
Walk The Line


Where am I? 

My body feels strange? 

What is happening?

I open my eyes to dark sky full of stars, the sky is clearer than usual, so much clearer than usual. The prettiest I've ever seen in my life. Everything feel different, like a dream, wet woods scent, sounds of owls getting ready to hunt, beautiful. All my senses works differently, the surface of the grass, the texture of every leaves below me, warmth of the soil. 

My whole body feel different, better. 

I've never felt like this before. I feel powerful and recharged, I have no fear of anything, insects, darkness, nothing right now. I feel free. Freedom that I've never experience before.

Sunoo :

"You awake? How do you feel? Hungry?"

A boy, very pretty looking boy, with upturned eyes, he look almost like a fox. I almost mistaken him for a girl, that is how pretty he is. 

His facial expression shows that he is worrying about something, or someone. Me? There is no one else here but us. I try to breath in as much air as possible, open and closed my eyes to make sure this isn't a dream. But as I try to focus, everything become so much clearer. This isn't a dream.

I can feel everything, wet grass below me, cold wind caressing my face softly, I'm in the woods.

But why am I here? I know for sure that this wasn't a dream but where am I? What am I doing here, laying on the ground with a stranger staring at me. My clothes are all wet, soaked in water, but it doesn't bother me, the temperature doesn't bother me.

I stand up, trying to feel my body, stretch a little. This is strange, I don't feel like myself anymore.  I feel upgraded as if my whole organs function better, my back pain that I've been experiencing for years is gone, my breathing is better, like just woke up from deep sleep, I feel fully recharged, full of energy.

Despite all the good things, something is clearly wrong. Strange.

Me :

"I feel, different, better."

He is the only one I can talk to right now. The stranger. I have no one else to do the explanation.

He smile at me. Tilt his head in a cute way. Somehow he doesn't feel like a stranger, I feel rather familiar and comfortable with his presence. I like him being here with me, I like watching him, I adore his beauty. 

Sunoo :

"However you are a vampire now. Consider it a blessing. My boss told me you turned vampire today."

He talk to me in a cheerful manner. Straight forward but cheerful. 

Suddenly my head start recalling everything that had happened. Pieces of memories coming back to me, bits after bits.

I was molested and tortured before they dumped my body in the lake. Money, I owe money to the wrong people for years and they decided to teach me a lesson instead and sell Jungwon's organ in black market. Tragic ending.

But how am I not feeling anything? No sadness, anger. Nothing. I don't feel any damage with my body, no physical trauma, nothing. I don't hate the people that harmed me as much as I suppose to and I'm not scared of facing life after being raped. Am I developing mental illness? Am I crazy? The boy in front of me, is he even exist, or just a figure I created.

Me :

"I'm a vampire now. That is it? That is the whole explanation of me being here?"

He chuckle. Stand up from his sitting position.

Sunoo :

"You were molested, and dumped in the lake near here, I brought you here, wait for you to regain consciousness. Well someone order me to be here, at this time, this particular moment to see you. I didn't know at first I supposed to save you from anyone. But if you are vampire before that, It's a little peculiar for you to get raped and dumped in a lake by mere human."

Everything didn't make any sense. But the fact that he is here, saved me from the lake and the fact that my body feel so much different, its hard to think otherwise.  I clearly feel everything in my body, my senses are hundred times better than normal, and I somehow know that this stranger didn't lie about anything he just said. Am I having hallucination right now? 

Me :

"I believe you are telling the truth, I don't want to act surprise, scared and I'm clearly not good at showing that emotion. What should I do now, as a vampire beside changing my diet."

I decided to go with the flow, whatever this is.

I know something is different with me now, everything is different, I can feel it. This boy is not lying. Although its hard to make sense of everything right now, I have no other option but to listen to whatever he has to say.

Sunoo :

"I like you, you seems cool, and wise enough not to be hysterical about all this. This save me from secondhand embarrassment.  Well, there are rules and many other things you need to know. Let's go home with me to our headquarter. My order is to fetch you and take you home. I think its not my part to do the explanation."

He stand up, give me a denim jacket to wear over my wet tank top.

