
A Chaotic Night

(7:42 p.m.)

(Toyama Outskirts)

Our carriage was attacked by enemies and blown up, hindering our travel speed. It was night time when we reached Toyama's outskirts.

As the night darkens and the charred smell thickens, echoes of gunshots and sword clashes could be heard.

It was a chaotic night indeed.

Walking over a hill, we could finally see the city before us. A burning city, and a wooden fort to the South West. The sources of the explosions seems to have came from the bombardment from that fort.

"Ah, it all made sense now." Said Kenshin as he watched the scene of the battle.

"What made sense?"

"Genji specifically mentioned that the enemy had them cornered with their superior firepower... Of course it'd be the case if they rebuilt that damned fort in such a short time. Immediately after I razed it to the ground, no less!"

"What should we do now then, Kenshin-sama?"

"The front line is at that direction... From our position if we flanked and went around the outskirts, we should be able to ambush the fort from behind where there's hopefully less artillery.

Taking that second gun fort down should stop this battle of attrition for a while... If they don't build a third one that is."

Kenshin proceeded to give the orders to a commander... And after all that, he immediately yelled : "Danzo."

"Yes, my Lord?" Replied the ninja who is standing right next to him the entire time.

"Lead a group of ninjas back to the city and inform the person in charge. Tell them to avoid shooting our own men, and to send their finest warriors towards the gun fort."

"Yes my Lord...."

"However, as good of a ninja you may be you are severely lacking in fighting ability. In that case...."

Kenshin looked towards me, with a face that screamed "I don't ask much favors from you but-"

"...Understood, Kenshin-sama. I'll guard her with my life."

"You have my gratitude. Now, let's stop wasting time and get this battle over with!"

"Oh-!" (?x)

As the soldiers around us shouted in a thunderous war cry, Danzo glared at me as if I had insulted her.

"Just don't slow us down."

"Don't be stupid... catching shinobis like you is my role back in Niigata."


[Third Person POV]

In the middle of the dark city roads, a platoon of guards in red armour patrolled the streets.

Armed with spears and musket rifles, they are a force to be reckoned with. Sitting at the flank of the battlefield they camped there with the intention of catching the enemies that are retreating....

But thats exactly what would become their fatal weakness - their guns are pointed at the wrong direction.

An object as fast as a bullet impaled into the head of one of the guard, killing him instantly. A shuriken at lightning speed.

"Wha-?! Enemy attack-"

'Thump!' As another tried to alert the others, a shadowy figure slammed onto the ground before them.

"That's the scout that's patrolling the roofs!"

"Shit, the enemy has the higher ground. Prepare yourself for combat!"

In that instant as the soldiers were focused on the commander and the dead ninja on the floor, another figure leapt towards the commander with a sword overhead.

"Two!" 'Shing!'

Takina brought her sword down as she dropped, cleaving a gap into his head.

The second soldier reacted instantly and pointed his gun at her. "Argh! Stay away!"

Immediately, she rips her sword out and swung a pile of blood to the guard next to her, blinding them. "Urgh-! I can't see-"

"Woah!" Takina immediately ducked down...

'Bang!' The soldier pulled the trigger, hitting another soldier behind Takina. "Argh!..."


As she counted, Takina rushed in and stabbed the guard in the chest... "And a four."

'Stab!' An instant kill, a stab to the heart.

"Everyone, surround her!"

"Uh oh... Time out!" She yelled before sprinting away trying to escape.

"Chase her! Don't let that bitch escape!"

The soldiers didn't know what to do other than to give chase... which was a grave mistake.

As soon as the platoon of about 9 soldiers ran right to the next corner of the street, a group of ninjas ambushed them. Some jumped down from above, others hid inside the houses.

Either way, every soldier was caught by surprise and assassinated without much resistance.

"Phew... Imagine if they have guns...." Takina sighed.

"I promised you that if they have guns we'd instantly snipe them out with my shurikens. We have your back." Kato Danzo replied from behind.

"Right right..."


[Takina's POV]

After ambushing that platoon, the rest of the way to the city is smooth.

"Phew... Entering friendly territory does give you a sense of security. Especially since I was sneaking through the dark back streets with cut throats next to me."

