
Paranoid and Affectionate

Su Qian went to a part-time tutor during the winter vacation. The student were obedient and sensible, and never caused trouble with her. Su Qian confidently said to him: "Don't worry, if you don't understand, I will teach you slowly in the future!"   Later, the young man kissed her with an innocent expression and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you don't understand." Yes, I will teach you slowly in the future!"   Su Qian: "..." At the opening ceremony for the Z University freshmen, the indifferent and arrogant boss appeared and immediately took everyone's attention   The roommate quietly said to her: "This year's freshman looks good! The junior brother is so handsome! Hey!" Because of drunkenness, the harmonious Su Qian showed a Buddhist smile. a sweet, evil, possessive, and overflowing smile Later, that guy caught her and, in a hoarse voice, he said: "why did you run??"  Su Qian:"..."

TyLER · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Lu Yan was teaching a girl to play tennis when He Xingcheng and his friend arrived at the tennis court.

In April, the air was still slightly cool. The girl wore a pure white tennis skirt with a slightly raised skirt, revealing two straight and slender legs. The complexion was crystal clear, accompanied by the afternoon sun, which was particularly attractive.

The young man standing behind her was tall, with his back to them.

  The boy was wearing a red and white tennis short T, far away, and they could only see the black cuff on his wrist when he was swinging a racket.

  Lian Kai leaned forward, and the girl happened to look back.

  Her small face is cute, and her skin is almost transparent..

  Those eyes were full of water and light.

  Below the corner of the left eye, a small mole with tears and bright eyes complemented each other, which is really attractive.

  She is a beauty.

Lian Kai pursed his lips, and for a while, his mouth felt dry and dry. "Hey, this girl is so punctual." He touched He Xingcheng with his elbow. "Team Leader, Lu Yan, this kid can be so hard to manage. The teacher asked him to find someone, but he said he was fine. He is so close to the competition and yet didn't want to study. Instead, he is here, skipping class to teach this girl to play tennis. "

He Xingcheng hummed indifferently, without responding.

  The gaze fell on the girl for a long time, as if thinking about something.

"Should we call him?"

  Fu Yao's voice was a bit lonely, and she looked away silently. The expression on her face was not very happy.

  Seeing He Xingcheng looking at herself, she quickly regained an indifferent appearance, saying, "The head teacher is still waiting for us."

  Before He Xingcheng responded, he heard Lian Kai yelling in excitement, "Fuck! Look! Look! This kid really knows how to play. I am so shocked! "

The two looked in the direction of his fingers. The boy bent over and opened the bottle of water. When he raised his head to drink, the beautiful jaw line was soaked with water droplets. Sliding down the neckline of the T-shirt along the Adam's apple, it looks very sexy.

  When the water disappeared, they saw his palm behind the girl's head and kissed her.

  The girl seemed to struggle a little, and he pinched her wrist with one hand, pinned it behind her waist, and fixed it.

  The young man's exquisite half-face was revealed.

  Cold white skin, slightly longer eyes, cold and attractive.

  Fu Yao was disillusioned, and it was clear that the person being kissed was not herself, but her face couldn't help being hot.

 Inexplicably, she remembered listening to roommates' discussions in the dormitory one night.

  "Have you heard? Mu Tingting from Class 3, confessed to Lu Yan yesterday, but she was rejected mercilessly by him, and did not come to class today. "

  "What's the matter? Please tell us. " The girls gathered together. It's nothing more than a group of gossipers.

"Mu Tingting asks what kind of girl he likes. Do you know how Lu Yan responds?"

  Fu Yao glanced at her, but she didn't ask her, and Le Youyou said: "Lu Yan said to her blankly that he liked 34D, so I laughed after listening to that. Everyone knows that Mu Tingting looks good, but she does not have a chest.

"... I think Lu Yan is a kind of abstinence schoolmaster."

Yes, Lu Yan's face is engraved with a sign that says "Don't get close to me". Not to mention the ambiguity with girls, he doesn't put anyone in his eyes at all. So it was really unexpected for him to say that... "

"Come on, boys are all perverts. How indifferent on the outside means they are wild on the inside. "

The other girl chimed in and smiled: "Mu Tingting doesn't weigh herself, but there is Yaoyao here, maybe Lu Yan can see her?"

