
Opaque Glass

Maya was still reeling from the heavenly kiss she experienced. She looked into his hooded eyes filled with desire and knew he was affected by her as much as she him.

He slowly released the grip he had on her waist as she regained strength in her legs. She was still in his arms when the sudden thought occurred to her, " How do you make your walls opaque? Can all the rooms do that? Why was it not opaque all this while? How many girls have you made out with in this office this way?" She berated him, the last question came out a bit more forceful than the rest.

He smiled at her sour expression. He answered each question calmly. " I built this room in such a way that the glass can work as an opaque and a clear wall. No, no one else's room has this feature. It was not opaque all this while because I loved looking at you and catching you stare at me. The answer to the last question is 1. I plan on making out with only her in the future." he said while smirking.

She blushed at his answer and lightly punched him. " I do not stare at you!" she scoffed. He tightened his grip on her, making her look up at him. She immediately looked away.

" Why don't you look at me?" he asked. Maya was stunned. " I do look at you," she insisted looking up. Lucas just stared into her eyes," You look but you don't see me." " I thought you hated me," she whispered. "I don't," he denied. " I have such strong feelings for you that it scares me at times," he confessed silently.

" I feel the same way. I feel like I know you from somewhere. You seem so familiar to me," she confessed too. He just smiled and kissed her forehead. She inhaled his scent and felt at home.

" Let go of me before someone catches us. It would be embarrassing," she insisted whilst trying to break free. " Don't worry, when the walls are opaque people know not to disturb me," he replied calmly. She thought about it silently while he played with her curls.

" Anyways why did you call me out from that conference? Is there an issue with my submission?" she asked while still trapped in his arms. He grinned slowly while saying, " I just needed to kiss you, that's why." She was shocked at his audacity, he had actually called her out a meeting just to do that? How frustrating is that? " Now I have to create some excuse because of this… Why do you put me in such a difficult situation? I am still the new girl here you know," she begrudgingly said. He just laughed at her panicky expression.

" You never have to worry about your position here in this company," he stated as matter of fact. She wondered how he could be so confident, after all he was just the technical head not the boss of the company.

" I need to get back now, I have tonnes of work to finish, let me go!" she said while pushing his arms away. He smiled while releasing her. He not only loved her but also her dedication to her work. He had never seen anyone as single minded in their work as her. Love… He just realized that he actually felt love for her. He was stunned by that revelation. How could he love someone he just met? But every time he looked into her bright eyes he knew he was losing a piece of his heart to her.

He never thought he could feel this way. He was always brought up to never let the heart make decisions. She was the exception to the rule. He broke all rules just to get her to work in this company. He made sure she was hired the minute he saw her resume.

She was his, his heart told him. He acted hastily without actually doing a thorough background check on her or her family. He knew nothing about her. Other than she was close to Ray.

" Who is Ray to you?" he asked as she stood before his door. She froze, not knowing how to answer him. She didn't want to reveal who she was just yet but she felt terrible lying to him. " He is like a brother to me," she covered up while turning back towards him. He just stared at her face trying to figure out the truth. He wanted to ask if he was the same guy who dropped her off but he didn't want her to know that he had seen her in the morning.

He let his curiosity slide and she walked back to her office as he sat down and tried to figure out who she was. He started doing a background check on Ray but nothing came up associating Maya to him.

He didn't want to check up on her background but he wished to know more about her. He started looking her up but surprisingly other than her basic information nothing more could be found about her on the Internet even by an expert like him.

He found that utterly strange but just brushed it off as her being an introvert. He continued his work for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, he saw her preparing to leave, he was about to get up and drop her back home when Mark and Harry walked into his office.

Their grave expressions told him something was not right. He sat back down while asking them what the issue was. " Someone is leaking information out of the company, but we are unable to find the mole," said Mark with a frown.

" As the CEO we thought you should be the first to know," said Harry glumly. Lucas just listened to the issue with a blank face. " Let me handle this," he said while switching off his laptop.

Lucas was still pondering the issue when he suddenly remembered that Maya was the latest hire and the minute she was hired the information started leaking. Could it be a coincidence or was she the perpetrator?

He was unhappy with the news but he was not worried, people could only leak the information which didn't include his programs. Hence he could always find a solution.

As he was walking towards his car, Melissa sauntered over with a sad face. " My car broke down, could you please give me a lift Lucas?" she pouted. He nodded his head and she smiled brightly while climbing into his car.

When he reached her house, she didn't open the door immediately. " Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee?" she asked. He shook his head, " I have something else to attend to," he said nonchalantly.

She was unhappy with him brushing her off but she didn't allow him to see it on her face. She got down, thanked him and walked into her house. He drove off without looking back.