

The wayfinder sage invented the teleportation spell. He teleported into a volcano and died. Since he was useless, I will be writing this story about better characters. A parrot professor, his human student, the not platinum but silver dragon, and a different dragon's right hand... literally just the right hand. A/N: Also posting on RRL. I have no current intention of going premium simply because I am too lazy to commit to a defined release schedule. Enjoy!

Dubious_Whims · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

She took your eye

One man stood opposite a young lad on a ledge. Behind the lad was an unconscious woman bleeding from her head and chest, one of her ribs protruding out of her body.

"I will take her head today Meteor Shower, you can not stop me," the man growled referring to the woman behind the other man. He had blood dripping from his right hand but strangely, he didn't seem to have any wounds.

"Please don't do this," the lad named Meteor Shower replied somberly. Meteor Shower's left eye was purple and had green sparkles in it while his right eye was covered with an eye patch.

"Do you know that the eye you are missing was taken by her!" The man shouted in frustration. He had almost slain the girl to avenge his best friend and then his best friend, of all people, showed up to save her from him.

Meteor Shower's body shook involuntarily.

He remembered that task, no, it would be more accurate to call it a trap! He had gone there to get a flower which only grew in that area devoid of astral energy, only to end up being pursued by a masked stranger, unable to teleport away.

He remembered that cold hand which grasped his throat, silencing his voice. And he remembered the excruciating pain he felt when his eye was ripped out of his head by the enemy's bare hands. After, the enemy threw him from a cliff over 15 km high. If his grandmother hadn't noticed something wrong and barely arrived in time to save him, he would have died.

He remembered the frustration when, because of his lost eye, he could not protect those he had promised to protect. When his friends died protecting him during the battle of Black Dragon Lake. The trauma from after that battle where he paddled away on that lake, hungry, alone, and afraid.

Why? How could the one who caused all of that be the girl behind him now? How could it be possible? They already knew each other back then, so why would she do it? Why did she stay by his side during all of those fights, all of those hard days where he was but a shell of his former self? Why was the person who pulled him out of his storm, the same person who threw him into it?

Yet even though he couldn't make sense of it, deep down he knew that this was the truth. The way she fought her enemies, when she threw that general over a cliff, the style was the same. It matched perfectly. And in his mind, her image overlapped with that of his attacker from that day. He knew there were no such two people in the world. She herself had once said to him, "You will not find another like me, I'm unique!"

He couldn't help turning around at this time to look at her bloody and broken figure on the cold stones. The rushing river nearby filled the silence, interlaced with the soft breathing of the three. Meteor Shower hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the girl, unreadable. Then, finally, he closed his eye allowing his tears to run down his cheeks.