The girls made no attempt to support the words for Fu Yao, and Fu Yao reluctantly smiled back without making a sound.

  As a school flower voted by Z University High School, Fu Yao has always had a good relationship with boys, and there are countless people who chase her. It is rare that she has a good relationship with girls besides boys, and she has an excellent reputation at the attached high school.

  She is unavoidably arrogant. She has superior conditions and a good family background, so she has a very high vision.

  Until Lu Yan's arrival, she had never thought about falling in love.

  Lu Yan is a transfer student. After entering high school, they sat at the same table.

  However, this indifferent and arrogant tablemate has few words on weekdays and often skips class. As a study committee member, Fu Yao, apart from sending and receiving homework on a daily basis, there is not much interaction between the two.

However, most boys and girls of this age are like this: handsome men and beautiful women get together, and there are always good things to come.

Fu Yao didn't say anything at the time, and her heart felt very sweet.

  At this moment, she brought her eyes back to the centre of the tennis court. Seeing that there is no one beside him kissing the girl, Fu Yao's excited heart is half cold in an instant.

  He Xingcheng frowned without a trace, and Lian Kai couldn't help taking out his phone, wanting to take a photo of the wonderful moment.

  "What are you doing?"

  He Xingcheng's questioning tone stopped the action. Lian Kai didn't think it was anything, and smiled: "Take a picture and keep it. Making sure our high school idol is not going to crush other girls' hearts, "

  "Don't mess around."

"He Xingcheng said in a tone that sank a bit.

Lian Kai curled his lips, and He Xingcheng looked straight at him, seeming to remind him inadvertently: "If you don't want to be killed by him."

  Lian Kai's movements froze.

  He knew that He Xingcheng was not bluffing him.

  Lu Yan is a tough guy.

  After transferring to Z University High School in just over a month, he almost killed Du Fengxing, the former idol of Z University High School.

According to insiders, it was a one-on-ten fight at the time, and he didn't lack courage at all. What's more exciting was that at the end, he took out a gun.

  Although the follow-up rumours said that the gun was just a toy, a bluffing thing.

After that incident, Lu Yan became a school legend.

Although he himself doesn't care.

  Lian Kai couldn't help thinking of the extremely arrogant remarks when he first saw Lu Yan.

  It was a Friday morning a year ago, just as winter vacation was about to begin.

It was originally a physical education session in the afternoon, and the exam was approaching, but the teacher surely took it up and turned it into a maths lesson.

  Halfway through the course, Li Chenggong, the teacher of the third grade 7 class teacher known as the "old bird", brought a student in with a smile.

"Everyone, stop. I am introducing a new classmate to you guys."

  "Lu Yan, He just came back from abroad, and he will be a member of our warm family class from now on."

 Everyone ignored the "warm family" that the teacher said, but was aroused by the curiosity of the transfer students from abroad. One after another looked out the door.

  The boy was wearing a black parka with his arms wide open. He was wearing a half-high-necked smoky-gray woollen sweater. Under his fine black hair, his eyes were as dark as ink, and his expression was lazy and cold.

  Li Chenggong waved to him.

The teenager, taking long legs toward the podium, self-introduction part, did not talk much. His white, slender fingers tapping on her desk revealed a casual tone: "My name is Lu Yan."

Arrogant! His words silenced the audience.

  After a little silence under the podium, the girls made rustling comments.

Lian Kai knew at the time that this person was born as a girl killer, and when he met him, he was about to disturb how many ponds of spring water.

At first, like most people, he felt that this person was just relying on an overly beautiful appearance to confuse people.

But after the results of the first monthly test came out, a bunch of people, including him, were slapped in the face.

  Lian Kai didn't know Lu Yan well, and only vaguely heard that He Xingcheng mentioned that Lu Yan had a prominent family background and a mysterious background.

Lian Kai is very prejudiced towards him, but only he knows how much envy and admiration are in his heart.

