it's a beast, one of the things that mana has corrupted, one of the effects of the first dimensional rift.

'How do I identify this thing with dim lights?'

I asked myself then I remembered, I have a phone with an AI as an actual skill.

'OS Identify the creature before me and display accurate Information'


A screen appeared across my face, it displayed the things I asked for.


Strangler Boa

-Non poisonous

-Body is harder than most metals.

-Constricts prey with its body.

-Swallows prey whole.

-Uses tail like a whip

-Weakspot being in between its eyes


It was simplified, it was simple yet informative. In this time that was a good way of conveying information as I need to get the main points when fighting.

Weakness, attack pattern and habits. Avoiding the bad things and using the good things that's what I do.

I pointed at the Strangler Boa who seemed to have already sensed my presence, I aimed the muzzle of the gun just directly between its eyes. Then.


The bullet ricochet, the snake's scale was too thick. My position got entirely exposed in this dark environment after that flash and the strong scent of gunpowder lead the snake towards me.

I only have a pistol, I was trained to be calm at times like this though albeit a short time I need to remember that.

I aimed the pistol in between its eyes as it continuously moved its head left and right towards me.


But I failed. And got flung backwards with the whip of its tail, I was lucky wearing my Mother's woven bracelet as it activated a barrier to take all the damage I'm supposed to take.

But the damage of crashing to a wall is what I took, and it wasn't little, my still developing ribs took a hit and broke.

"haugh… haugh…"

My hoarse breathing is the result of the pain after breaking a rib. I've never broken a rib before but everytime I breathe It hurts.

I regained my composure albeit a bit forced, looking at the snake that's in the distance after the hit I took.

The speed in which it's closing the distance is alarming. I focused, Aimed my gun and and with its swaying head as it moved

–Bang! Bang! Bang!

I shot 3 times under a second, the gas that was used to propel the bullet was all across the air.


The momentum of the snake continued till it stopped just in front of me. My racing heart can be heard through the silence.

I breathed slowly as the pain of breaking a rib is still there. I was filled with sweat as I nervously shook

The body of a snake that was of pcourse larger than a pickup truck was before me with a tiny hole in between its eyes.

"What…. I…. I should've been dead"

It could have killed me, Thinking that one bullet is enough was stupid of me, in my training with Serge I always empty my mags just because of a paper crane.

That was enough for me to think that I only need a bullet to kill this snake.

"OS, what's the rank of the Strangler Boa?"

The Boa in front of me is big, big in fact that I could just step in its mouth and it would be able to swallow me whole.

[Conveying info…]

[Strangler Boa <D>Rank]

[The Boa in front is a Juvenile, estimated rank: {F} Rank]

I was lucky, this snake seems to be about 25 Meters in length and it's still a juvenile. I'm only 6 years old, maybe that's why it looks much bigger seeing it in person.

"OS, Is there any way to sell this?"

[Yes, Several sources are found]

[Please select a Store or Refer one yourself]

"How can I sell this when I'm here?"

[We can skip the Delivery of the carcass by directly transporting it online]

"Uh… demonstration please?"

[Seller Id and Store site is needed.]

"argh… "

There are online stores all around the world. One being WorldMart, it's the same with Ebay or Amazon in my previous life.

Then I remembered, there is a Store that every Hero goes to, when either they're short for money or in need of some cash.


BlueLights is the equivalent of the dark web market. it gives what you bought, no more no less. There are several buyers and sellers here, it has several uses too.

"OS, I choose BlueLights as the store site and make my User ID be…. 3xtra"

I had a hard time with the ID name since I'm not really good at naming myself in social media, but when it comes to fantasy? Hell yeah.

I mean I named the Bosses and enemies in this Novel so I know I have a great naming sense when it come to that.

[Needed 1,000 C for ID creation and another 5,000 C for shipping skip]


I only got a monthly allowance of 600 C ever since I got adopted by Serge but that's a lot!

I only have 6,092 C because I also used some of that for my clothing and some food! But I swear that's a lot!

"F-fine… "

Gulping I planned on using that money so I could get myself a custom gun, but I should look ahead for myself for now. I could earn more once I sold this beast's body.


The Strangler Boa in front of me disappeared after leaving light particles

[ID 3xtra]

[Boa is now on sale in the Market under the category of Monsters corpses]

"Are there any details on the corpse that I sell?"



Strangler Boa [F] Rank

►Perfect condition

►Killed by a Bullet to the head.


Market Price: 75,000C


It showed me the detail in the form of a screen, 75 grand is all it amounts to, but hey that was honestly too much.

Since the OS does the work for me online I might as well move my body. There's not a single part of that beast wasted which is good. So I'll keep doing what I have to do.

I don't have the time to mess with its price, even though I'm in the black market.

The whole trip was 5 Hours, from the starting point to the end of the tunnel. I wish I brought my Duffel bag here. I left it in the tent hoping to finish this fast.

But I miscalculated, I severely underestimated this dungeon. No– it was my fault for not understanding more about dungeons. It was completely out of my scope.

With the same distance I walked back, I have to take a rest several times since I'm just, of course, 6 years old.

I know someone had to supervise me at this age but I'm built differently.

When I got to the same entrance I immediately understood why I fell down for almost a minute. It was just a rough hill.


As I sat in the entrance all I could was sigh. I did dismantle some snake on my way here because I was simply curious about the taste, I never had eaten one in my previous life.

In the tunnel of a dungeon I almost died multiple times. It annoys me that I have to walk back and forth for 5 hours straight, completely making it a 10 hour journey, exhausting my time for the day.

I couldn't help but sigh again as I skimmed through my bag to grab some cooking utensils and I somehow grabbed that fruit, that white apple-like fruit that was growing on the bonsai.

