

JACKSON KENNER reincarnation fan fiction

MasterShadow · TV
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Wishes do come true

"I wake up one morning and I just do my everyday morning routine, shower, shave, dress up, and get ready for work then something was different, usually my girl, Pearl would have tried to have dragged me back into bed, then I notice that she isn't in bed, and you don't understand,"  I said to the God in front of me that defiantly looks like Ryan Reynolds before continuing, "she has never been, until past noon and that is only when she is hungry but is what I like about he if you ask me, then when I went out to look for her I saw her in the front passed out covered in blood, with squirrels surrounding her and it did feel real at all, but then I woke up to my real bed, with her right by my side clean of blood"

"I hear you, man. It must have been tough watching your dog like that. Makes you wonder what she could be doing at night. And for you said it got worse when you started to have dreams about a giant squirrel's rebellion. I mean your mind must have just felt guilty because you let your dog out and then you find a slaughter field of squirrels. The blood, the killing, everything, but it's also heartwarming you know? Not many people care about the small like twerps, even when they just running in the forest all day." said the Ryan Reynolds look-alike while nodding his head in agreement with a worried expression.

"It has really been comforting to tell someone but this. I have had this fear of giant squirrels for about 7 years now, fear of the squirrels rising against all dogs and owners, and every time I die. You said that I am going to a different world right? And worse it is The Vampire Diaries Universe. Is it going to be though? Then I just want to have the ability to defend myself against when they start their rebellion and trust me when I say they will because those dreams were fate telling me about the inevitable future, and I am to stop them from their uprising and the beginning of a great war. Dogs were the only ones to see what we didn't see before," I said to Ryan. 

He - still agreeing with me, got up from his chair dusting his white tux, and started speaking, "Okay, you may be right or wrong, but you need to go to this world. And I can't just give you power, you have to pick through wises and you only have five, so have to hurry up, because I have a lot of people coming through and I don't want to upset the big guy upstairs. Yup that right. We got big and he keeps taking me coffee in the break room, but other than that he is a sweetheart," said as he was lifting me from the therapist couch - that he conjured up earlier, to my feet. "But of course real scary guy when angered. so what are your wishes?"

"Yeah, sure, thank you by the way. Mean a lot to me. Okay, wish number one would be obvious and that would be that I am a tribrid, of course, I am changing it. I would like to be an Enhanced Original Vampire when I die but with immortality and my sireline would just die by only stake, and then I would like to merge it with the vampires from Dracula untold, cause that shit is crazy cool. turning into multiple bats was just genius. Actually, my sireline can choose between any small creatures like snakes, rats, and even raven and crows." He seems to start writing down my wishes on paper. He just has known that it was going to belong. 

"Then I would like to be Fenrir in my wolf form. And my sireline and I when a witch will have the abilities to channel any energy into our being, be it speed force or chaos magic even the infinity stones' energy itself, but of course over time you get stronger.

Wish two would be that I can make anyone a supernatural, like a witch also a werewolf or/and vampire - they can choose to one two or more. I want it to be like if you're human I can make you just a witch, warlock or vampire, and even werewolf, with a little bit of my OC tribrid powers too. I don't want to be in it alone.

I want to make a pack. I mean the only time there is going to a tribrid is when all the fun has ended in legacies and you said earlier I am going to The Originals at least I can make more of the so-called 'abominations', and I want to make witches from a bite, doesn't that sound interesting.

Wish numero dries, I would like to be a true alpha, like that Scott guy in Teen wolf that my friend keeps telling me about.

Number 4 would, for my sireline and I to have that crazy combination forms half-man, half-wolf forms that are usually seen with Lycanthrope and the half-man, half-bat, so instead of the multiple bats, we will be just the one.

And last but not least is to have the ability to take power away because I am sure someone in my pack might sell me out or do something very unexpected like going on a killing spree for the heck of it, this will be the punishment."

Years of overthinking this finally paid off, and my mom said that I will die a lonely bum, now look at me.

Did I die? Yes, but with a second chance of life.

Was I a bum? I was yes, and it paid off to be one too. Look at me now.

Did I die single? Okay, I am going way too into this.

Ryan Reynolds lookalike walked a distance away from me before he started to warm up. it seems even angels need to warm up. He did the whole body before he picked his hand up and clicked his fingers.

