

Caruso POV

We traveled all night, I tried to sleep but the ground was rough and swayed the carriage harshly. Evangelina was laying on the soft velvet seat across from me. We had not spoken since she asked about my father. I wasn't sure why but I had an inclination that it had to do with that. I felt restless and wanted to see how my father's health was. Merek was very serious when he spoke to me about wanting to kill our half brother Alek when father passed. Even though I never really cared for Alek I did not think murdering him was the answer. I pushed those thoughts from my mind and turned my gaze back to Evangelina. She looked peaceful, I prayed she could give me a child within our first five years of marriage. If not I would have to take a second wife. I definitely did not want to ponder on those thoughts at this moment. We've only been married a full day, it's much too soon for all that. I tried my best to close my eyes and sleep but I was hungry. I did not want the fruit and bread packed for our two day journey. I wanted some meat but I could not stop the carriage to hunt because we would loose time. I peered out of the carriage window and watched the bright moonlight. I was tempted to leap out and find some game but I decided not to. What if Evangelina woke from sleep and did not find me here? She would most definitely become suspicious. So I thought of my walks, I loved taking walks around the castle grounds at night. It was peaceful and very quiet, it allowed me to think and keep a clear head. I sat back and forced myself to fall into a dreamless slumber.

I woke up before dawn, my body felt stiff and achy. I commanded for the horse master to halt the entourage. I wanted to stretch my legs and relieve myself. Evangelina was still fast asleep. I exited that godforsaken thing and walked into the woods alone. After urinating I saw a large buck in the distance drinking from a stream, he had not seen me yet. My mouth watered thinking of the tender raw deer meat melting in my mouth, my stomach growled and it gave me away. The buck began to leap away. I felt my demon growl with hunger and take control, I leaped at the buck then ripped it's neck open with my teeth and pierced the heart with the dagger in my boot. I used my claws to rip through the carcass and shoved a handful of meat into my mouth. My senses went wild as I sated my hunger. Once I was finished eating a few chunks of meat I came out of my trance. I gazed at my bloody countenance and was repulsed at myself. I needed to quickly wash in the stream then get this buck to the carriage to make a fire and cook it for all to eat. I walked over to the stream and began cleaning myself with the water. I had to remove my leathers and linen shirt to properly try and rid myself of all the blood. Once I was half decent I looked down and still saw blood stains but I just killed a deer and gutted it for everyone so I presume that was a good excuse. I grabbed the carcass and threw it over my shoulders. 'This will explain what I'm covered in more blood.' I thought to myself while more blood dripped all over me. I emerged from the woods and saw Evangelina she was speaking with the horse master. Her mouth dropped open at the bloody sight of me. I decided to try and be charming about this whole scenario.

"Good morning my Princess! I've got our breakfast!"

All of the guards chuckled because believe it or not this was typical behavior for me.

Evangelina gave me a half hearted smile. "Thank you my Prince." Is all she uttered.

I threw the dead buck on the ground and told the guard to drain the rest of the blood. I walked over to my bride and she was scanning my appearance.

"Why are your clothes wet?" She asked.

'She's observant.' I thought.

"Well darling I was very bloody so I washed my clothing in a stream not far from here. How did you sleep?" I tried to sway her from

Asking more questions. She ignored me and was staring at my jaw, that is odd. She reached over and wiped my jaw her hand had some blood on it.

"You've never been hunting have you Evy?" I asked in a mocking tone. She shook her head and I grabbed her hand and wiped the blood away with mine. "Hunting is very gory, blood tends to get everywhere. Come let me get my water skin and wash it all off for you." I lead her to the carriage and washed away the left over blood off her hand. Hopefully she would not think anything of what just happened.


Evangelina POV

I sat in our carriage studying my husband beside me, he was sleeping off and on. I reflected on this morning's events during breakfast. He seemed peculiar, as if he were keeping something from me. I noticed him watching me while I ate the venison he provided for our company. His stare seemed almost menacing, it sent a shiver up my spine recalling it. I shuttered watching the forest through the open window.

"Are you cold Evangelina?"

I turned to face him but his eyes were still closed. Caruso had propped his legs onto the other side of the seat. He peeked at me with one eye, waiting for me to answer but shut it again.

"No, I'm not cold, just anxious about my new home. It's silly really and I'm embarrassed that I just mentioned it."

He chuckled. "I was hoping you were cold so I could keep you warm but if you're anxious, there really isn't anything I can do about that. Well...I can't in here anyway. I am impatient to arrive tonight as well my dear! I can finally extend properly in my bed. Oh pardon me, I mean OUR bed."

I was studying his face, taking advantage while his eyes were closed. He was so ridiculously handsome even with his eyes shut. I turned to stare at the window again.

"Yes our bed." Is all I whispered still distracted with my thoughts.

