
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Fragmented Portal

"Ray!" Shouted Haru as I emerged from the dissipating cloud of dust while waving at them from the distance.

I then commanded the sword to fly back down.

As soon as it laid on the ground, Haru came running towards me and hugged me.

"Don't ever do that again…!" Esclamated Haru while hugging me, barely holding back tears of joy and relief.

I really made her worry…

Well, I myself don't know how I managed to survive in that situation after all…

"Ray, are you alright?!" Worryingly asked baldie as he came closer to us, together with the others.

"Yeah, although barely…" I responded.

"… I'm really glad you're okay!!" Shouted Domo while bursting in tears as he hugged me.

"Olan- I can't breathe…!" I said while trying to catch some air.

As Domo was hugging me, I notice Akira in the back slightly smiling of relief.

"Ray, where did you get this greatsword?" Asked Darius while crouching near the sword to have a closer look at it.

"When I was going to crash into the wall, the sword just flew towards me. I don't know how it can fly or understand my orders, but I'm grateful since it saved all of us." I explained.

"This sword is at the same level of the Legendary Swords… No, even better! So how is it that I've never even heard of it…" Muttered Darius to himself while looking at the white greatsword.

"Come to think of it, where even are we? This strange cave in the middle of a rock pillar higher than the sky… How is it even possible for the pillar to not crumble on itself?" Intervened Akira, reminding us that this place was nowhere near normal.

"Right! We gotta go back!!" Esclamated baldie.

"At least it isn't cold anymore… The cave's temperature became normal now that it has been destroyed, it was probably those crystals that produced the cold, so now that most of them are broken the temperature is back to normal…" Explained Akira while looking at the shattered crystals around the cave.

"An exit huh…" I muttered to myself, thinking of where the exit could possibly be.


Right as I said that, the greatsword started floating, and Darius took a step back.


"What?! It's breaking?!" I esclamated as I looked at the sword, about to break from the numerous cracks that started appearing on it.


It shattered into pieces, and they began floating, creating a floating circle that was spinning clockwise.

"Why did it suddenly break…?" Asked Darius as he looked at the circle of fragments spinning.

"Those fragments are floating too!" Esclamated baldie while pointing at some floating blue fragments.

It's probably the fragments of those crystals that produced the cold… Wait, they contain Divine Power?!

Could they be fragments of the ice sculpture from before?

The fragments floated inside the spinning circle and strated shining.

The Tear Of Pure Sadness began shining brightly again, it probably reacted to the fragments.

"What's happening now?!" Shouted baldie as he covered his eyes from the blinding light.

As the artifact shined brighter and brighter, the circle's spinning sped up accordingly, until the necklace stopped shining.

The circle looked more like some kind of portal now. It was light gray and white, with some hints of light blue.

"What is this…?" Muttered baldie in confusion.

"Must the the portal to go back." Guessed Akira while looking at the portal.

"Probably..." I said dubiously.

Too bad the greatsword got destroyed in order to make the portal, but at least we can go back now.

I wonder how much time passed since we left The Tower…

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Esclamated Domo.

Seems like he's back to his usual self now.

"Oi, wait for me!" Said baldie while going after Domo who had already entered the portal.

Darius, Haru and Akira also followed shortly after.

"I'm also glad you're fine…" Said Mia as she was walking towards the portal.

I smiled after hearing those words.

I turned back to get one last view of that cave, now in ruins.

Come to think of it, we are still on the Fifth Floor… How much time will it take for us to climb and finally escape The Tower, I wonder…

I then walked through the white portal…

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in the forgery with everyone near the entrance as if they hadn't moved a step since when we got teleported to that place.

What's happening here…?

"Ray-Nii?!" Asked Shin as he ran towards us after making his way through the crowd of people.

"Shin!" I exclaimed.

"You disappeared and reappeared right after with the others! What happened?" Explained Shin.

Right after... Not days?

Was time warped in that strange place?

I notice that Shin is looking at me with a slightly worried face.

"Don't worry, I'm alright!" I reassured Shin with a smile as I pat his head.

I looked over at baldie and Darius, hinting to introduce Darius first and talk about the rest later with everyone.

They understood my intention and then began introducing Darius to the others...

Chapter 34-End.

(Happy Christmas!)