"Your disrespect knows no bound, Fujiwara-dono. Perhaps you'd like me to shut it for you?"

"It was just a joke, calm down..."

While Danzo was threatening me, a man dressed in a set of black armour walked over.

"We asked for reinforcements not jesters. Who the hell are you lots?"

That's quite the attitude.

"General Tamahara, Kenshin-sama sent us to deliver a message. He will be flanking the gun fort alongside the reinforcements, he asks that you assist him in taking down the fort."

"Hmm. Is he approaching from the sides of the fort?"


"That could work... Very well, you may take it easy now. Leave the heavy lifting to us."

"Thank you, General Tamahara."

Finally, our mission is complete. Now I can go a find Sora-

"You... Why are you here?" General Tamahara called out... to me.


"Lord Genji has many burdens... and I consider you one of them."

I lowered my stance and put my hand on the Katana...

"Save this for later, General Tamahara. It is Kenshin-sama's wish the reason she's here. I'm sure she'll be helpful to you in retaking the gun fort."

"Wait, who the hell said anything about helping-"

As I protested Danzo's suggestion of me heading into battle with General Tamahara, she grabbed me by the shoulder and whispered to me.

"It's more dangerous for you to stay here than on the battlefield, as Kenshin-sama is the only one who can protect you.... You wouldn't want to be ganged up on by Genji's underlings would you?"


"Then it's settled. Take her into battle with you, she'll guard your life with hers, General."

"I personally don't like the idea of bringing someone with me who could potentially stab my back... but if that's what Kenshin-sama desires then so be it.

Lady Fujiwara, it seems that by coincidence you and I will get to fight together once again."

While I do not object to fighting alongside him, having to do so in the middle of a war no less is troublesome...


(5 minutes later...)

After giving out commands, the general led me to the stables of the camp site.... The yells and shrieks of horses could be heard from inside the stable as we approached.

The troubled stableman was trying to control the chaotic stable of horses going crazy, as if anticipating the upcoming battle and wishing not to join.

But the instant that the general enters the stable, all manners of neighs and shrieks disappeared, calming down at the presence of the general alone.

"It seems that even the stallions are restless... Many of them will fall to this upcoming battle, we are charging directly at the fort after all."


"Sigh... Before we get started, let me say this to you here now that there aren't any of the retainers nearby."

The general turned around and looked at me in the eye.

"I'm sorry for what happened. It wasn't my call on whether or not your Lord can be saved, but if I was in your shoe.... I'd have challenged Genji regardless."


"I also knew that you're here just for the boy, you aren't an enemy of the clan at all. Given that you knew the entire clan would be against you, you came on a suicide mission. That's real bravery right there."

"...General, let me ask of you this. Are you going to fight me?"

"Yes. As the proper retainer to Genji, it is my duty to protect him at all costs, even if it means I am fighting on the wrong side.

If you continue down this path then surely we will cross our blades in the near future. And when that time comes...."

He walked up to me, took my arm, and placed it on his neck.

"...You mustn't hesitate to strike me down. It is your duty, it has to be this way."

"...I wished it wouldn't have come to this."

"So do I, beautiful."

The general grabbed on the leash and hopped onto the horse. The heavy rackles of the horse armour shows just how much this 'Onikake' can carry.

Mounted on the side of the horse itself are the weapons used by the general, a large spear and a longbow.

"Let's stop our chatting and head into battle. We have a long night ahead."


After the general rode on his horse, he led the soldiers forward towards the front lines armed with guns and spears.

As soon as they saw our forces, Kenshin's troops began attacking the gun fort from the sides where they took away most of their attention. Using this chance when the enemy didn't have enough troops to mount their artillery, our soldiers charged towards the fort.

"Hang on tight, lady Fujiwara! Without wearing Armour, even a stray bullet can take your life."

"I know! Focus on steering the damned horse will you?!"

As we got closer to the fort, sounds of bullets whiffing pass us began to appear. And soon after, sounds of them hitting Tamahara's armour and well as the horse's armour could be heard. Right next to us, a few tens of horsemen rode as well.

