
Partially Extra

Being reincarnated in my own novel? Yeah it's one of many, the result is the same but with a different process. My name is Damian Cassanova I reincarnated to the novel I wrote in my past life. I was heavily influenced with character designs. I reference them to game bosses and characters. And also, I'm influenced by some generic novels that I know enough how to build character. The novel I made in my past life was a piece of art for me, it was a way to vent my life after all. But of course I was sent to it my next life. It was too late when I recovered my memories about my past life. And the worst part, the family I never had was gone. Everything is. But my hope is not lost, my cousin. One of my blood is still out there and he is one of the main characters I made in the novel. And he was destined to die, according to the plot made by me. and the world I made was dangerous as it could get, i'll still do whatever I can to prevent such thing But as I went on my journey, can I still be myself?

Roses_Heinz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Difference in Talent 1


Glass shattered and pieces flew all around.

Multiple sounds of growling and snarling. The sound of blood curdling screams around the mansion

A woman in a maid uniform got pinned on the ground while a manservant ran. He was already full of wounds.


Later on, the man barged in a room, where a child hid as he was scared.

"Damian! Master Damian!"


The child was barely at the age of five and was hiding scared under the bed.

"Master Damian come here… we– cough –we're leaving."

The child desperately crawled towards the man, in turn the man grabbed the child, albeit rough the man held him tight.

But the moment he turned around he saw a beast in the door. With something dangling in its mouth dripping blood as it moved in the beast's jaws.

The child saw something that was not supposed to be seen. The gruesome image of his nanny on the beasts mouth as blood was crawling down her cheek.

The head whose eye popped out and the jaw barely hanging by its skin was the last time Damian saw his nanny.

The child who has already shed enough tears couldn't help but breathe unevenly. The manservant, having no choice, opened the window and jumped off it.

"Damian… "

"sniff.. Sniff.. "

The child's innocence was already ruined. He saw something a child shouldn't, yet the man only bit his lips, as he couldn't do anything.

He already witnessed a lot.

The man ran on the street, making sure to avoid being in the open, he ran and ran.

Screams and cries filled the city they were in. He could only cover the ears of the crying child in his arms.

"Damian, Listen when something happens, don't ever look back and run okay?"

He held the child tightly as he was running,

The air around is starting to ripple as the man servant's speed increases.

Some debris flew at him but he carefully weaved through and dodged everything coming at him.

The whole city is in chaos.


The deafening noises of jets across the sky as it splits the air as it moves. They're circling the city.

"We're almost there Damian! Almost there!"

The manservant was weaving through cars and debris on the road. But certainly, Damian heard something aside from the rippling winds.

A screech, a screech no animals make.

"The bridge. The bridge… "

–stomp stomp stomp!


Suddenly, The manservant and the child flew and stumbled on the ground. The horror came in when the child saw a cone protruding out of the man servant's head.

But he couldn't even cry, a screech followed, along the road there seemed to be a giant beast which was unidentifiable.

The child was about to escape too, but that's when the multiple bombs fell to the bridges connecting the to the city.


The bridge behind the child exploded.



I stretched my arms and yawned. Looking at the time it was 3am in the morning.

"What a nightmare"

We still have some time before classes. And since the training grounds are open indefinitely we can go there at any time.

I took a shower and went to the training grounds myself. There was no one there thankfully.

I went to the shooting hall, I then started training with the gun. I was slow, slow as hell.

That fight with the mafia men convinced me that my eyes are not that fast. That bullet moved fast even in the slow down world.

Everything was slow…

Is it because I'm only ranked E and my perk worked according to my rank?



The memories I recovered when I was still living in Jask resurfaced. Is it to remind me that I am weak? Yeah, I can at least admit to that.

I tried so hard to suppress those memories, as an award reincarnator I understood every moment that happened.

And due to my young body I couldn't take the stress of what's happening. I wish I didn't understand every single part of those memories.

But too bad, I understand every single part of it, and now I have to live with it. I was exposed to this world too early.

I let out a sigh.

Good thing the whole training ground is soundproofed, letting me go all out with guns.

I trained and trained till it was 6 o clock.

I went back to the dorms, I was in the Greenhorn dorms, dorms are divided to 3 according to ranking. Since I'm below the thousands I would be in greenhorn.

If you are within the thousands you'll be in Luvelle dormitory, the rooms and utilities there are better. And lastly the Titan's dorms. Yeah you could guess that it's better there, and you would only be allowed there if you are part of the top hundred.

This is used for the motivation of the students.

I was briefed by Senna and Qian Xin yesterday that we have VR activities today.

After going back to the dorms, I took another shower, it was a cold shower.

Dressing up after I fixed my glasses up. I gave the artifact one to Anna, since she needs it.

I just bought this one online as it suits my style. Hair down, a bit wavy just like my mother. And glasses.

When I went for class we all got briefed about the VR class. We're going to have an activity.

"oh well, we're going to be properly taught how were going to navigate the forest or something"

"how'd you know that?"

Qian Xin asked

"I didn't."