Me :

"Before that, my twin brother is still with them. People that raped me, Jungwon is still with them, I have to get him.  I will come with you only if he came along."

Sunoo smile.

Sunoo :

"Ah, that is why. Now I get it. I was ordered to fetch a twins, male and female, but I only see one vampire. So you have a brother? Alright, let's find him first. No, we have to find him first. That is my mission. My name is Kim Sunoo, and I'm also your brother for now on. Your older brother, so you better use honorific." 

Sunoo walk in front of me and I follow him. He lead me to his car, a white color sedan, park  

Me :

"You know where they are?"

Sunoo :

"Your scent, you said Jungwon is your brother? You share a similar blood scent with your brother, your blood scent must be similar. Try to capture his scent yourself, you might be better than me, he is your brother after all."

Blood scent. Right.

Now I can smell him too. He is right.

Me :

"I'll drive your car. Can I?"

Sunoo nodded.

I like this boy, somehow I feel a bond with him and feel comfortable with him around, like a family. I feel like I can count on him, depend on him. He said he is my brother for now on, he is right, it does feel like that with him.

Sunoo :

"When you arrived don't kill anyone, we are not allowed to kill human. Feed on them is fine. And break few bones is fine or we can take their eyeballs for souvenir."

Me :

"Ah they have family, they still have to make money. How are they going to work if I make them cripple? I might just cut of their reproduction organ. Some thing that clearly useless for them."

I smile at Sunoo.

Sunoo :

"You are kind, for someone that just got raped but also a little psychotic."

We follow Jungwon's scent for one hour and arrived in front of an alley. Sunoo and I walk out of the car and walk to one of Chinese restaurant, Jungwon is there, I can smell him, feel him.  We walk in the restaurant passed the kitchen area, and there in one of the room I see Jungwon, laying on the floor, beaten up.

Me :

"Hello uncles, give me back my brother."

They look surprised. They probably thought I was dead.

Jungwon face is full of bruises, he is laying on the floor with both of his hand tied up. They tortured him. His left eye is swollen badly but he is still conscious. 

Jungwon :

"Run, Jihye."

Sunoo walk to one of them, hit him on his head and he fell of the floor unconscious. The amount of power he has, its inhumane. 

Sunoo :

"Don't you find it cool? Do as much as you like but don't kill any of them."

He smile.

Another three guy move forward to attack Sunoo but I fight them instead, until they fell unconscious on the floor. I try hard to hold my power so I don't kill them, following Sunoo's instruction.

Me :

"Let's go home."

Sunoo nodded and take Jungwon with him to the car, while I finish them like how I wanted to.



A mansion. 

So big.

Sunoo park his car.

There are probably twenty over cars parking here, and a lot of motorcycle.  The building is light grey in color, look rather modern than gothic, doesn't look like a vampire lair  at all. Modern industrial design, something young adult nowadays love, very chic.  The garden also well design, but almost like a pine forest, as if they use it to shade themselves from people although the nearest house from here probably one kilometers away and that house look like a vacation house.

Sunoo :

"Alright we are here, my place, our place. Jungwon is still unconscious. Don't wake him up, let him be. He need to wake up by himself to complete the transformation without any premature effect. I'll carry him to his room, don't worry."

To be honest I'm not worried. I can feel it, I can feel that he is alright.    

How many people living here? Or wiser to say, how many vampires living here. This house is too big for a family, and the amount of vehicle they have? How many vampires are residing here. Will they welcome me? What should I do. I don't know anything about vampirism.

Me :

"Sunoo, all Vampire were human before they turned, right?"

Sunoo :

"Yes, non of us are cat before we turned."

He giggle. Making fun of my question.

Me :

"So, all of them communicate like human, right?"

Sunoo :

"We've been talking all the way here. Do  I sound like a cat? Jihye, are you nervous?"

I nodded. Look away.

Me :

"I've never seen any vampire before you, I don't know anything about vampire."

Sunoo :

"Jihye, no vampire know about vampire before they turned. We are vey discreet society. So, chin up. And plus, this is already midnight, they probably went out hunting blood or doing work, scouting, you will not find many of them inside. Just for your information, there aren't many vampire living here."

