
Partially Extra

Being reincarnated in my own novel? Yeah it's one of many, the result is the same but with a different process. My name is Damian Cassanova I reincarnated to the novel I wrote in my past life. I was heavily influenced with character designs. I reference them to game bosses and characters. And also, I'm influenced by some generic novels that I know enough how to build character. The novel I made in my past life was a piece of art for me, it was a way to vent my life after all. But of course I was sent to it my next life. It was too late when I recovered my memories about my past life. And the worst part, the family I never had was gone. Everything is. But my hope is not lost, my cousin. One of my blood is still out there and he is one of the main characters I made in the novel. And he was destined to die, according to the plot made by me. and the world I made was dangerous as it could get, i'll still do whatever I can to prevent such thing But as I went on my journey, can I still be myself?

Roses_Heinz · Fantasy
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47 Chs

My Beginning 1

–squish squish

As I sprinkled water on the bonsai I'm watering a smile appeared on my face. It was peaceful for the past few months.

I remember planting the seed of this bonsai, and over the years I didn't regret not planting the other two. As this bonsai is very hard to take care of.

I still have two seeds in my storage.

I looked at the time 6:52am

Since it's still 23 minutes before class started I headed to the cafeteria and ate breakfast. I heard they don't serve coffee but the Vending machine does.

But as I went to the vending machines I saw a particular group that was particularly annoying in nature.

"It ate my money again! Senna give me more!"


"yeah just give some more~"

They were a group of girls with a blue blazer pressuring a girl in a green blazer.

The girl in the green blazer has Black hair and red eyes.

It's the same girl I bumped into yesterday, but… Senna? Her name is Senna? I hope it's not the same Senna in my mind.


They all looked at me. They seemed to be confused for a moment. They're upperclassmen mind you.

"Y'all buying?"

I pointed with my thumb towards the vending machines. I don't know how I looked but I hope it's not that bad.

"hmm~? Not really"

She, too, was arrogant. I can't believe those eyes are looking at me with maliciousness.

I bought my coffee but as I reached under the upperclassmen girl overshadowed me.

"Hey, don't you.. Look quite cute?"

She said with a smug face, even though she's not so ugly herself it's a face I wanted to punch so bad.


My hair was let down right now, I have that office worker type hairstyle. Hair down and glasses up. I don't understand why she would approach me like this.

Two more upperclassmen female students were behind her, they're snickering to themselves.

"Aww don't be shy~ you see my father is a good merchant. Why not go out with me…"

In the end I couldn't help it, I punched her the same with Fermund back at the dormitory, I got really annoyed…


"What the hell?"

The two got surprised as Ella, the one flirting with me suddenly limped and became motionless.

She has no scratches in the face so my punch ain't noticeable, it was on the chin after all.

Senna who was involved with this kinds of upperclassmen made me annoyed, then I remembered, the Senna in my novel is freezing cold, confident and powerful.

But here, the Senna I know is very timid. I can't help but check my notes on the novel. Turns out she is indeed the same Senna, one of the main characters.

I sighed. If I get involved with her the story might change. But I already got involved.

I was planning to change the Novels plot bit by bit because I want to grasp the future on my hands, if I get involved more my plans are going haywire.


".. M-me?"

"Yeah, go. Classic starts at 20 minutes, what are you waiting for?"

Once again she bowed, she scurried away while the upperclassmen behind me were having a panic attack.


I went back to the cafeteria with my coffee. I need it for the morning.

If I don't get involved with Senna she will have to go to her destined past. I stopped thinking about it, she needed it.

Somehow I felt something pricking my conscience, I feigned ignorance.

I need to go undercover.

The people here are erratic, I can't help but open my book, completely irrelevant to the work in this academy.

I felt Senna's stares towards me. Why is she looking this way? Can't she just look at the board?

Anyways, right now. As of right now I'm going through as I planned. Not standing out at all.

I sat on my seat with my legs crossed, I can't help but be relaxed in this situation. There's that two that I knocked out but that's fine.

I treasured my last minutes reading this book and then placed it back in my bag. Afterwards the door of the room opened.

A teacher seemingly in her 20's entered the room, she has black hair and eyes. Her petite figure is very noticeable, but one more thing was much more noticeable. Her fierce eyes.

"huh.. "

Today's time there isn't anyone called "ugly". I mean there are things described with these words. In today's standard there is just an attractive and unattractive standard.

The examples of unattractive are the upperclassmen back with Senna.

As the teacher stood in the middle of the room she then started talking.

"Good morning class, my name is Yumelle Johnson, and since this is the first day we aren't going to have any lessons. This academy as all of you know are the same with Military academies. We train you to become pillars of humanity, so expect hardship and competition"

True, academies are very far from normal schools. After all we are trained here to become the people who will protect humanity, far from a soldier. Who are very much canon fodders in some. People's eyes.

"all of you can Call me Miss Johnson"

The class agreed with her words, some nodding and some even talking to themselves.

"Alright I would be checking attendance. When. Rank 1, Qian Xin"


"Rank 3, Jacob Phillips"


Now that I think about it, I made sure I landed the Rank 1234th. Why did I land in this class, which is class A-1? The most competitive class out there?

"Lastly, Rank 1234th Damian Vogue"

I raised my hand and said "present"

I got some glances. I heard some whispering, I'm the lowest in this class. Now that's annoying.

It's fine if I get ignored though.

