
Paranormal investigator isn't so normal

Collins is a young adult whose career is a paranormal Investigator. No he is not a fraud. He claims to have experience in dealing with anomalies but as of recently he has only had prank calls and cases where people just want electronics fixed at a reasonable price. He finally gets a call to deal with an actual case but once the case is solved then that very same case will be the reason for him dealing with more unnatural phenomena.

DecayingKing · Horror
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1 Chs

Chapter 1| An event to remember

Collins:"No ma'am, For the last time! You're faucet isn't haunted just get a repair man!"

Collins turns whilst holding the phone near his ear. He huffs as the person on the other hand continues talking.

Collins:"Today's the 7th time you've called because of a "ghost". I thought you were serious but now I know your just too

cheap to hire a repair man! Call the person and leave me alone unless it's an actual case!"

Collins hangs up and he puts his face in his hands taking a deep breath.


A black cat jumps on Collins lap and it starts snuggling into his stomach. Collins sighs petting the cat who let's out a soft purr.

Collins:"Maybe I should have gone with the equipment selling business instead of wasting 3 months on nothing"

Collins voices his thoughts to the black cat.

Collins:"Sometimes I wish you could talk Pride but I don't most of the time since you might make fun of me"


Collins continues to pet his cat and his phone starts ringing. With a heavy sigh and bored facial expression he pushes his office chair in the phones direction. He removes it from the charger and he picks up.

Collins:"Non-normal exterminator Collins speaking. What can I do for you?"

"H-hello! Yes, I've seen your poster and add online multiple times but I wasn't sure you were legit at that time"

Collins:"Oh great another one of these, Bye",

Collins moves his finger to hang up.

"Wait please! I'm sorry! My brother's possessed!"


Collins puts the phone back to his ear.

"Yes, I'm serious. My brother is possessed and I need help exorcising the ghost out of him. You do know how to perform an exorcism right?"

Collins:"Yes I do, It's actually pretty basic to me. But why not call a church?"

"We did but the Priest that came in was hospitalized and he is under critical condition after attempting the exorcism"

Collins:"Poor guy, Did the priest use certain holy objects to try cleansing the possessor before l being hospitalized?"

"Um yes. He used holy water but it didn't work, He also used a cross but whatever it was broke his hand when he pulled it out"

Collins:"But the cross did have an effect on it?"

"Yes it did. it was slower and weaker for a few minutes but regained it's strength shortly after"

Collins:"Seems like you've got a demon on your hands"


Collins:"Yeah, immune to holy water. Only way to beat it is take it to a church or mosque, Use a holy cross or an Islamic crescent to force it out however you'll need to heavily restrain it or you'll end up like the priest"

"He ran through a wall! How can we possibly restrain him?! I'm sorry for my outburst but can you come here and help us please!?"

Collins:"Well it's part of the job so no need to beg, Just send me your location and I'll tell you when I'll be there"

The caller gives Collins the coordinates.

Collins:"It'll take me 10 minutes to get there by car"

"We'll be waiting for you"

The caller hangs up and Noah sighs before a small smile forms on his face.

Collins:"And they say bad cats are bad luck! I got a real case because of you Pride!"

Collins says hugging his friend. He grabs a ton of stuff and he heads off leaving Pride alone for Abit.


Collins arrive at the house he was instructed to enter. He walks to the front door and he knocks on the door. he waits for abit before the door opens and a woman opens the door.

Collins:"Hello, I'm Collins and I got a-"

"You came earlier than expected that's good! please follow me!"

She says grabbing Collins by the hand and basically forcing him inside her house.

Maria:"I'm Maria by the way"

She walks him to the front of a door. Collins looks to his left and he sees a man with a giant cut on his chest while a woman sat by his side with a bleeding head. Maria noticed Collins looking.

Maria:"T-those are my parents"

Collins:"God, I'm sorry this is happening to you all, I'll try my hardest to fix the problem you're in"

Maria:"Thank you"

She unlocks the door and Collins saw a teenage boy crouched on the ceiling. The Kid's head does a 180 and his eyes lock on Collins.