Sunoo is very talkative and informative, I'm glad he is the one fetch me.  

We walk in the house.

This place look like a fancy hotel, with dozens of rooms, luxurious facilities. Every inch of this house is well design, every corner, the furniture, home decoration, lighting, the owner of this house must be very particular person with good sense of fashion.

Jasmine scent mix with mint, a hint of iron scent from blood, very pleasing smell, lingering around my nose. I can't believe there is this kind of accommodation in the middle of nowhere.  

I follow Sunoo to one of the room. He said I have to live here for now on, and it sounded more like a command than an offer and I'm happy to obey. I haven't pay my rent for nearly half a year, and the land lord is not exactly someone you want to come across on daily basis. 

We stop at one of the room. Room number eight. They used teak wood for the door, imported I presume. Teak wood only grown in tropical country and a very heavy wood, to ship them here must cost a fortune.

Sunoo :

"Jungwon will stay in number seven, just beside you."

We bring Jungwon to his room and place him on the bed.

Me :

"Is he going to wake up soon?"

Sunoo smile at me. Hug me, and whisper to my ear.

Sunoo :

"He will wake up in exactly three hours, consider this a blessing. Now leave to your room, clean your self up, because you look awful.  And my boss will see you shortly."

His boss? 

I look at Jungwon, sleeping comfortably on his bed. This room is well decorated and very comfortable. There is even laptop and PlayStation for him.  Jungwon wound and bruises slowly disappeared, is he is turning to vampire too? His smell is different now. His blood smell is different. Why is this happening to us? Sunoo didn't do anything to him, to me, how are we turning to vampire.

Me and Sunoo walk out of Jungwon's room. Letting him rest.

Sunoo tap my shoulder, smile and walk away.

Me :

"Who am I meeting, who is expecting me."

I shouted at him while he is walking away. The corridor is empty, only the both of us.

He turn his body, giving me a sassy look.

Sunoo :

"Our maker. Park Jimin.  I thought he made you vampire, your whole body reek of him, just like me. I supposed you've seen him before."

He continue walking.

Park Jimin. My maker. The one that turned me to vampire. But when did he turned me? When did I met him? When I was unconscious? In the lake, before I met Sunoo? Must be around that time if not I would've known. 

This house feel earie, its too big and feels too empty.

I walk to my room and close the door. Everything is ready for me, clothes, toiletries, everything is also adjusted to my liking. The choice of clothing that I like, perfume scent that I like, everything is adjusted to my preferences. How? Am I expected to be here? This is insane.

I slap my face, thinking that I should wake up from all this but nothing happened.

I lay on the bed facing the ceiling. I was molested and thrown in the lake, that was probably six hours ago. All this doesn't make any sense. Where is all the rage, sadness, I don't feel any of those emotions.



Someone knock the door softly. Two to three times before I realize.

Jimin :

"Jihye, can I enter?"

I stand up, tidy up my hair with my finger.  

A soft voice. 

Me :


Park Jimin? I thought he will summoned me.

Jimin :

"Hello, Yang Jihye. I'm Jimin. Long time no see?"

Long time no see?

Do I know him? Have we met before?

His hair is silver color, his eyes is small but sharp with monolids. He has plump lips and oval shaped face. His presence is strong, it somehow make me nervous. But strangely I feel close to him. I'm an outgoing person as human but I never let anyone I'm not close with, enter my space. But this man, I feel like I'm suppose to be with him.

Me :

"Do I know you?"

Jimin smile.

He is wearing white color shirt and dark grey pants. Jimin is looking my age or a little older than me.

Jimin :

"Can I sit on your bed. I owe you explanations, and it's going to be a long one."

I nodded.

Let him sit on my bed and I sit beside him like an obedient little child. My feelings towards Jimin is strange. I feel love towards him, affection, so much of affection but not lust. I want to be close to him.

Me :

"I feel familiar with this place, with you, with Sunoo. How is this possible? Sunoo told me you are my maker, but we've never met before. Not that I know of."

Jimin caress my hair softly. I startled a little. Move away. But he chuckle, as if I did something cute. His hand is soft,  and he smells like spring, like blooming flower.

Jimin :

"You and Jungwon are my first born, the blessed twins they said."

