
Paranoid and Affectionate

Su Qian went to a part-time tutor during the winter vacation. The student were obedient and sensible, and never caused trouble with her. Su Qian confidently said to him: "Don't worry, if you don't understand, I will teach you slowly in the future!"   Later, the young man kissed her with an innocent expression and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you don't understand." Yes, I will teach you slowly in the future!"   Su Qian: "..." At the opening ceremony for the Z University freshmen, the indifferent and arrogant boss appeared and immediately took everyone's attention   The roommate quietly said to her: "This year's freshman looks good! The junior brother is so handsome! Hey!" Because of drunkenness, the harmonious Su Qian showed a Buddhist smile. a sweet, evil, possessive, and overflowing smile Later, that guy caught her and, in a hoarse voice, he said: "why did you run??"  Su Qian:"..."

TyLER · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Su Qian breathed very lightly, and gradually recovered his strength, only to not realise it in his arms. At this moment, a small breeze passed, she couldn't help but shudder, and her straight, white legs couldn't help but shrink.

A black uniform came over his head. Su Qian hurriedly pulled it away. The boy's cold-tuned voice was calm and quiet: "Put it on."

  Su Qian blinked, bewildered by his abnormal warmth.

Lu Yan glanced at her. The corners of his eyebrows seemed to be smiling, but it still felt dangerous and irresistible.

  "At eight o'clock in the evening, don't be late."

  He stared straight at her, his voice slightly hoarse.

  The sound quality is very pleasant, and it is easy to arouse people's desires.

The flush on Su Qian's face dissipated, and she seemed to cleverly reply, "I know."

The smile was sweet, but it was the same as her eyes, drifting, and she didn't have any sincerity.

  Lu Yan was stunned, staring at her indifferently.

  Su Qian didn't pay attention to his eyes, pulled the uniform on her body, and buttoned the buttons one by one. Because of the height difference, the uniform was particularly wide on her.

He lowered his head and glanced at her chest. The upper left of the black uniform was embroidered with the school badge of Z University High School.

The golden silk border, shaped like an old castle, comes from the peculiar aesthetics of the principal, who came from a local tyrant.

  Then she waved goodbye.

When passing by He Xingcheng, she was aware of the boy's probing gaze. Su Qian paused under her feet, and glanced at him subconsciously.

He Xingcheng met her eyes.

A very gentle and elegant boy, full of book fragrance in his bones, he is a schoolmaster in configuration.


Is it fashionable to stare at girls?

  The corner of Su Qian's eyes is slightly curved, and the small mole below the corner of her left eye is playful and vivid in the sun.

  He Xingcheng felt as if he had been scratched by a kitten a few times, and it was slightly hot and itchy.


  Out of the tennis court, the subway entrance is 500 metres away.

Su Qian looked back. Not long after, a few people came out of the tennis court. A black Mercedes G500 was parked at the door. Su Qian watched them get in the car. When the car drove onto the main road, Su Qian was in the back seat and sighed.

Not far away was the trash can. Su Qian walked over, untied the black uniform, thought for a moment, and resolutely crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

  He is a heavy clean addict, and he will never touch anything that has been contaminated by others.

  Su Qian knew very well that even if the two kissed intimately, he couldn't wear the uniform lent to her again.

  She was not happy anyway, and he just acted on the spot.

  There was a 7-11 family at the subway entrance. Su Qian pushed in and bought a bottle of mineral water. At the checkout, she took a small bottle of candy from the lattice rack at the checkout counter. It smelled like lemon. It has a nice smell.

As soon as she left the place, Su Qian walked to the corner, unscrewed the bottle cap, poured water on the palm of her hand, and washed her lips.

  Her lips hurt slightly because of the kissing just now. Su Qian scolded him in her heart, and the movements of her hands kept washing. Finally, she rinsed her mouth again and filled her mouth with lemon candy.

  In the afternoon, four classes are mixed together.

  Su Qian hurriedly and finally entered the classroom before the roll call.

  Time was rushed and there was no time to change her clothes, so when she walked into the lecture hall wearing a tennis skirt, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Her roommate, Yan Meng, has already taken up a position in the second-to-last row by the window.

This kind of class is honest and very tasteless, but the professor is very good, and he will give you an easy subject if he agrees.

  Based on this, the attendance rate turned out to be ridiculously high.

Su Qian walked to the seat, pretending to be indifferent to everyone's surprised gaze.

  Yan Meng moved a place inside for her, and as soon as she took her seat, the professor began to roll call names.

  Yan Meng stood up and asked in a low voice, "Where have you been? How did you dress like this?"

  "Part-time training partner."

As soon as she sat down, Su Qian subconsciously leaned against Yan Meng to keep her warm.

  "Tennis sparring?" Yan Meng raised her eyebrows with a shocked face, "since when do you know how to play tennis?"

She remembers that the tennis club once recruited them when they first entered school, but was rejected by Su Qian. In Yan Meng's view, Su Qian is like a spinning top. In addition to class every day, there are all kinds of part-time jobs.

  Yan Meng understands the situation in Su Qian's home, and while distressed, she admires her more and more.

She is smart and a fast learner. The most important thing is that she is willing to endure hardships, is not hypocritical, and she is beautiful. From the time she enrolled, there were a lot of boys who squatted under the dormitory every day to confess.

  But she seems to be totally indifferent to such things as love.

  Over time, it became an indescribable flower of high mountains in their school.

  Only Yan Meng knew that she had no time to fall in love at all, and her thoughts were not there.

  "No. That's why it's a training partner."

  Su Qian said without a smile.

  "Is it a man?"


  Su Qian took out the book.

Yan Meng came with interest and shook her arm, "Is he handsome? Are there any photos?"

