
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Otherwordly Story

"Nii-nii, how long do we have to keep walking? I'm tired...", I hear a kid's voice.

Another dream/memory? It's Ray Amond's this time...

"Resist a little more, we're almost there."

'Three days ago, i wanted to explore the forest, but when i left home my little sister Maria saw me and decided to follow me, but when i told her to go back, she told me that if i didn't bring her with me she would have told Father and Mother, so we went together into the forest but then we got lost...'

So in my life as Ray Amond i had a little sister called Maria...

'In the evening, after we finally found our way back, but, as soon as we entered the village owned by our Baron rank noble family, we saw all the houses on fire and destroyed. We quickly went to check our house, and found nothing but ashes and rubble instead of what was once our home, next to it laid Mother and Father, dead...'


'While i was calling for them, hoping they would miraculously wake up, i heard a flapping sound. I quickly turned around and noticed something flying in the sky... It was a demon. A filthy and disgusting demon from the evil Empire had come here and destroyed and killed my village, my home, my parents... And my life.'

Quite the sad life i had here too...

'After that night, i came to a decision. I will exterminate every single demon there is, even the Demon God himself.'


'But for that, i needed to get stronger, so i needed food, water and a place to sleep too. Since the village has been destroyed and there were no survivors, i decided to move with Maria to the nearest city i once went in with Father while he was on a commission... The Lindola city.'

After that, i suddently woke up, only to find out that Mia was sitting next to me and looking at me, "What-" i tried to say, "Shhh" interrupts Mia while telling me to be silent, "What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper to Mia, "I heard that if you stare at someone while they're sleeping they will eventually wake up. It seems to be true." Says Mia, "But why??" I ask, "Are you the only one that saw that memory?" Asks Mia with a serious tone, "I think so." I respond, "How where you able to see it?" Asks Mia, "The only thing i remember is that i fell on top of a rooftop, and then saw you..." i respond, keeping the Bracelet Of Gluttony a secret, "... I'll believe you for now." Says Mia while lying down to sleep, "Don't stare at me while i'm sleeping again please..." I say while going back to sleep, "I won't promise anything." Says Mia.

We went back to sleep...

I wake up and decide to the food storage to eat something, but as i'm about to leave the Floor i hear a voice, "Good morning, Ray", it was Domo, and he was handing me a sandwich, "Thank you, Olan" i say while taking the sandwich. "We have to complete the Trial on the Fifth Floor today and hope it will give us some food and water... We can't even eat the monster's meat because it's been rotting for an entire day, and even if it wasn't we don't know if it's edible..." Says Domo, pointing out some problems we have to solve as fast as possible,

"Yeah... Would be good if it gives us something like infinite food, that's probably not gonna happen though..." I say while walking towards the infirmary, "Well, we'll only know when we'll conquer it." Says Domo while walking towards the door to go downstairs.

Time to see what the infirmary is like.

I open the door and enter the infirmary. The room was completely white, floors walls and ceiling. There was a modern and comfortable looking white chair in the middle of the room and many light grey shelves attached to the walls. Inside those shelves were:

On the right side, medications, bendages and first aid products.

On the middle wall's side, antibiotics, painkillers and other similar products.

And on the left side, potions of sorts.

There were:

Health Potions (Recovers all external injuries and slightly regenerates internal ones by converting external Mana into Life Force),

Reflex Boosters (Boosts muscle and mental reflexes by 20% through the combined effect of light drugs),

Mana Potions (Slightly recovers lost Mana instantly by polarizing the existing Mana in the body in a way that attracts external Mana present in the environment.),

Energy Potions (Moderately recovers stamina and mental fatigue through mysterious chemical reactions)

And two other potions called "Mega Potion" (Recovers all external injuries and moderately recovers internal ones, boosts physical capabilities by 30% for 15 minutes, boosts maximum Mana capacity by 15% and recovers any missing Mana for 1 minute, recovers any fatigue or stamina for 2 minutes.

There are only two existing Mega Potions in this world, and they were both created by a genius alchemist of the Elf race.).

Wow, that's a cheat potion for you. There are only two though and i hope i won't have to use any for the time being...

I'll store one in the Bracelet Of Gluttony for now. I stored 5 Health Potions, 2 Mana Potions, 1 Reflex Booster, 2 Energy Potions and some bendages in it as well.

Now i won't die if run out of stamina while fighting at least.

After that, i get out of the infirmary, but accidentally bump into Haru, who was passing by. "S-Sorry, i was lost in my thoughts..." Says Haru, "It's okay.." I say while continuing walking, "Wait!" Says Haru, "Hm?" I say while turning around, "I wanted to thank you for yesterday... Olan told me you were the one who discovered the infirmary..." Says Haru, "Well, i only said to conquer the floor..." I say, "Still, thank you!" says Haru while smiling. She's a kind girl.

Now, i'm a bit curious about that block of stone i found in the forgery yesterday... "Good morning, Ray!", Perfect timing... "Good morning, Adam!" I say while greeting baldie, "Hey, can come with me for a second?" i continue, "Oh ok, sure" says baldie.

We walk towards the forgery, open the door, and enter. "*Cough*, *Cough*, What the hell is this place-*Cough*, there's too much dust!!" Says baldie while coughing. More like chocking actually... "Bear with it, now, use your warhammer to smash that block of stone there, please" i say while indicating the stone block near the anvil, "Ok, but why?" Asks baldie confused, "My instinct is telling me to" i say, "You mean that cheat-like instinct you have? Alright" says baldie, "ORAAAA!!" shouted baldie while charing forward with the warhammer.


What?! Did that stone block just resist baldie's attack with his warhammer at full force??! As i thought, that thing isn't just any random stone block!! "Adam, stand back a little" i say, "Eh? Why?" Asks baldie, confused, "Just do it." I respond as baldie is walking away from the stone block. "UREAA!!" i shouted after taking my spear and charging forward.




"What?! How?!!" Asks baldie while looking at the stone block, shocked and confused.

I was so confident in breaking it because i was testing out a special way of attacking i thought of:

Since the monsters of this world use Mana to strenghten themselves, why can't i do the same with my spear and body? So, some days ago, i tried to channel my Mana through my spear, but it was really difficult, it was like convincing your brain about having a new bodypart or something, so it took a while, but it seems like i can use it now!

[Alert! Creating new skill: [Sword Aura]! A new skill has been created from scratch, you achieved an unbelievable achievement!! Your Paradox Rank has gone up by 1! As your Paradox Rank increases you recover some parts of the Paradox System... Done!]

Woah! I got a new skill! But what does Paradox Rank mean? And what Paradox System? It seems familiar...

*Crack*, *Crack*

As i was thinking about that, the stone block started shining gold from the cracks there were on it and kept cracking even more... Hm? What's that? Hair??

Some curly maroon hair was sticking out of one of the cracks on the stone block...

Chapter 19-End.