Me :

"First born, blessed? When did this happened?"

Jimin nodded.

Jimin :

"Long ago in the midst of war, me, along with another six people found a fountain and drank from it out of thirst. A little that we don't know, the fountain make us immortals, and turned us to monster like creature called vampire. We travel around the world to find out more about ourselves but we found nothing, we are sure that the seven of us is the first of vampire and since then we call ourselves Initials, the first of our kind. As we learn about ourselves we found out that this condition, vampirism is like a virus that can be transmitted through venomous bite mixed with our blood so with that we can create a civilization, our kind, a colony, that time we don't know that vampire can be a reason of human extinction. We were young and reckless.  We don't know that vampire that are made by us through blood bond can be very aggressive and hard to tamed. Not all vampire are able to control the hunger and the power than comes with it. So everyone of us that already created offspring start to kill their own babies, and that is something devastating to do, as blood bond is similar to mother and daughter bond. I on the other hand, yet to create an offspring."

Me :

"This was hundreds years ago?"

Jimin :

"Yeah, long ago. Some survived the holocausts but not many, some that can managed to control their inner vampire. I wasn't interested in making a colony back then, I was in love with a lady and forgetting my vampire self, pretending to be human. Her name is Baek Ji Heon, she is so bright and has the most beautiful smile. She felt the same towards me. We got married and have babies. Everything was so beautiful."

Me :

"Vampire can have babies?"

Jimin :

"Only male vampire can impregnated human, female vampire can't get pregnant. The anatomy of vampire not allowed female vampire to change their body function, to grow something inside the body. After a while we realize the pregnancy wasn't normal, the babies she carried in her womb wasn't normal. They are killing her from inside by consuming her blood. I was desperate back then trying hard to convince her to kill the babies, something hard for me to do. Blood bond for vampire is something almost impossible to break, my decision to kill the babies wasn't easy, I ask her to turned her to vampire and kill the babies inside her, that was the easiest way back then.  I talked it out with Ji Heon and she refused, but she give me another option, witch craft. We move the babies to another womb. I know this wasn't a wise thing to do, its rather evil. The babies expected to killed their host after eight months. Human sacrifice, "

Me :

"They? There are more than one baby? Twins?"

Jimin :

"You and Jungwon is my first born. You and Jungwon are the babies."

The memories start appearing, one by one, flash back of my life before this, I remember the feeling when I was in my mother's womb. I remember Jimin's voice calling my name.

I wasn't human, I was never human.

Me :

"What am I, I'm very sure I was human, I got hurt, I grew up, I got my period from time to time. I can't be vampire. I was admitted in hospital two months ago for dengue."

Jimin :

"I never told you that both of you are vampires, the both of you are different breed, your own breed."

Me :

"How is this even real? I'm 22. I have human mother that died giving birth to me and Jungwon."

Jimin :

"When I told you we move the baby to another womb, its a womb of a woman in the future, another period, another century. The time when you were born wasn't a good time for you to live in. There are war between vampire and werewolf, but the worse part is the holocausts. We killed thousands of vampire because their inability to control their urge to kill human and by that time, me and your mother, we both unsure what kind of creature you will become but we don't want to risk your life either."

Me :

"But we grew up, me and Jungwon, both of us grew up. I had my periods from time to time, we eat rice and cooked meals."

Jimin :

"Yeah, until today, your birthday, twenty two years old, the age your mother gave birth to you. Today is the day time stop for you, the day your human life end."

I love this man, I can feel all the hardship and sacrifice he made, I can feel those emotions clearly as if we are one. He is been living a pitiful life.  My eyes start to tear up.

Me :

"Why didn't you come to us, before this, before the incident today, long before that, when we both live in an orphanage. Why didn't you come to us?"

I don't hate him, I couldn't hate him.

Jimin hug me. I can feel tears drop on my shoulder.

Jimin :

"I can't. I want to, badly, I want to come when Jungwon were bullied at school, I want to come when you need money to go to movie with your friends, I want to come so bad but I just couldn't. You were molested Jihye, by people you owe money from, imagine how I feel as a parent. I want to be with you badly. But there are price to pay with witch craft, a sacrifice, for me it was time, I can't make any contact with you and if I did it will cost me your life and Jungwon's. Any kind of contact, even through someone, I have to watch you grow from a far, without being able to help you, to care for you. That is the payment, it tormented me badly. I almost can't live with myself."