I got curious so I made OS search for the same fruit, but to no avail I was left empty handed.

Since I can't just keep it here I decided to eat it as a light snack, as I finished it, it wasn't that bad, it tasted a bit sweet. With more sweeter after taste.

The seed probably carries another bonsai legacy so I decided to save it in my bag, placed in a miscellaneous pouch.

Not long after I felt a warmth sensation throughout my whole torso, I slightly ticked but that was it.

As I dismantled the snake I had brought with me I also started preparing some light seasoning. Uncle Jake used to be an explorer, he was taught how to cook different types of meat.

As such I was also taught how to cook different types of meat. I only trained physically for a few hours, that left me a lot of free time in which I spent with the soldiers.

After putting enough oil and letting a few things cook I placed the dismantled snake meat on the pan with its seasoning.

After I finished cooking it I of course ate it, it was chewy just like chicken if i say so myself, it was within my tastes.

After finishing and eating all a 6 year old body could eat I started preparing for bed.

I had a beast repellent with me that repels <E> rank beasts, with that in mind I prepared myself to sleep.

I challenged the dungeon again, This time with my bag with me, I had to dismantle the tent and carry it along with me.

Fortunately there seemed to be no new obstacles as I cleared them earlier. It took me 5 hours to come back at the end of the tunnel.

With a gun in my hand I looked forward. A bright light dawned over me, blinding my front, since I don't know if there's an enemy I shot in front of me.


Then I heard a scream and the light suddenly faded away. All of it was an illusion.

"Wait wait wait!"

I glanced at the voice just to find a woman, similar to a human—No, built like a human with light green to white skin in front of me.

That skin color is one of the things I knew very well. The color of the Zenite race, now I know what the 'material' is.

She has white hair, Green eyes and the most noticeable feature, the shark teeth.

I pointed a gun and was about to pull the trigger but I stopped as I realised that she has a swollen belly, it couldn't be… right?

"P-please just leave… "

Her body was trembling, her clothes were on tatters that it could be described as a rag, her skin seemed to have garnered a couple of scars.

This place is not suitable for a pregnant woman.

"That child on your stomach"


She shook when I called her out, she was not trying to be discovered but here I am. Stress is not good for someone pregnant.

"P-please… d-don't do anything to my baby… I-its okay i-if it's just me… "

She says in tears, my guilt was rising. I don't want to stress her more than she already is.

"uhhh… ma'am I'm a kid"

I took my gun away and looked at her, she's obviously a Zenite, but what is she doing here? Pregnant at that.


"Why are you here?"

"I ran away from bad people…"

I think she's trying not to make me learn anything bad by her tone, sorry lady but that's it's okay.

"No, I mean you're a Zenite right?"

"I… I… reached Individuality by myself and ran.. "


That's one reward Zenites crave, they all serve under one being, the highest ranking Zenite. When they taste the feeling of being able to be free they would do anything to feel it again, like an addict.

"That's…. How.. Then–"

I pointed at her Belly

"A human… a Human promised to stay beside me… but… but he broke that promise"

She looked at her left, I followed her gaze and it fell upon a tombstone, I immediately knew what she meant. And I couldn't help but click my tongue.

"Well… how many months are you pregnant?"

"W-well… 9… "

Nine, nine months of pregnancy, she could give birth at any minute. The child was the 'Material' was it? I'm such a bad author, putting characters into this just because of my past…

I slowly walked towards her and sat in front of her, rummaging my bag I asked

"what have you eaten in the past few months?"

"E-eh? W-well whatever I can find… there is a water source here anyways"

My eyes twitched, for a pregnant woman to just eat whatever, her child wouldn't be in a good situation.

"Whatever… you find?"

"y-yes… "

I sighed as I pulled out my cooking tools, they were all made for camping so they're all portable.

Cooking the snake meat I stored from yesterday the pregnant zenite started to drool, and since spatial storages doesn't have the concept of time nothing rots in there making the snake meat fresh as yesterday.

The moment the snake meat was done cooking I gave it to her on a platter.

"Have something to eat."

She accepted it so merrily, it seems it was her first proper meal in a while. I gave her my bottle of water so she could drink.

Now that I think about it.

"... what's your source of water?"

She pointed behind a pillar, I pointed my head at the direction she pointed and stood up, walking behind the pillar my eyes widened as for the thing I saw.

It was an Item that anyone would fight for. The [Pure Mana Dew]. Dripping down a stalactite is a sky blue colored water.

I quickly ran to my bag and started to find anything remotely useful for storing that item. My water jug is there but I don't want to use it, that's my only container of water.

Then I had my alcohol bottle. Looks like I'm not entirely out of options as I found an alternative in my first aid kit.

I poured out the contents of the alcohol bottle, it was a waste but for now I have no choice, there's hydrogen peroxide as an alternative so it's fine.

As I empty the bottle I rinsed it with water and repeated for a couple of times I have a water bottle that can store 50L anyways.

"Uhh… Do you want some water?"

I asked the pregnant zenite and she nodded. I gave her some water after she finished eating. I can somehow make up on how she survived for a while.

Pure Mana Dew is similar to IV fluid coma patients are fed with. It can supply you nutrients that would make you unnecessary to eat.

"So you've been feeding yourself with this kind of water?"

"Yes… thanks to that, I don't have to eat much"

"Yeah.. Whatever you eat."

I'm genuinely concerned for this pregnant woman. but I can worry later on.

I changed the alcohol bottle to my water bottle and I used my Jug to fill up with the Pure Mana Jew.

There was a lot you know? The alcohol bottle isn't going to cut it.

But as I was doing so,


The pregnant zenite started giving birth.