
In the early ages

Baby, it's just this expression, oh sorry did i have to say expression instead of a simple name given to it after that prolonged gestated period of time living in the female's womb, critically not speaking furiously about it. Oh almost forgot about you there, you might be one of a billion victims under the sun or any some other beautiful creatures of God. Was wondering if it is their choice to make or someone with more authority just empowers it over any one against their will, expectance of the ones making love, wish or his will over the two through the name of love making. But that is it, whether you own the decision or not, what you wish and what you receive it usually uncertain.

Living a blind life and a dark future, sharing a mutual responsibility to where she carries it for 9months and he carries it in his mind for the rest of their lives. Stupidly believing that what they have bored may live longer than they had to live, grow bigger to the brighter days ahead of it, the future they are not certain with. Blurred lines continue prevail and yet they own a responsibility. "May you live long and have a better life", with hope dad whispers into the little one's ears thanking his subordinate of the greatness she has surpassed.