Me :

"Mom? Where is she? Is she here with us in this house?"

Jimin whisper to me.

Jimin :

"She past away few hours ago, when you turned twenty two. That is her sacrifice, chances to meet you. But she love you so much, you have to know that."

Jimin wipe his tears and stand up. I can feel he don't want to continue to talk about mother.

Me :

"I didn't blame you for what you've done."

He smile at me.

Jimin :

"Alright, I have a meeting to attend with the board. Make yourself comfortable. I'll talk to Jungwon soon as he woke up. I have assigned someone as your mentor, one of First Tier  vampire like you. There are ten of them including you and Jungwon. I know this is hard for you and Jungwon. But I will help you the best I can. And, don't walk out of this house before you learn everything, because once you are vampire, you have many enemies outside."

He kiss my forehead and left.

I don't feel burdened by anything, I don't mind life as a vampire, my live as a human wasn't exactly great either. But my heart is aching because of what my mom and dad been trough. 

I clean my self up and change so something descent. As I screen trough everything in this room, I know for sure that Jimin knows me well, he didn't lie when he told me he watch me grew up. He know I love orchid and monochrome color clothing, he also know I love earthy perfume scent. He is a good father. I can feel his affection.



My mentor?

Jake :

"Can I enter? Jimin asked me to come and see you."

Me :

"Can we talk outside instead? I think I need fresh air."

Jake :

"Sure, let's walk down together?"

I open the door and walk out of my room. The man standing in front of me looking very friendly, brown hair, wide smile and puppy like face with high nose bridge. He is a little shorter than Sunoo but look more matured. 

Me :

"Alright. I'm ready."

He nodded and walk beside me.

Jake :

"How do you feel?"

Me :

"Different, but not in a bad way."

We walk passed the corridor and walk down the stairs

Jake :

"Not hungry? If you are we can get something to drink from the kitchen."

Me :

"I'm not. Can we sit outside?"

Jake :


Me :


We walk to the poolside.

An Olympic size swimming pool, with an open bar in the middle.  

Jake :

"Where do you want to sit? We will have plenty to talk about."

Me : 


I pointed at a corner with one table and four chairs.

We both walk there and sit down.

Jake :

"Jimin told me you are special, both you and Jungwon. Before you and Jungwon there are no first tier vampire made in this era, the rest of us is hundreds over years old. This era is probably sixth or seventh tier generation. I guess that is what make you special."

Me :

"You are hundred over years?"

I look at him in disbelieve.

Jake :

"Why? What's wrong?"

Me :

"Nothing. Are you old or young for vampire? How should I greet you?"

He laugh.

Jake :

"I'm old, very old. Just a hundred year younger than Jimin. I'm a first tier vampire, all of us before you and Jungwon came are my age. We didn't determine seniority based on age, we use tier. So, you can call me by name, because we are in he same level."

I nodded like little girl listen to lecture.

Me :


He smile.

Jake :

"There are tiers in vampire community and that based on bloodline, first tier like us, we are made by the initial vampires. If I turned someone to a vampire that someone will be a second tier and if that someone create another vampire, that vampire will be third tier and so on. Our capability is also different, the closer our bloodline to the original vampires, the stronger we are. So we are currently the strongest line after the initials. Some of us also inherited special ability from our maker."

I try to absorb everything as fast as possible.

Me : 

"So all of first tier vampire are living here?"

Jake :

"Only the one from our clan, first to third tier vampire from Jimin's blood line are living here, third to fifth living in another accommodation. This clan don't have vampire below fifth tier because the fifth tier vampire in this clan are not allowed to be a maker. Jimin make the rule. Other clan probably have tenth tier already."

So there are clans, vampire clans. Mine is Jimin's clan.

Me :

"So, if I create a vampire, that vampire will be second tier."

Jake :

"Yes, correct. You seems to have something in mind. Before anything, do you have question? You can ask me anything."

