
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

The Third Trial / Sin And Mystery

"...Good morning, Ray." Says baldie as he wakes up, he seems to have thought the same as me... (i unfortunately get reminded that it wasn't all a bad dream...)

This time too, Mia has been awake before everyone else, "Good morning, Mia" i say, "Yeah, good morning" says Mia. I want to ask her how she got the new skill but i can't really teel her that she has a new skill... "Hey, Mia, how did you do that yesterday, you know, the thing you did when you stopped that guy's punch?" I ask, "You mean the super speed? I don't know either, i just felt like i was able to do it after looking at how that shadow monster was moving around.", ... That's not really something you learn after seeing it once... Well, at least i know that humans can learn new skills like that, maybe i'll be able to learn some skills too after practicing a tecnique for some time.

(Domo wakes up 4 minutes after that)

We eat breakfast and then go to the armory to take a better look at the weapons. There are all kinds of weapons, spears, many different types of swords, cool daggers and even staves and grimoires for the people who can use magic, too bad we can't. There were things like nunchucks and metal fists too!

I took a pair of black daggers with dark blue handles and a spear with its blade made out of a strange bright red metal. When i put my hand near it, it feels hot. The handle was made of metal wich was covered in sturdy black rubber. Too bad there weren't any bow or arrows otherwise i would have picked them instead of the spear. I took a medium sized wooden shield as well but i'll just tie it to my back for now.

Baldie took a metal armor, a warhammer (kinda cool) and a pair of gauntlets made of leather with medium sized metal spikes on the knuckles part. Spikes... Bad memories are coming back to my mind.

Domo took a longsword. Yes, that's all he took in the whole armory.

And Mia, as i already said before, took a black katana and light leather armor, but she looked through the armory again and managed to find some kunais too. For some unknown reason I have a feeling she'll find something like a black bandana artifact next.

And the remaining armors went to the villagers that helped the most in the Trials until now.

"Are you prepared? We're going for the Third Floor!" Says baldie trying to strenghten the morale of the, basically soldiers at this point, villagers. We open the door, go up the stairs, and open the next floor door and stand at the entrance this time too, but all of a sudden the wall behind us pushes us into the room by force, as if it had springs behind it to make it move. "What?! Did the wall just push us in?!" Says baldie surprised, "Circle formation! Be careful" continues baldie.

As we walk for a bit, i notice something in the distance with [Analyze], it was another bracelet artifact. I try to brighten up an area near it with the Light Pearl so we move that way and then i can take it without anyone noticing. I reach the artifact and pick it up.

"Congratulations! You have discovered one of the 7 Ancient Artifacts Of Original Sin! The Artifact you found is the [Bracelet Of Gluttony]"

What? Ancient artifact? Original Sin? This is one of a kind special artifact huh? Good for me, let's see the effects, [Analyze]...

Item Name: Bracelet Of Gluttony Type: Artifact

Grade: Ancient Series: Original Sin


- [Infinite Slots]: can store up to an infinite amount of skills.

- [Greedy Storage]: as the name implies, it works as a storage, but this one can contain infinite items! Good for you!

What? Isn't this kind of overpowered? WAIT. What if i can store living beings... I could "defeat" every monster without even fighting?!!! I doubt that would work, if it did whoever had this before would have conquered the whole world in like a month.

"Alert! [Analyze] detected a set effect in the item! Set effect: [May The Devil Cry]: having collected all of the Original Sins you now have enough power to make even the Devil cry!"

What? Analyze can do this? More than that, what a shady name and description... So it's either that all of the Original Sins are collocated in The Tower (since the text in that piece of paper we found at the start said it's a prison), or they're all scattered around the world and the Sin Of Gluttony is here in The Tower.

The appearce of the Bracelet Of Gluttony was strange, it's made by a string of black iron with the width of a pinky finger, maybe a bit smaller, and its ends meet in some kind of simbol made of the same black iron, it looks like some sharp teeth in a shape that resembles a mouth, creating a circle and thus a bracelet. after i put it on, it resized so that it could fit my wrist.

We continued exploring the floor but there was nothing, so we went for the door and opened it, after we did so, like usual, the torches lit up and brightened the entire room, and saw that there really was nothing. "Huh? What's happening here? Are there rooms with no trials?" Asks Domo confused, "Would be good if there were, but the piece of paper didn't say anything like that." responds baldie looking around suspiciously.

I think about the Bracelet Of Gluttony and a window similar to the status window appeared in front of me, but this time it only showed slots and nothing else, was that the inventory of the skill of Bracelet Of Gluttony? I look to the top left slot and see something, i think about the thing in the slot, and it comes out. It was the corpse of a dead monster, it looked like a giant... eyeball? Something similar to that at least. "Huh?! What's that?!!" Esclamates Domo alerted by the corpse of the monster, "Wait a second, it's not moving...? Is it dead?" Says baldie while carefully observing the monster's corpse.

I tried thinking about Domo after that but he didn't get stored into the bracelet. I even tried touching him on the shoulder while thinking about storing him but it didn't work. The only possible thing that could have happened is that the monster tried to take the ring but instead of it taking the bracelet, the bracelet took the monster? Maybe because it didn't recognize it as it's owner? But then why was i able to just take it like that? Is it because i'm recognized as a "Paradox" by [Analyze]?

There are too many mysteries related to this bracelet and this world, but i'll be sure to uncover them all, one by one...

Chapter 11 -End.