
Paradise Online

Reo is a boy who was raised in a village by his grandfather. When he reached 16, he left his hometown to go to the capital and enroll in a new high school. That's when he stumbled upon the new massive VRMMORPG, Paradise Online. Watch how this seemingly 'normal' boy will pave his way to become the strongest player ever and create his own legend. [If you enjoy MMORPG then you might enjoy this one. It won't jump into action immediately since I like to build my characters. However, if you want to actually enjoy a full story from every side then be my guest :).] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yooo, the author here. Finally, I am starting my second book. I hope you enjoy this hopefully long journey along with me. It will be fun for me and I hope it will be the same case for you. Don't forget to support the book and add it to your library.

ClashingBlades98 · Games
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24 Chs

Chapter 03- New Life (Part 3)

Chapter 03- New Life (Part 3)

Rena felt his fear and could only explode in laughter. She laughed so hard that she had to grab her stomach in pain. His expression of shock and fear was somehow extremely funny to her.

Then, she looked up and pinched his cheek teasingly.

"Don't worry. That apartment complex is owned by my family. I gave it to you as a gift for finally coming to Luna." She smiled kindly.

"No. I can't just take something like that. It's way too much even for a gift." He replied.

"Don't worry about it. I never told you this but my family is way more influential than you think and an apartment like that is really nothing much. Besides, my parents are also very happy that you are moving in and immediately asked me to give you one of the free apartments in the area." She explained.

"I see…"

'I never thought Rena had such a rich family. It has always been a mystery for me.'

"Good. Now, that we are here. I will show you the place and then we could go out to buy you an Ogma device. I can't wait to play Paradise Online with you."

The two then walked side by side and entered a very huge building. It had many floors and looked just like a hotel albeit without a reception lounge.

They rode the elevator to the 4th floor and entered a room there.

"Wow… This is really an overkill. Back in my hometown, a house with 3 rooms is considered very spacious." He said.

"Hehehe, that's the magic of a massive city. Your common sense is about to be distorted."

After looking around the place, Reo placed his luggage inside his bedroom… One of the two bedrooms and walked back to Rena who was waiting for him.

The two then left again and headed straight to the shopping district.

"We are finally here. When can I finally get my driver license? Sigh. " Rena muttered with a long sigh.

They had to take the bullet train from the residential area straight toward the other side of the city just to go shopping.

The two were now standing in front of a long line of people that stretched from hundreds and hundreds of meters on end.

The place they were standing in front of was a game shop. However, the only thing that was plastered on the front of the shop was Paradise Online and nothing else.

It was understandable considering the fact that it was the hottest thing at the moment.

"Waiting in this line will take us many hours. Shouldn't we just come back when it becomes empty."

Rena shook her head and pointed at the middle section of the queue.

There, people had already built a camp with a tent and a few chairs and were grilling some meat casually.

"Those people have been sitting there for almost a week now. It is basically impossible to get inside without waiting for a few days on end." She explained.

'City People are scary.' He thought to himself.

He couldn't imagine himself sitting in the same place for over a week. How do they even go to the toilet?!

"Ok, let's go." She said,

"Huh? Whoa!"

Before he could comprehend what she said, he was dragged to another street. They were walking toward the back of the shop.

Then, they entered from a small door there that was made out of metal.

"Let me guess. This is also one of your doings."

"Hehehe, That's the Reo that I love. You have to always be sharp like that." She tapped his shoulder casually.

At the end of the corridor, they found a man wearing an white blouse just like a doctor waiting for them.

He looked at Rena with a respectful look and said.

"Miss Rena, it's my greatest pleasure to meet you in person. Welcome to my humble shop."

Rena had already changed to her stoic look and replied.

"No need for pleasantries. I am here to get my friend here an Ogma device." She said,

"May of course, please come in here."

He opened a door for them and invited them inside.

The room was filled with all kinds of high-tech medical devices that Reo had never seen before.

It was more like a clinic and not a game shop.

"Please sit here so that I can take your blood sample."

"Blood sample?" He asked.

"Yes, for the Ogma device to recognize you as the owner we need a small sample of blood. This makes it impossible for anyone else to use it except for you."

Reo sat down and the man went to the table to wear his gloves and also pick up a needle. Then, he took some blood from Reo's arm and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later, he came back.