Su Qian played with the pen in her hand, pondered for a moment, and replied solemnly: "He is not handsome."

  Yan Meng was out of interest.

  "And he is a pervert."

  At the end, Su Qian added another sentence.

  Yan Meng: "..."


  Su Qian didn't pay attention to what was said in the class, shivering with fear of being dominated by the cold all over her body. Finally, it was the end of class. After checking the time, it was already a quarter past six.

There were so many people at the moment, and Su Qian didn't get up immediately. Yan Meng wanted to participate in an association, which was actually a disguised association. Su Qian was once dragged by Yan Meng to make up the number, and after causing a lot of unnecessary trouble, she never participated again.

  Yan Meng closed the book and touched her, "

"Do you want to go? With some people from the computer department." "No, I have a part-time job."

  "Part-time job? This is a tutoring job I got during the winter vacation. "

Su Qian replied happily.

  Yan Meng didn't say much, stood up straight and stretched out, and saw a boy looking at them over the door. Yan Meng took a look and recognised that it was someone from their law school and Lin Youyang from Class 5.

  "Su Qian, what are you going to do with Lin Youyang?"

 Su Qian lazily lifted his eyelids and returned to his original sorrowful appearance.

  "Huh? Who? "

The voice was a little vague, like it was a feeling of sleepiness.

  Yan Meng nuancedly said, "Lin Youyang from Class 5, he is 80% interesting to you. I saw the clues at the New Year's Party."

  Su Qian disapproved, "Don't talk nonsense."

  Yan Meng retorted funnyly, "He stood at the door right now. He has been seeing you from there for a long time now. I guess he must be waiting for you. "

Su Qian glanced at Lin Youyang, and saw that he was handsome. Lin Youyang seemed to be hesitating, but when she met his eyes, he avoided it.

  Su Qian felt annoyed for a while.

 After a few minutes, the people in the lecture hall were almost scattered. Lin Youyang stood for a long time at the door, gritted his teeth, and walked back.

  There are two concert tickets in the pockets. The piano master, Kleisman. And Lin Youyang had bought the tickets early. The VIP area is in an excellent location.

Lin Youyang has always felt that Su Qian has a noble temperament. She is not swift in dealing with others, not far or near, and there is a bit of alienation in her gentleness, which is especially suitable for such an elegant occasion as a concert.

  He fell in love with Su Qian at first sight. Su Qian was the representative of their new students. When she stood on the stage and gave a speech with great affection, Lin Youyang was taken away by this beautiful girl.

  In fact, Lin Youyang can be regarded as an out-and-out prince of heaven. His family is superior and his own conditions are excellent. Since high school, there have been a few girls who have pursued him.

  But he has his own pride and guidelines, and naturally raised his expectations for the other half, but in front of this girl, he always couldn't hold back his feet and became intimidated.

In order to close the relationship between the two, he paid special attention to her movements.

  Knowing that she is not keen on group activities and does not have many friends, in order to cope with it, he joined a photography agency. Most of the year has passed, and he has not been able to confess to her at the club.

  Lin Youyang made several psychological contributions to himself, and finally waited until the crowd was almost dissipated, and slowly moved to Su Qian.

Yan Meng tidied up the books and blinked ambiguously at Su Qian.

"Su Qian, I'll leave first, you guys talk." After speaking, she kindly gave Lin Youyang a "come on" gesture.

  Lin Youyang became more nervous.

  "Student Lin, what's the matter?" Su Qian asked, a suspicious look appearing in her eyes.

  Lin Youyang still put a hand in his trouser pocket, and he squeezed the wrinkled ticket, his heart beating violently, and a layer of sweat came out of his palm.

"I, I want to tell you...say...it's that...you, do you have time tonight..."

Su Qian looked at his face. Two suspicious blushes appeared on his white face. Su Qian feels like her headache is getting worse.

  Su Qian's first impression of Lin Youyang still remained in the debate game a year ago. At that time, she and Lin Youyang represented two classes respectively. Su Qian was slightly impressed by the appearance of Lin Youyang talking in the debate.

Compared to his original appearance, and looking at Lin Youyang, who was about to suffocate himself to death, Su Qian was a little speechless.

  At this moment, the phone rang appropriately.

Su Qian relaxed, raising her head to smile apologetically at Lin Youyang: "I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone."


The ticket that was about to be pulled out was retracted again.

Su Qian got up and walked to the window.

The call was from Lu Yan, and Su Qian saved his number as "Lu abnormal". Seeing his call, she subconsciously wanted to cut it off.

  Fingertips paused on the screen for a while, Su Qian sighed quietly, and pressed the answer button unwillingly.

In the evening rush hour, with heavy traffic, Lu Yan leaned on the seat, stretched his legs, and slouched in a slouching posture. The voice of the girl on the phone was very sweet, but Lu Yan knew clearly that under the girl's sweet appearance, the heart was as cold as him.

  He curled his lips, his black eyes curled in a subtle arc, and his voice was clear and cold: "Come to the South Gate of Z."

  Lin Youyang waited patiently. The classroom was quiet, and the girl's voice replying was very sweet. The coquettishness that has never been touched sounds like that. Lin Youyang's heart is frustrated, and his emotional worldview collapses a bit.

 After a short call, she hung up.

  Su Qian rubbed her cheeks, and was disgusted by the sweet voice just now.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Lin Youyang still waiting for her. Su Qian had forgotten him completely. She felt embarrassed.

  She held the phone, walked over, tilted her head and looked at him, "Sorry, I'm a bit busy here. Student Lin, what are you looking for me to do? "

Lin Youyang felt like he had suffocated for a long time. Two words were spit out: "...no, nothing."