  "I'll call him."

He was full of curiosity about the girl who had kissed Lu Yan passionately. He wanted to gossip, and immediately moved his long legs and walked towards the centre of the tennis court.

He Xingcheng didn't stop him. Fu Yao bit her lip, "Squad leader, shall we not go there?


He Xingcheng knows Fu Yao's heart, a young girl who has obvious intentions and wants to hide it, which is quite difficult.

  But he can't speak straight.

  When Fu Yao saw that he hadn't left, even though she was curious about the girl, she couldn't put down her restraint and went to ask

  The two looked at Lian Kai's back.

  Even Lian Kai was very worried.

I'm getting close. My heart is beating very hard.

  He talked about several girlfriends, separated and reunited, and left was nothing but fun.

No matter how intimate, he didn't do less, but looking at the two kissing, Lian Kai seemed to have a fire in his chest.

The footsteps were very light, still alarming the two of them.

Lu Yan noticed that the girl in his arms was struggling slightly. Lu Yan's dark eyes narrowed and the kiss became more sensational, but his eyes were cold and cold, and there was no half of the temperature.

  When he lowered hishead and looked at her, he saw the girl's cheeks were reddened and her breath was uncertain, but her bright eyes were very similar to him, like a stream of water, bottomless and without waves.

Finally, Su Qian, who had been kissed for a long time, broke free of his shackles, holding his T-shirt softly with both hands.

  The interlaced breathing between the two stretched for a long time, and the two-hour tennis match was already overwhelming, not to mention that kissing took a lot of energy.

  Su Qian's legs were soft, and when she heard the noise, she ducked from under his lips.

"Lu Yan."


  He answered lazily.

  "...Someone is coming."


  He let out a perfunctory utterance. He continued to stare at her and ask, "So what?"

  Su Qian's breathing was stagnant, and she pinched his chin. .

  Seeing him lower his head close to her, Su Qian subconsciously turned her face away.

  The footsteps were getting closer, and Su Qian was flustered and pushed him.

  This time, Lu Yan didn't stop.

Loosing his fingers, Lu Yan raised his head, stretched out his fingertips, gently wiped the water from the corners of his lips, and glanced at Lian Kai coldly.

  Lian Kai waved his hand and smiled awkwardly, "Brother Lu, they asked us to come. If you have something to do, you can talk to them."



  Lu Yan looked out of the stadium, with no extra expression on his handsome and indifferent face, staring directly at He Xingcheng and the others.

  One class committee, one academic committee, plus Lian Kai, the sports committee.

  Lu Yan gave a chuckle, but there was a layer of frost between his eyebrows.

  Lian Kai was actually a little scared and didn't dare to speak, just taking advantage of the situation, quietly looking at the girl in his arms.

She has a fair complexion and long legs, and her body line is really pretty.

During the time spent in middle school, Lu Yan liked the 34D beauties, and Lian Kai believed them a little bit now.

  But he didn't dare to look at it more, especially since he knew that the person in front of him had a strong possessive desire.

  Su Qian's forehead rested against Lu Yan's chest and panted slightly. Even if they had only been in close contact, he could take off his lustful coat, and he didn't expect her to be so tender.

  Even when her legs were still soft, he took a few steps back and pushed her away.

  Su Qian reluctantly stabilised her figure, kissing in public and she couldn't refuse, and simply pretended to die.

Anyway, she got used to being alone quietly over the years and spontaneously avoided irrelevant people.

It's just that the guy opposite is too presumptuous. Su Qian can even feel that the guy glanced at her bare legs, intentionally or unintentionally.

  Even though it was spring, the air was still cold, and it was not enough to wear untimely skirts with two bare legs. Being stared at like this was really annoying.

Su Qian couldn't help but glare at him.

  Her eyes are extremely beautiful, and her beautiful eyes are full of amorous feelings. After Lian Kai was glared at by her, the tip of her nose began to heat uncontrollably.

  After another glance, he saw Lu Yan staring at him coldly.

  All the ambiguity disappeared.

  "Then... I'll wait for you."