

The wayfinder sage invented the teleportation spell. He teleported into a volcano and died. Since he was useless, I will be writing this story about better characters. A parrot professor, his human student, the not platinum but silver dragon, and a different dragon's right hand... literally just the right hand. A/N: Also posting on RRL. I have no current intention of going premium simply because I am too lazy to commit to a defined release schedule. Enjoy!

Dubious_Whims · Fantasy
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9 Chs

What you missed

"Meteor Shower, just because you have power and the backing of Parrotise doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, whenever you want," Sylv scolded.

"But he was clearly the bad guy Sylv," Meteor Shower protested.

"Did you thoroughly investigate the background of the person he was trying to kill? Did you try to find out why he was trying to kill the other person? Did you look into that boy's life history to see where he may have learned such things like murder? What if he simply doesn't know any better, are you going to kill every ignorant person in the world?" Sylv began his questioning. No matter what the reason, and he was certain Meteor Shower must have thought he had a good one, was an acceptable reason in this scenario. Meteor Shower was far too young and easily swayed by what he was seeing without thoroughly investigating before acting.

This was the real world, every word and action had a consequence. If he was allowed to attack and punish that boy back there at the arena it would set a precedent for others to attack people whenever they see something unjust. This would quickly lead to people attacking others without understanding the full story and innocent people getting hurt.

"But sylv..."

"No buts. If you didn't investigate all of their situations then you shouldn't have threatened or acted out against any of them. Didn't you hear what your friends said back there? 'That was really brave of your Meteor Shower'," Sylv imitated Krilly's voice.

"After some more flattery would you be doing every heroic thing that friend of yours asked you to do?" Sylv continued.

"What are you talking about Sylv? I'm so stupid that I would be manipulated into doing bad things!" Meteor Shower said.

"Yeah, that's what everyone always thinks. That they're so much smarter than everyone else and can't be tricked and such people who think that are the easiest to manipulate," Sylv pointed out while opening the front door of his house and bringing Meteor Shower inside.

"Why're ya squabblin'?" Professor Parrot asked, seeing the duo.

"Meteor Shower, threatened to cripple someone in public today after his friends called him brave for standing against some bully," Sylv explained.

"He was a homicidal maniac. He was trying to kill someone!" Meteor Shower protested.

"And how do you know that he was a maniac Meteor Shower?" Sylv asked angrily.

"He was trying to kill someone, that's what maniacs do!" Meteor Shower replied.

Sylv raised his hands in exasperation before walking to his room leaving Meteor Shower and Professor Parrot alone in the lobby.

"Professor, why is Sylv behaving like this? I saved someone's life and carried out justice. I was doing a good thing!" Meteor Shower was annoyed.

"boi, I won't disagree that saving a life is a good thing but Sylv is right about one thing. You shouldn't have threatened anyone without first uncovering the entire story," Professor Parrot began.

"What is there to uncover? There is a rich guy who paid the referee to let him kill someone in an arena. It's a very simple situation," Meteor Shower said, emphasizing the word simple.

"No boi, it ain't," Professor Parrot shook his head before flying onto Meteor Shower's shoulder and continuing, "come on lad, let me show you what ya missed."


"Professor, can we give them some money to help them?" Meteor Shower asked.

The two were perched on a rooftop watching Oran and his siblings through the window. Technically this kind of spying was illegal but Professor Parrot knew he had to do it to teach Meteor Shower that there is always more to a situation than what he can easily see.

Sure enough, his gamble paid off and now Meteor Shower was sympathizing with the referee. It would probably not be so easy to change Meteor Shower's opinion of the bully though.

"I'll give them the guavas I have tomorrow. That way he won't have to take bribes from maniacs like that guy today," Meteor Shower sniffed. Seeing the love and warmth of Oran's family really tugged at his teenage heartstrings.

Professor Parrot smacked Meteor Shower in the head with a wing. "Stupid, do you know how many people are in similar situations? How could you possibly help them all?" Professor Parrot scolded. Meteor Shower seriously only thought with his heart and not his head.

"Then what can we do professor?" Meteor Shower asked pitifully, rubbing his head.

"I'm not going to do anything," Professor Parrot huffed.

"I was wrong professor, I shouldn't have gotten mad at Sylv. I should have listened and next time I promise to investigate carefully before blaming others and I promise that I won't ever judge people like I did today. But please help them professor, they didn't do anything," Meteor Shower pleaded.

"Meteor Shower, I'm not the best person to help them," Professor Parrot explained before continuing, "other than me there is someone else who can help them. Someone who actually wants to help them."

"Do you mean, me?" Meteor Shower asked unsure.

"I don't know, what do you think?" Professor cocked his head and brought one of his eyes closer to inspect Meteor Shower's face.