
Parallel Timeline: Time Loop Rebel

Gaus finds himself in a world trapped in a time loop. His wristwatch allows him to remember what happens in the loop and also retain his skills. Arriving at Loopers Academy, the only magic school that teaches people how to become loopers, Gaus finds himself torn between a powerful necromancer who wants to use his power to stay in the loop, a second time loop, and human clones. Do you think being trapped in one time loop is bad? Well, try being trapped in two.

Magajin_Wilbafos · Fantasy
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60 Chs

46. Something you should know

"Twelve days," she said. "Maybe thirteen, I don't know. It's best if we just stick to twelve."

Tyren walked out of the circle and kicked the nearest stone. "Dammit! I was so close before this damn woman showed up. I would have taken his soul and he wouldn't even notice it. It would be pain-free. I wanted to let him go in peace." He paced around the room for several minutes while she watched him in silence. "Even with the soul-pillars, it wasn't supposed to degrade this fast. I was expecting the whole thing to favor us."

"Normal soul-pillars aren't supposed to break the soulbond," Nadin said. "Yes, they can delay it but not break it. I still don't know how it happened."

"But Minorita isn't normal," he said. "She must have done something to the soul-pillars. I won't put it past her to enhance them with the Will of Immortality."

"Now what do we do?" Nadin asked. "In twelve days, the soul bond would be degraded completely. You won't even remember the time loop if that happens."