Collins:"..... I think you should move out of the way"

The boy pouches at Collins but he rolls out of his way and the teenager ends up crashing into a wall. The teenager twists and he turns in Collins direction before shouting.

"I'll rip your spine out!"

Collins:"Now that's not a normal thing to say"

The boy starts to run at Collins. Collins stands his ground and he waits for the possessed teenager to get close. Long black claws grow on his finger in an instant and he leaps trying to slash at Collins' throat.

Collins moves to side once again and the boy crashes into a wall once again. Collins puts the teenager in a chokehold.

Collins:"You aren't one of the brightest demons I can see"

Maria:"Wait! what are you doing to my brother?!"

Collins:"Helping him! I know what I'm doing so just stay patient"

The teenager tries to dig his claws into Collins arms but Collins pulls his arm back in time but frees the boy in the process. The boy's upper body does a 180 and his lifeless blood red eyes which were leaking with blood lock in on Maria.

Possessed:"You brought him here! I'll make sure you-!"

Collins:"You're too loud"

Collins says and a heavy punch connects with the possessed teenager's face. The teenager falls to the ground his nose bleeding and a gisnt bruise on his forehead. The boy starts to squirm.

Possessed:"Worthless human body!"

He shouts while squirming in pain. Collins jumps on the possessed teen once again and he pulls his hand to punch him again but the teenager raises his hands to protect himself.

Collins:"Got you"

Collins whispers taking off his necklace which had a crescent on it and he wraps it around the teen's hands. The teen immediately stats screaming in pain while Collins tightly holds onto his hands to prevent them from slipping off.

Possessed:"Get it off me! Please! Mom, Dad! Help me!"

The teen's parents run into the room to see their son on the ground with Collins on top of him.

"What are you doing to my son?!"

The mother asks furious and was about to storm towards Collins but her husband stopped her.

"Don't do it, Anna. Our son needs this"

She looks at Collins hesitantly as he held her son down while her daughter watched with her hand on her mouth. Her brother's skin was starting to boil and black veins started to form around his neck.

The possessed Teen continues screaming but Collins held a tight grip after a few more seconds of demonic screams. A black just rushes out of the boys mouth and immediately after it does so. Collins stands up and he grabs an action figure on the shelf. He pushes the action figure into the mist and the mist started to go into the action figure.

After all of it entered the action figure, Collins wraps his crescent necklace around it.

Collins:"Well that was something"

Collins says with a small smile looking at the action figure.


???:"Ugh..... My head hurts"

The teenager starts opening his eyes and he sees his parents looking at him with caution and worry.

???:"Mom? Dad? What are you doing in my room!?"

The parents run at their son and they hug him happily. The teenager looks confused while his parents cried with relief. Maria watches from outside the window as her parents hugged her brother.

Maria:"Wow.... I'm at a lost for words"


Collins says putting the action figure in a metal container with a cross on it.

Maria:"I always saw possessions as stupid acting and the people who specialized in it were nothing but scammers, I thought the sane about you when I saw the ad"


Maria:"But I pushed away my opinions and I decided to call you after the priest failed. I am truly grateful to you, Collins"

Collins:"Just my job, You are gonna pay me though right?"

Maria nods and she hands Collins the money. Collins counts it and he looks confused.

Collins:"Wait this is 500, I only charge 150 for my services"

Maria:"150?! But you risked your life trying to help my brother in there yet you want only 150?"

Collins nods.

Collins:"I just want to help people out and gain Abit of money by doing it"

Maria:"Well, My family and I are extremely thankful and we want you to have this instead"

Collins:"Nah, It's fine infact I'm the one that's is thankful, Before this I only got prank cools and repair jobs but you are the first people I have ever helped so I think I'll even make it a 100"


Collins leaves 450 on the table and he walks into his car driving off with the toy on the passenger side. Maria watches him drive off.