I answered nonchalantly, it was like that in the novel, from VR activities to sport festivals. I'm now going to experience them myself.

We went to change our suits, not going to lie, the suit was so tight it was so embarrassing. They have this so we could register our bodies in the VR database so we wouldn't have to the next time.

I couldn't help but walk awkwardly towards the VR room, it was quite spacious.

Thanks to the advanced technology, VR could simulate reality up to 100℅ dying there felt similar to the real world.

There are accidents of the VR pods being pulled out of their electric supply but that's already taken off as the person inside will be pulled out of VR to reality the moment the electric supply is gone.

So I have nothing to worry about, also. While Nexus do target people that are susceptible to having a contract with a zenite, this place doesn't have much of that talent.

For today's generation there are few only S rank potentials. Everyone in the top 20 rankings are S to B rank potential. Though it may not be that bad, there's about only 2 S rank potentials in the whole entire Academy.

Senna and Qian Xin. I'm not in S rank potential because I have an B rank assessment. That's how far I could go.

The only thing that I'm even superior with is just my skill at martial arts. My gun would need a good bullet to even pierce S ranks.

No it was far too weak.

"Okay, class"

The moment my blood boiled. Instantly knew who it was. Mr Graham, a zenith.

"Go pick a pod, there's no need to rush as there's enough for everyone"

I of course picked a pod for myself. I saw someone fighting but eh, not my problem. The teacher already said there's enough for everyone.

I closed my eyes the moment I got in. Then I was transferred to a white space

[Registering… ]

[Damian Vogue, is that correct?]


[Loading Figure 22%… ]

[Loading terrain… ]


My body felt so real. The graphics and all. Right now I'm wearing black shirt and camo cargo pants with military boots.

My clothes are exactly the same thing I wore when I went hiking when I was transferred to a forest.

Then Mr Graham's voice was heard all across the forest.

[This is Graham speaking. I have an announcement to make.]

[The AI in the VR pods chose the clothes you always wear when you train, well closely to what you always wear when you sweat.]

[So don't worry, the tight suits would only be today]


That's a good thing honestly.

[Now the VR activity will commence, I wish you all the best of luck.]

[Today's Activity is Hunt or be Hunted, later a wheel of misfortune would be held so I hope all of you are prepared]

Sir Graham's voice ended. Well good good, Hunt or be Hunted. That's the name of the activity today.

I know this as I did my research, turns out this activity grades you by how you react to enemies stronger than you.

Now how you fight them.

It's about survival and the awareness of the situation.

Well that's a good lesson for the students I guess. But I'm already done with this. I have six years of experience under my belt.

"Oh well. Just for the sake of activity anyways."

The gun I registered is with me, it was loaded with me.

I can't feel hungry nor thirsty. Also there's the wheel of Misfortune, my luck is high so I hope I won't be the target.

Walking to the west my journey to this forest began.


"Senna, Senna!"


"Why are you too nervous"

Qian Xin's weapon is a gauntlet. Whilst Senna is a spear.

"What if we meet Damian?"

"pffft- I could beat that guy's ass"


The bush suddenly moved, Senna twitched and Qian Xin, with sweat on her forehead, immediately got into stance.

Turns out it was just a rabbit.

"They placed a realistic animal in VR?!"

Senna couldn't laugh at Qian Xin's reaction, truthfully she acts tough in front of Damian but actually she respects and fears him.

Every spar and mock battles they have she would always lose without a low difference in aspect.

"Don't laugh! That could've been a wolf or bear!"

"Okay, okay Qian xin.. "

Senna chuckled as she smiled, Qian Xin seeing her smile couldn't help but look away, Senna looked innocently beautiful so she always got the looks of 'I want to protect her!'.

"You can just call me Xin.. "


"Just call me Xin!"

Senna who was confused for a moment blinked a couple of times before smiling happily, her relationship with Qian Xin seemed to have been greater.

"Okay Xin!"

Qian Xin scratched her cheeks and smiled subtly.

"Alright, why won't we form an alliance? This is Hunt or Be hunted right? We are only briefed that we need to hunt other students to pass so.. "

"Sure, so that means… only a few of us could pass"

"Yeah.. Our room has 32 students so.. "

"only half will pass"

Qian Xin had her brain synapse working, they were placed in a bout so half of the class are going to pass, and earlier Mr Graham's announcement told them there is going to be a wheel of misfortune.

So they're really going to let the students fight each other in desperation.

'But isn't this the first VR class they had in a week?'

'Why would it be like that?' Qian Xin thought after having a bad premonition.

"Let's go and walk around for now"

Senna nodded, together for a while walked along the lush forest, it was too realistic. They saw animals before mutation and some landscapes untouched by external forces.

But that was done admiring for now, as they eventually met Damian, surrounded by students.

[The Wheel of Misfortune has begun rolling. And the Unlucky winner is!?]

[Damian Vogue!]

[Whoever eliminated Damian Vogue after 15 minutes will automatically pass the Activity]

Qian Xin and Senna looked at Damian surrounded by students. He looked aloof and the only thing he said was.
