
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

The Origins Of The World

"So, are you going to tell me about this "Empire" and "Dungeons" you talked about??"

Asked baldie with a serious tone and face, "Of course, why wouldn't i?? But you'll have to tell me how you don't know any of that later." Says Domo with a serious tone and face as well, i am standing near enough to hear what they're saying in a way that from another person's perspective it would look like i was just standing there, thinking or watching what the other people were doing.

"There was once a World, created by the 6 Gods, in wich animals, monsters and humans coexisted. The humans explored and conquered 2/4 of that World, eliminating the majority of the monsters in that land, and continued to try and completely exterminate them by creating the Adventurer's Guild wich is specialized in monster extermination requests, tamed animals, built farms and Kingdoms. This us all thanks to the fact that the human race discovered how to use the power of Mana that once belonged only to monsters, wich they used to strenghten their bodies and some even used magic. But now humans knew how to use it too, the only difference being the intellect of the humans being superior to that of the monsters, thus they were bound to be killed. After that, the territory the humans were divided in various Kingdoms and the Empire, the Empire took 1/2 of the land conquered, thus owning a quarter of the world. Some of the Kingdoms were affiliated with the Church that Empire hates, because they don't believe in any God. Then the Dungeons appeared, places that went from 5 to 20 levels underground, each being filled with monsters strenghtened by some kind of unknown power. Every 5 levels there was a Dungeon Boss, a being much stronger than the other normal monsters in the Dungeon. At the end of it you are able to find artifacts, some of them containing unbelieable power and abilities. The Empire conquered many of these Dungeons and became even stronger, but after a while, the Emperor went crazy and began attacking every other Kingdom after touching a sinister artifact, some say it's a black crystal bracelet some others say it's a black necklace with a pitch black gem with the shape of a tear, but the majority says it was... A pitch black crown with a red octagonal crystal at the centre. After some months of the Emperor going crazy he is eaten by the black crown artifact and becomes the closest being to the Forgotten Seventh God, the Demon God, thus becoming the Demon King or Demon Lord. After that every citizen of the Empire became a demon that bringed chaos to the Kingdoms nearest to it. After 150 years of war between the humans and the demons, the humans were able to stop the Demon King's destruction from expanding even more, and 2 years after that the Six Gods descended announcing that 10 in years from then, a powerful being would arrive and he would be able to stop both Demon King and Demon God once and for all. Those ten years have almost passed since it's in two months from now.".

Woah, quite the story this world has,

"...", Baldie is speechless and is now looking at Domo with his jaw dropped, "Now tell me how you didn't even know what magic is." Says Domo looking at baldie suspiciously, "That's because we come from a completely different place." Eh? Mia?! When did she get here... "What? A different place? Wait, is there another human civilization on the other side of the World?! That explains the difference in culture!" Says Domo shocked and a bit confused, "Obviously not, i'm saying that we're from different worlds." Responds Mia confusing Domo even more, "..." Baldie still has his jaw dropped and isn't muttering a single word.

Chapter 9-End.