
Paradox of Nox

In the quiet town, Jake Shrestha leads what appears to be a mundane life. Despite having all the elements of a fulfilling existence, he consistently senses an incompleteness lingering within him. He believes he is not truly the person he perceives himself to be, and that his current reality is nothing more than an illusion constraining his true potential. Everything around him seems unreal, yet it maintains a tangible quality. Jake attributes these thoughts to an unidentifiable void, a feeling that something crucial is missing, though he remains uncertain about its nature. One day, when he awakens from what he once considered a dream, Jake discovers himself inhabiting a completely different body.

IamStone · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Echoes of the Forgotten

Jake found himself in a whirlwind of confusion, his mind grappling with the unexplainable circumstances surrounding his existence.

"Was it all just a dream, or is someone tampering with my brain?" he mused, his thoughts swirling like autumn leaves in a tempest. "It's been one week since I awoke in this unfamiliar vessel. I can't seem to recall anything about this body."

With a sense of unease settling over him, Jake made the decision to withhold talking and stay silent from those around him, choosing to silently observe as he sought to unravel the mystery that had befallen him.

"It seems this body endured injuries from a monstrous encounter while returning from the capital with its father," he concluded, contemplating the surroundings of his newfound reality.

In his memory, Jake had once inhabited the life of a cybersecurity expert, living in the comfort of a seemingly perfect existence. Over time, he began to feel a creeping sense of boredom. a hollow emptiness that gnawed at the very core of his being. Despite the success at Origin Company, life lost its flavor, leaving him adrift in a sea of monotony. and one day he decides to betray his organization and runs away with an important research element.

Jake embarked on a reckless pursuit, engaging in a game of cat and mouse with the knowledge he had uncovered. For eight long years, he danced on the edge of danger, tantalizing himself with the thrill of the chase, as if caught in an endless cycle of Tom and Jerry.

But even the most thrilling pursuits grow tasteless with time, and Jake found himself weary of the ceaseless game. Determined to break free from the suffocating monotony, he resolved to confront the elusive truth that had consumed his existence.

Yet, as he delved deeper into the heart of the mystery, an unexplaniable darkness descended, shrouding his memories in a veil of confusion. It was as though someone had wielded a merciless eraser, wiping clean the memory of his mind, leaving him stranded in a void of unknowing and puzzled memories.

Now, in this unfamiliar body, Jake grappled with the fragments of a shattered reality, haunted by the lingering specter of a life he could no longer remember.

"The place where I am now seems to be completely different from the memories I once possessed," he muttered, the realization sinking in like an anchor, dragging him into the depths of uncertainty.

The Nebula continent, where he found himself, stood divided into four distinct kingdoms, each governed by powerful families.

At its peak of magical prowess was the Arcane Empire, led by the esteemed Arcan Family. Their influence extended far and wide, weaving spells that defied imagination and shaping the very fabric of reality.

In contrast, the Stormfist Kingdom reigned supreme, with its people mastering the art of martial combat under the unwavering rule of the Kaijin family. Their bodies and minds were honed to perfection, embodying strength and discipline.

Yet, amidst these realms of power, shadows lurked in the form of the Nyxia Kingdom. Ruled by the mysterious Diablos family, they delved into the forbidden arts of dark magic, their secrets whispered in fear and awe by those who dared speak of them.

And then there was the Dragonheart Dominion, a bastion of swordsmanship and honor. Their warriors were renowned as masters of the blade, their skill unmatched, and their integrity unyielding.

But beyond the borders of these established kingdoms and continents lay vast, uncharted territories, comprising two-quarters of the world. Here, it is ruled not by human monarchs but by powerful beasts, the guardians of untamed realms untouched by civilization.

These wilds were filled with danger, every step was uncertain. Only the bravest souls dared venture, their hearts filled with both caution and a relentless thirst for discovery.

Nox's father, Ainz Diablo, was a noble of the Nyxia Kingdom, ruling over the Northeast region known as Northern Frontiers City. Though Jake, now known as Nox, lacked his previous memories and skills, he realized the importance of understanding and mastering the ways of his family and their kingdom.

"I need to find out what happened to me before moving on," Jake thought to himself, feeling a sense of urgency to uncover the truth of his past. Though he lacked his previous memories of the body he possessed, he found that some skills and instincts remained ingrained within him, hinting at a deeper connection to his new identity as Nox.

As he delved into his training, Jake discovered that while he struggled to recall the techniques and knowledge of magic in this world and the family, his body seemed naturally attuned to martial arts, performing with surprising efficiency. However, he realized that to truly embody the legacy of his family, he needed to learn their magic and embrace the teachings passed down through generations.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, Jake, now Nox, resolved to confront his new reality with determination and resilience, determined to unlock the secrets of his past and embrace his destiny as a noble of the Nyxia Kingdom.

It had been two weeks since I woke-up as 12-year-old boy named Nox. Adopting the guise of a youth struck by amnesia, he meticulously delved into unraveling the mysteries of the world surrounding him.

A familiar knock echoed through the chambers, Michael, the faithful butler who had served young Nox since his birth. "Young lord, are you there?" Michael's voice carried a tone of concern.

Without missing a beat, Nox, now the protagonist of his own bewildering narrative, responded, "Come in, the door's open."

Michael entered, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "How are you feeling, young lord?" he inquired.

Nox, maintained his facade of uncertainty. "I am fine," he replied, "Why are you here?"

With a deferential bow, Michael explained, "Lord Ainz has summoned you."

Acknowledging the summons with a monotone assurance, Nox consented, "Very well, I'll be there shortly after freshening up."

In the sanctum of Ainz Diablo office, his gaze probing yet paternal. "How are you feeling now?" he queried, his concern for Nox's well-being.

With a calm demeanor, Nox responded, "I feel much better, but I can't recall my memories "

"Don't be too hard on yourself, son. Focus on recovering your body and your Magic."

Grateful for the guidance, Nox accepted the directive. "Understood, father," he acknowledged, his resolve strengthened by Ainz's reassurance.

"I'll assign a teacher to train you. You need to regain your magic prowess before attending the Imperial Academy," Ainz declared, his words with paternal concern.

With a nod of gratitude, Nox accepted the offer, recognizing the opportunity to reclaim his lost proficiency. As he thought about his mysterious past, Nox sensed that his journey of self-discovery had only just begun, a tale waiting to be unfolded, chapter by chapter.

"Trix, what are your thoughts? Has he truly lost his memories? His mana circle appears to be intact," says Ainz, a mysterious figure that materialized from the shadows

Trix is a part of the Shadow Order, which is moblized by Ainz. She observed the situation with a keen eye. "His behavior remains unchanged. It's likely just the aftermath of the accident," she summarized, her voice defying a hint of uncertainty.

"Yet, something feels different," Ainz said, absorbed in thought, his concern deepening as he considered the future of his son.

"In any case, ensure his safety," Ainz instructed, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

As the shadows whispered their silent agreements, the air crackled with an aura of darkness, hinting at the mysteries that lay in the darkness, waiting to be unveiled.




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