"That it? No flash of power, no shadow of divinity, nothing? Expected some kind of divine light of god you know? But it fine." I said as he walking back to me. 

"Yeah, those are just for priests, suicidals, and hopeless people buddy. Got to bring light to some people's lives. It seems that there is more priest though that commit suicide in this century compared to the other." he pats my shoulder before opening a portal showing a sleeping black wolf in the forest surrounded by other wolves, also sleeping.

"That," pointing to the brown turning black wolf, "is Jackson Kenner. Is the body you were supposed to be born in, but because of the mix-up, you weren't. No, you got born in the only normal, universe. Suck bad luck if you ask me. Anyway, you should be able to obtain his memories when your souls fuse. It will be like Jackson Kenner remembers his past life so you don't have to worry about the thought of you killed him or anything."

"Oh wow, thank you. When in the story though will I be reborn in exactly?" I worrying asked. I don't want to be born mid-story because that would be an all-time awkward situation telling everyone. I can't go in there gun akimbo, on the plot destroying everything, even though it would be fun.

"Just at the beginning of episode one so when the Jane - Anne chick dies by marcel and about 2 or 3 months before the real story begins so good luck and don't die just yet. Bye" and then pushed me through the portal.


Author POV

When the soul to new Jackson was pushed through the portal, energy of unfathomable amounts was released though out this universe passing through every single supernatural and non-supernatural. 

Witches both die or alive felt the surge of unlimited power coming from who knows where, and it just made it and ancestral magic go unstable. Davina Claire even felt in New Orleans, in an attic of St. Anne Church where she was waiting for any feeling of a witch doing any ancestral magic, instead, she felt magic that when her magic fought back for her with harvest magic she just obtained, it was pushed away like an insect on a windscreen of a fast-moving car. It did stop there for the teen, she felt that the ancestors, themselves are terrified at the strength and power of the magic. As soon as the magic came it went. Davina was honestly shocked that her magic acted on its own and still lost and even more shocked that the ancestors are more terrified than she is. Maybe they are scared that their title as the strongest magic influencers has been stolen. They weren't the only ones all witches felt the surge and are now on the floor trying to grasp for air, because of the thick flow of magic blocking their air, even Sabine slash Celeste. You know I could tell you about how even the witches in the Other side with the Original witch - Esther felt it, including the other witch bitch Dahli included, or the fact the Gemini coven pissed themselves with kai parker feeling like he cant siphon any more magic in his Prison world but I won't. I am humbling the MC's power.

The VAmpires weren't any different. They all fell to the ground as if a giant hand was squishing a fly going for the kill, and this didn't leave out the originals. Heck Elijah and Klaus who were on two different buildings, but on high floors fell through the floor as the pressure pinned them down to the ground unable to get up. Klaus - the Original Hybrid has never been more pissed off in his life. Even Kol and Finn in the Other side felt the pressure. Rebekah was struggling to breathe because she was in the bath when this happened. She finally got air when the bath broke down on the bottom and she started falling through floors. The front lobby was shocked that a naked guest just fell through their floors down. Luckily, Rebekah landed in an underground parking garage where she met an older lady who was just her size, which she proceeds to kill and get some clothes. Rebekah vowed to never mention what had just happened to her.

Werewolves were a different matter altogether. Instead of being pushed or shoved like the other supernatural species, they felt like their king has finally woken up from a very long nap and they with their eyes glowing all just started howling to the moon - human or wolf, and this caused standby to look at them as if they are crazy, which they are. Hayley, who is waiting near the Bayou because of a lead on her family, felt too different emotions and she doesn't know why the second one. The first was like her wolf was happy to have this feeling of familiarity, of with she imagined what home would feel like and the other it from near her abdomen and a feeling of peace and warmth and happiness. The happiness of what? Of not being alone. The Original Hybrid named Klaus starts howling, while still on the floor that he is still pressed against. he is even more pissed off that his wolf acknowledges someone without his consent. It, not his fault he is mad. Klaus is more vampire than he is a werewolf, but even though his wolf knows royalty more than is quick to anger vampire. Every wolf did this except the Cresent wolf park. It was like a wave. It only grows bigger the further it went away. So they did also feel the power was coming from their Alpha - Jackson Kenner, who is going to be the crazy, powerful, and crazy powerful leader of their soon-to-be tribrid, hybrid pack.

Well I can't wait.