"The process had already been completed. We had already sent the Ogma device to the address you gave us."

"Thank you."

"Please, Miss Rena. This is my job. You are always welcomed here." He replied respectfully again.

'What kind of people are Rena's family? It can't just be a simply rich group. She is hiding something from me.' He thought, seeing this interaction between the man and his childhood friend.

After that, they left the shop from the same back door. Fortunately, no one had seen them enter from there.

"Is it really fine to do that? I feel like we are doing something unfair to others."

Rena shook her head.

"We didn't do anything illegal. Besides, even if we waited in the line. We won't be able to get you a new device before the launch of the game. It's my wish to experience it together with you." She extended her hand and held his as she made a cute, puppy-like expression.

Reo could only sigh and accept her slightly weird reasoning. As she said, it wasn't something illegal and the shop owner seemed more than glad to prioritize them over the others. Fair or not, it already happened.

"Now, what should we do?" He asked.

Coincidentally, Rena's phone rang. When she picked up, a woman's voice replied from the other side.

"Yes, mom. He is with me. What? But…But!! Sigh, fine. We are coming now." Rena seemed to argue slightly with her mom but then gave up and accepted whatever her mom said.

She then looked at Reo and said.

"My mom wants to meet you now."

"That's fine. I haven't seen aunty Lisa in a while."

Rena however didn't answer and merely looked down with a bad mood. He didn't know why she was against them meeting but he didn't ask her about it.

'Even though I wanted this to be a date. A good opportunity is wasted!' She thought to herself with a sad look.

The two then left the shopping area and went back to Rena's house.

The moment they reached there, before they could even knock the door, hurried footsteps came running to the door and opened it.

"Little Reo." An unbelievably seductive voice called for Reo and then he went black.

Two soft things engulfed his face suddenly. They were supple yet also jiggly just like jelly.

"Look at you! You became such a fine and handsome young man."

The woman exclaimed as she buried his face deeper into her cleavage.

'Hey! Air! I need to breathe!' Alarms went off in Reo's brain as he felt his lungs getting emptied of air because of the two massive melons that covered his nose and mouth.

"Mom! Let him go, you are choking him."

"Oh. Oh my! I'm sorry, little Reo. I was really happy to see you and I lost my composure. How silly of me. Are you ok?" She asked as she released him.

Reo took a few breaths before nodding his head.

This woman was a carbone copy of Rena albeit older and had way more sexual appeal than Rena. She was what every man could desire in a woman and that was very dangerous for the sanity of any person.

However, this was not the first time Reo had been choked by those massive weapons. Lisa liked to hug him a lot when he was young. It was most likely because she considered him just like her son.

"Anyway, please come inside. I prepared a big cake!" She said,

Then, she walked inside as she hummed an unknown song.

"My bad, Reo. My mother never changes." Rena said.

"It's ok. She didn't mean harm."

'I didn't hate it though.' He thought secretly.

Then, they both walked inside.


A few days passed by just like a breeze. Reo was very busy during this time since he had to do many things including completing his transfer to the new highschool he was going to attend and also to organize the apartment and place everything in order. Not to mention that he had to spend most of his day getting dragged around by Rena to see all kinds of places and to learn more about the city.

Finally, Sunday came. It was a very important day since it marked the release date of Paradise Online.

With just one glance outside, anyone could see how big this game was. The streets were empty as if the whole city turned into a desolate place in one single day.

Everyone was sitting in their houses, waiting for the countdown before they entered the Ogma device.

Meanwhile, Reo was also sitting in his room with Rena basically laying on his lap as they looked at the TV with the countdown on it.

"Only 10 minutes left. I think we should just wear the Ogma device and get ready." She said as she looked up at Reo.

"Fine by me. But, don't forget that school starts tomorrow."

"Don't make me remember. Sigh, I wanted to spend the whole day playing." She muttered as she tossed and turned on his lap like a spoiled child.

Reo tapped her forehead gently with a chuckle.

"Stop slacking. We will have plenty of time to play and study."

"Yes, yes. Anyway, let's lay together in bed and turn on our devices."


Author here. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to support the book in any form. I will be very happy and also keep pumping chapters out. Have a good day :).