"Now that I looked at it, he seems arrogant… "

"What kind of trash is in the same room as us?"

I sighed and lifted my head, seemingly looking down at them, as I show them my mocking look.

If only I could insult them without the need of standing out, Get yourself together Damian, they aren't worth your anger.


My Johnson yelled, good thing it managed to get in their heads, while a lot of them don't even look at me I know that a majority of them are looking down at me.

All I could do was sigh.

Miss Johnson looked at me, her eyes are that of a questioning look.

"Damian Vogue"


What does she want?

"Is it true that you didn't even participate in the Physical tests?"

"No, I did. Just can't be bothered to finish them all."

Now all of the room looked at me, even the higher ranking students, I just have an enigmatic look, there are no fluctuations in my emotions at all.

"interesting… "

She muttered I already want to punch someone at this point.

"Alright, all students follow me"

We did as she said, we left the room and went directly to the training grounds, why are we here? Simple, so we could register our weapon.

"Grab the weapon you think was best fitted for you, as this is only a registration period."

The training grounds hosts a lot of training facilities, the Gravity pod, the Olympic sized swimming pool, the gym.

They housed it here.


The registry room is just a room with a long table filled with weapons, on the side is a scanner.

"pick your weapons and register on the scanner on the right with your ID."

Do I have a specific weapon? Well yes it's a gun. But I also am fitted with the blade.

I grabbed what looked like a machete and registered myself with it. And as I did I heard a voice on my side.

"u-uhm… "

It was Senna, what does she want?


"T-thank you from earlier… "

"Don't worry about it, what's your name?"

I already know her name, but I want to hear it as a whole. If she is the Senna I know then I have to avoid her.

Her bright smile somehow hit me, even though I know her fate made me a bit guilty. She then spoke.

"Senna, Senna Kagui"

My blank enigmatic face somehow twitched, my worries. My worries have become true. I know what's to come.

"My name is Damian, Damian Vogue"

I smiled as I shook her arm

"S-so… What weapon are you choosing?"

"me? Well something I'm good at. What about yours?"

"Err.. A spear, it's been like that within the family."

We talked for a bit, my voice sounded distant but Senna didn't notice that at all. As she cheerfully talked to me the whole time.

I chose a gun of course, it was the very least chosen weapon around here. I can at least use this within the best of my abilities and somehow hide my eyes.

"look! A gun user!"

"How rare"

"Isn't that the lowest ranked guy in our class?"

"No wonder he didn't participated in any physical tests"

Well of course a gun user, what else. I'm a marksman. Also a well trained soldier, well not yet but, you can tell.

I plan on laying down low, so I went to the shooting range and with the standard procedure on holding a gun I started shooting.

The others proceeded with their training, I felt multiple gazes at first but sooner or later they went to their own businesses.

Miss Johnson however, came to me and asked.

"Your body is well trained, how come you use a gun?"

"What do you mean…?"

"Don't play with me, Your built is very similar to someone who went to a lot of hardships"

I'm sure I'm wearing a blazer right now, how come this is happening.

"Err.. I swear on the 6 existing Primus I don't know what you're talking about"

She sighed, it seems she's something on her own, with me still shooting I used OS to search her identity.

It turns out.

Miss Johnson is an A-Rank hero, the sunshine girl.

She was charismatic on the battlefield, she led people in and out, and she too is one of the heroes that made it into the mainstream media as thanks to her, a gate overflow was handled carefully.

She knows that I'm hiding something. But I can't just show what I'm hiding. No, not yet.

Our talk was stopped by a sudden commotion, a black haired and obsidian eyes colored individual suddenly came up to us


He seems to be angry, I guess he found out what I did to him yesterday. I gave a sigh, no changes in my emotions.

"Well, well, well it's the start of the semester, miss Johnson you wouldn't mind a friendly spar between me and your students won't you?"

Miss Johnson frowned at the sight of Fermund. I guess since that Fermund is a higher year than me he got taught by her.

"Hah… Fermund won't you–"

"There won't be any at all."


She looked at me with shock, my status right now are not the same back then. He might have not known because I'm only assessed by the Academy and not show my actual status but I can fold him.

"Don't worry Miss Johnson, who is he anyways?"

Fermund eyes became bloodshot, 'I don't know him' made him like that. He's that type of boys who like to flaunt their influence and wealth anywhere.

But I ain't like that, I was raised as a soldier.

"Hahaha… you're courting death aren't you?"

He seems annoyed, he is still looking down at me even with Miss Johnson right at his face.

"Okay that's enoug– Damian!"

My gun is aimed at Fermund right now at point blank range, I don't know how strong the academy gun is but right now this is a situation you don't want to be in.

"I wonder… "

Fermund is looking at me with with a worried look, but at the same time he said.

"Y-you ain't got the nerve..!"

"If I killed you right here. Right now. Would this academy be at least a bit peaceful?"

There's already a crowd forming on us, I could feel stares but my face didn't change emotion one bit.


I pulled the gun away. Miss Johnson is probably thinking of her career right now.

"Sorry Miss Johnson, but please do allow the duel"

With a sweat on her head she didn't want to face punishment, she could lost her job as she was here and couldn't handle it anyways.

She could take a gun out my hand, but she couldn't. Just like how she could sense that my body is made for fighting she probably sensed my eyes too.

Perceptive huh.

Anyways. I'll end this duel with my win, I don't like being pushed around anyways.