I look at his eyes. 

Me :

"Are we really that blood thirst? Jimin told me about the holocausts, how bad it is to nihilate thousands of vampires?"

He startled and suddenly look uncomfortable. 

Jake :

"Was really bad, human will extinct if the initial didn't  do something. The war between us and werewolf created enough damage, too many casualty, too many life were taken, if we add vampire rampage on human, they can't survive. The decision to eliminate almost half of our kin was a selfless decision. It is hard to kill your own bloodline. Its really hard."

Me :

"You killed anyone? You live in that era right? All of the first tier except me and Jungwon."

What am I saying. Why would I ask him that?

Jake :

"Twenty seven vampires, with my own hand. Two of them are my direct bloodline, second tiers vampires."

He smile but his eyes show sadness. 

Me :

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. How inconsiderate of me. I'm sorry."

Jake :

"Nah, I'm good. Anyway, do you possesses any strange ability? Like this."

He change the topic to something else to conceal his sadness.

Suddenly a burst of flame floating on his index finger, orange color flame mixed with purple, green and blue, very pretty. It change shapes to rabbit and change back to it original form before it disappeared.

I'm impressed.

Touch his hand, moving it up and down, checking if he use any tricks. 

Me :


He chuckle. He probably think I'm stupid.

Jake :

"Pyrokinesis, something I inherited from Jimin. Do you experience anything, any ability other than hypnotist?"

I guess all vampire can conduct hypnotist, like what Sunoo did earlier. That is probably our basic perk.

Me :

"Is clairvoyance consider strange? Just few second ago, when we sit here, I can see Jungwon sleeping in his room and Sunoo is there with him. There is another guy, strong jawline, eagle eyes, his skin is a little tanned compare to you and he is taller than Sunoo. "

Jake laughs. He look happy. 

Jake :

"We have a clairvoyant in our clan, what a bless. That is rare ability. The guy, the one look like an eagle is Jay another first tier vampire. A clairvoyant can save us from many scouting job. I'm so glad, scouting job is really tiring."

He pat my head like a little girl.

Me :

"So its consider useful, I'm glad. I really hope I have something useful to contribute, I don't want to be a burden to Jimin. I want to help him."

Jake nodded. He seems please with me.

Jake :

"Even your reaction is the best among all vampire ever made, you are not scared and you didn't even flinch bombarded with a lot of new facts about yourself. You haven't even eaten since you turned, I didn't smell blood from you, only a little form your hand. Sunoo told me you got into a fight before you came. Most or if not all new born will experience severe hunger on their first day, and they scared and depressed about everything. With human, depression lead to excessive eating, with vampires, all emotions lead to excessive eating. Sadness, anger, happiness,  love, jealousy everything will lead to excessive eating. You on the other hand behaving like a well trained old vampire. Take your time to digest everything, don't rush into things, get to know other vampires in this house, make friends. Being a vampire is a new life, not a new job. Don't treat this like a mission to do. Enjoy your new life, and this life is forever. Take things slow."

Me :

"You will be Jungwon's mentor too? Or someone else will?"

Jake :

"Because you said Jay is beside him how, waiting for him to wake up, I guess Jay will be his mentor. Jay is soft hearted vampire, chatty and loud too.  Jungwon will love him."

Me :

"What about yourself? What kind of vampire you are?"

He look at me, soften his gaze. Up until now he is been looking at me like how a clerk looking at me in a bank, like I'm some sort of task he have to get done. 

Jake :

"Me? I'm quite alright. A little introvert but love company of loved ones. I love outdoor activity, nature. Me, Niki and Heeseung went fishing not long ago, healing trip. What about you? Any hobby, something you love to do when you were human?"

I've never done anything as human. All I do is go to school and work after school and after I graduated I don't have time to do anything other than work to pay for Jungwon's college fee. He is smarter than me, and probably have more chance to get a well paid job after graduated.  

Me :

"Cooking, I love cooking. But I don't think I'll love it anymore since food is not my primary needs anymore. I love outdoor too, camping, hiking, we can go together sometimes."

I've never done that. All of that except cooking.