The heavy cavalry of Uesugi Clan is dressed in thick steel armour, not easily penetrated by mere primitive fire arms.

As the charge continued on, we got within range.

"Yah!!!" (?x)

'Thud!' (?x)

The calvary all rammed into the first row of enemies in front. Tamahara's great spear impaled multiple soldiers in front before his horse stopped the momentum.

"Don't stop! Let us punch a hole straight into the fortress! Hyah!" General Tamahara yelled before shouting at his horse to continue charging.

Seeing someone from the sides trying to hit me, I pulled out my katana and swung at him. 'Tink!'

My attack was weak and easily bounced off when it hit the enemy's spear. I'm not familiar with fighting on horseback.

However, with a single swipe of his heavy spear, Tamahara cleanly cleaved the soldier in half.

"Fujiwara, hang on tight!"

I hugged his back immediately as he said that... The general raised his great spear over head, and as he did so a gush of winds gathered around the spear.

"Hah!" He swung it downwards at the crowds of soldiers in front of us, and blasted a wave of powerful winds that knocked a path open into the fort.

"Cavalries, follow me!"

The drawbridge of the fort was being pulled up even while we were fighting... Countless horsemen rushed for that tight window before the drawbridge could be closed, and leapt into the fort through that way.

Of the hundred of horsemen, only a few tens made it in including us before the drawbridge was closed.

"Shit, the enemy is here!"

"Quickly! Tell the others that the main gate was breached!"

The general raised his hand and signalled our soldiers to calm down and regroup.

"We have made it into the fort, but our battle has just begun. Let us continue on foot, it is difficult to battle on horseback in such a tight space."

The horses were left at the main gate's entrance, and the 30 or so soldiers gathered with their spears and swords...

"Alright. Now, we have two things to do. The first is to open this drawbridge again to let more of our troops in. The second objective is to take the high ground on the battlements to attack the enemy mages and Gunners that are still shooting at our men.

Ryouman, take 20 men and go lower the drawbridge. I'm sure there will be plenty of resistance nested at the control room."

"You can count on me, sir."

"The rest, follow me. We will secure the high ground to provide assistance to our soldiers. Fujiwara, you stay close."

"General! What is that?!"

The shout of a soldier could be heard when the tents around the fort crumbled as if something big had ran them over.

And when the tents were finally all destroyed, the culprit behind it was seen.

A giant spider the size of a freight truck rushed towards us, without any intention to stop.

"Watch out!" The general immediately grabbed the horse's leash and pulled it out of the way. I grabbed onto the leash as well and jumped away... and just a second later-

'Thump!' The giant spider slammed into the drawbridge, killing the few horses and a soldier who was in the way.

That was close! If I had been just a bit late I'd have been reduced to a mere pancake.

The spider stumbles backward and dropped on the floor, stunned from the impact. And it is this moment that I noticed smokes coming out from it's back.


"Tiger stripes and that massive size... It's a dirt spider (Tsuchigumo).

Bastards must've trapped that thing in here, and used fire to direct the spider towards us. Where in God's name did they find it..." The general proclaimed.

"How the hell are we supposed to take it down?..."

"Easy, you go for the weakest part of it's armour - it's under belly."

"Easier said than done!"

"That applies to everything." The general grabbed the longbow from his horse and tucks an arrow into it...

The spider, finally recovered from it's concussion finally got up from the ground and turned around.

Winds gathered around the arrow of Tamahara's bow, forming a vortex around it similar to when Genji used it.

"Hah...." Then, he released the string.

The arrow shot forth in a straight line like that of a bullet, and penetrates one of the many eyes of the spider, causing it to writhe in pain.


"Now it has attention on us. Everyone, go and do your responsibility! I will handle this spider."

"O-oh! We will be counting on you, general!"

"Don't be stupid, you can't take that thing down by yourself!" I tried to get him to run as well, but the man simply replied :

"It'd be a shame to not hunt down one of the more infamous man eaters of Japan. Besides, someone had to kill it before it gets outside!"

"Argh...! Fine, I'll fucking help you take it down, but don't expect me to save you if it starts dining on you."


"That's more than good enough for me. Let's do this, Fujiwara."

(Chapter End)

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