Night fell and the coachman called out that we were entering the gates of the Inferno Kingdom. Caruso smiled and wrapped an arm around me. "Welcome home Evangelina." I returned his gesture and felt the knots in my stomach. I had never been away from

home and lived a sheltered life. This was exiting and frightening all at the same time. We casually conversed about our childhoods until we arrived. His childhood was very different from mine. He had lots of discipline, structured lessons, rarely went out to play, combat training and strategy lessons. My childhood included my sister in almost every memory. We played continuously and had music lessons together.

The coach stopped and the doors opened, there in the courtyard was the king, I remembered him from our wedding. Beside him were two tall men, the same size as Caruso. Two thin fairly tall women by their sides, one woman had a child by the hand, she looked to be about six years old.

Caruso exited first and held out his hand for me to take. I took it and walked out gracefully, I felt my face turn pink and I kept my gaze on my husband. His countenance was serious but he gave me a wink that only I saw. I blushed harder then he walked me over to meet my new family.

"Welcome Princess Evangelina to my Kingdom." The king spoke in a raspy monotone voice, he kissed my hand. "I am elated to have another daughter."

I bowed, "you are too kind your majesty."

He barely smiled and nodded his head. The king seemed unwell, his pale skin and trembling hand gave him away.

"Welcome Princess Evangelina, I am you're new brother by law and crown prince Alek. This is my wife Princess Julia and our daughter Princess Sofia. Alek had his fathers golden hair, his nose was prominent but it suited him. His wife's hair was red, she was attractive but looked annoyed by all of this, she bowed and was done. Sofia was a shy adorable child and she had her father's golden hair. I winked at her and she giggled. Caruso bent over and tickled her. "Did you miss me ducky? I missed you, how about we go riding tomorrow?"

"Yes! Oh please can I mother?" Caruso and I looked to Julia and she nodded giving permission.

Sofia screeched in excitement and her grandfather rose an eyebrow, she quickly settled down.

"Welcome Princess Evangelina. I am prince Merek and this is my wife Princess Lucia." Merek seemed quiet and to himself, very much like Caruso. I bowed, "it's wonderful to meet you. Caruso speaks kindly of you both." Merek resembled my husband a little. His hair was brown and Caruso's was black. Merek had wavy hair and blue eyes but had the same mischievous look as Caruso.

"Well it was nice to greet you all but my wife and I are more than exhausted, good night. Butler have my wife's belongings brought to my room at once."

I watched as the king gave Caruso a scolding glare and his brothers smirked watching their father's disapproval. I gave the king an apologetic glance his face was unchanged.

We walked into the vast castle and I was in wonder. The palace was gorgeous, walls of ivory and gold glistened around me. Scarlett silk curtains cascaded over the windows and crystal chandeliers hung in every hall.

"Caruso your castle is beautiful, I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful structure."

"Yes, it's lovely. Come let's get to bed Evangelina I am tired."

I wondered why he seemed so annoyed, perhaps he was just tired. Finally we arrived and entered Caruso's quarters. He went into a private room adjoined to ours, it was the wash room. I walked over to where he was and he was in a large tub and steam was surrounding him. "Caruso when will the hand maids bring my clothing I'd like to change?"

"Evy will you not join me in here? The water is nice and hot."

I gulped watching his handsome muscular chest and six pack through the steaming water. This was still all new to me and I shook my head nervously. I walked back to the room where the bed was and sat there until my dresses arrived. My things came and I thanked the handmaids. Just then my half naked husband waltzed in with only his trousers on. The maids all blushed and stared at the floor. "Would you be so kind as to run my wife a fresh bath before bed? She would rather not bathe with her husband." Caruso taunted me in a rude tone, I was embarrassed. The maids quickly went and did as they were told, when they departed I turned to Caruso fuming.

"How dare you insult me in front of the servants Caruso! I will now be the gossip of all the castle, how humiliating! Do not do that again."

He stood up towering over me with that sardonic smile. "You're bold but you do not command me woman, I will say as I wish. If you did not want me to insult you then you should bathe with me when I command it." He seethed through clenched teeth. I was not about to back down, I was upset.

"Woman? I am your wife and I demand respect! You did not command me my Lord you asked if, 'I would join you,' that is not a command. I do not know what is the matter but you are different. You were rude out in the courtyard with your family. You're father was clearly upset. You are indeed different." I walked towards the bathing room and stopped at his words.

"Then you shall have a separate room my lady. Go now and be alone! I have many mistresses and they long for me."

I turned to look at him but he had thrown himself on his bed. I did not want him to go be with another. Tears fell from my face I walked out of his chambers into the vast hallway. A soldier stood by the doorway.

"Sir will you find me a handmaid?"

"Right away Princess."

I was alone in this strange place, perhaps I should have kept my temper in check. He was tired but he embarrassed me. I was grateful when the handmaids came and gathered my things. They relocated me to the chambers across the hall from my husband's. I took a quick bath, put on my oils and slid into my new bed alone. I forced myself to sleep so I would not think of what happened between Caruso and I.


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