Jake :

"Sure, and because I'm your mentor, I have feeling that the next shuffle you will be my partner, then we will spend most of time together. We can do outdoor activity in-between jobs."

Shuffle? Partner? 

Me :

"Partner to do what?"

Jake :

"Ah, we have task as vampire, from internal affairs, external, business and well many other things. Each of us will have to be partnered up to do task for few years before reshuffle. My current partner is Jay and next moth we have to reshuffle."

Me :

"Can you show me around this house?"

Jake stand up. 

Jake :

"My pleasure, let's go."

We spent the rest of the day doing house tour. Jake is very warm vampire, he is even nicer than most of human I know. This house is divided into two wings, east and west and a central area which is common space. There are approximately sixty room in total, thirty east and thirty west, and only fifteen of it occupied.

Me :

"What is this?"

We stop at one big wall at the library. There is drawing of this clan family tree.

Jake :

"You see, Jimin is the first in this clan then he created eleven vampires. Ji Heon was his first and his lover, she past away few hours ago, and we are in our mourning period right now. She is a very nice lady. All of us were very close to her, she is like a mother to us all. Then There is Lee Heeseung, vampire with the strongest mind power of all, a nice guy, a little introvert but very passionate with what he love. Funny and a game addict. This is Jay, Park Jongseong, the guy you saw earlier in Jungwon's room, the strongest of us. He have expensive taste and love fashion. Then me, Sim Jaeyoon is my real name. This one is a mix breed, part vampire, part werewolf, Park Sunghoon, quiet at first but once you know him, he is loud and funny. Then Sunoo, Kim Sunoo, you've met him before, he can control gravitation. This one is Nakamura Kazuha, you will like her, very friendly girl. And the last one is this boy, Nishimura Riki, wild card, a little blood thirst but very powerful, he can control shadow.  And this is you and Jungwon. Yang Jihye and Yang Jungwon, let me add your name. He write down my name and Jungwon's name with a brush. Moving to second tier, this one is Huh Yunjin, and Miyawaki Sakura, Heeseung's bloodline. This one is Kim Chaewon, Jay's bloodline and this one is Hong Eunchae, also Jay's bloodline."

Me :

"Other than Heeseung and Jay, non of you have vampire offspring."

Jake :

"Yeah, this clan is the smallest one in numbers. But even that, we are the second strongest  clan. Jimin might not be the strongest physically, but non of other initial have many special ability like him."

We move to walk in chiller nearby the kitchen, there is also a room full of medical equipment.

Me :

"Vampire can get sick?"

Jake chuckle.

Jake :

"That one is for donor, sometimes we paid for donor. People with high quality blood, they sell their blood to us with good price. Some of us like Jay and Sunghoon, they consume high quality fresh blood, for me I can live with blood bags. I'm not really picky about food."

We move to the armory, another room near the staircase.

I see many weapon, mostly made of silver. 

Me :

"What is this for?  I don't know vampire need weapon."

Jake :

"Werewolves and stray vampires, we still need to fight them from time to time. With werewolves its always about territory, some of werewolf clans are against our peace treaty, we fought for territory most of the times. With other vampires, to keep them from revealing themselves to the world and keeping them from killing human too. Oh yeah, we can't kill human, that is the rule. Once we kill human, we will become stray and dismissed from the clan without protection."

I walk through the shelves, looking at the weapon one by one. There are names on it. A great sword with dragon carved on it. Sim Jaeyoon. This sword is his.  

Me :

"This one is yours?"

He move closer than me.

Jake :

"This one, I use this long ago. People used to call me dragon, they said I spit fire and turned to monster at night, which not entirely false. This one I use during the war, hundreds over years ago. It help me do a lot of killing."

He walk away from the armory, as if he don't want to spend more time there.

We walk around the house and he showed me all I need to see.

Me :

"Thank you, for assisting me."

Jake :

"You are welcome."

He walk me back to my room.

Me :

"Alright, goodbye?"

Jake :

"And Jihye, tomorrow, I will teach you how to feed. I'll see you again tomorrow. And Jungwon is awake, he is with Jimin now, you can sleep if you want. It's not necessary to sleep but it will feel really good tomorrow."

I know what I have to do now.

Walk the line.