
Paradise of Sinners

Welcome to Paradise of Sinners! Where your Sins, are your Reward! If your reading this than that means that you have been chosen by a god to compete in our game! Would you like to be a god among men? What about mountains of riches as far as the eye can see? Or how about Prestige? Anything you want can be at your finger tips!.... We follow the Sinner Miles McClaren, who has unintentionally joined the game P.O.S., whilst gaining an unknown power. Will Miles become a god of his own accord? Or will he lose himself to the beast inside?

JesterRage · Horror
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4 Chs

A Set Mind

Miles just stared blankly at him for minute, then proceeded to lay back and stare at the ceiling.

The suited gentleman astonished by the response or lack there of continued with his self introduction.

"I am Fredrick Melain, a 2 star sinner. Though most just call me Freddy!" He chuckled. "I volunteered to be your guide into Paradise."

While still staring at the ceiling miles spoke solemnly as he began to tear up, "What is the point, I lost my right hand and my left arm. Not only that but the one person that brought any meaning to my life these past couple of years is gone… I can still feel her severed head in my arm…"

Freddy looked at him curiously, "Severed head? What do you mean? There wasn't anything about you holding a severed head in the broadcast." He stated as he pulled out a tablet looking for the footage.

"Ah, here we go the last few minutes of the event broadcast." He held the tablet up to view for Miles.

Pulling his eyes from the ceiling he watched the video and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He watched himself walk down that same hallway where he had left 'Smiley' and drop to his knees in front of an empty spot, where he remembered Sarah's head to be. Though there was nothing there.

Sitting up he leaned forward, "No! She was there! I watched her die right before me, that knife freak even said I would join her!" Miles yelled.

Freddy looked at him for a moment with concern and watched the footage again.

"I'm sorry, but I think that you hit your head or something. There wasn't a girl there, nor were you holding a head…" Freddy spoke quaintly as he looked through the footage.

Miles just sat in the hospital bed with disbelief, looking through his own memories of Sarah, knowing that wasn't true. After all they were graduating together!

As he was continuing to look back on his memories, Freddy looked up from his tablet and sighed. "Let's continue with the introduction and explanation shall we?" He said as he snapped his fingers to get Miles' attention.

Snapping back to reality Miles glared at Freddy, "I told you there is no point, I've lost my arm and hand. As well, I know what I saw." He said with a cold voice. "You can't tell me what I saw wasn't real."

Miles leaned forward with a low death grumbling tone, "I felt it, the blood, her head in my arm."

"I FUCKING LIVED IT!!!" Miles boomed at Freddy with a darkness seeping out of him.

Freddy shook from the fear he had felt from him causing Freddy to even take a step back. Looking down at his feet and seeing he took a step back Freddy looked back up at Miles.

"Ahem.." Freddy cleared his throat and repositioned himself with tact trying to facade the fear he is feeling from Miles.

Taking a deep breath Freddy set down the tablet on the end of the bed and pulled out what looked like a PEZ candy dispenser. He popped the top and a small green pill fell into his hand.

"Haah… please don't attack me after this…" Freddy said with a sigh as he flicked the pill with his thumb into Miles' mouth.

Just as Miles was about to yell again, he caught the pill between his teeth. Miles shot an intense glare at Freddy think that this man in a suit was also trying to kill him.

Freddy threw up his hands with beads of sweat sliding down his face. "Hey! It's a type of medicine from paradise to help you heal up! No tricks! You have my word!"

Still glaring Miles closed his mouth and swallowed the pill, not taking his eyes off of Freddy for a second.

Sitting there for a moment Miles felt nothing. "Some medicine, no tricks?! What did you give me?!" Miles got off the bed and stood up.

Raising his nub of a right arm he pointed at Freddy. Miles looked at him and was beginning to speak, but suddenly stopped.

A surge of energy washed throughout his body, muscles rippling and moving back and forth underneath his skin. All over Miles' body it looked as if a bag filled with snakes was about to burst.

Freddy looked with horror, the medicine he gave Miles never had any kind of reaction like this before. Just to be sure Freddy double checked the warning label on the medicine dispenser he was given.

'Heals all wounds! Removes most curses, even those bonded to the soul!'

"What?" Freddy looked back up to Miles.

Miles let out a ear rupturing scream as vines burst from his right wrist and left shoulder. Wriggling and squirming about as he lashed about hitting everything he could.

After a few moments he began to settle down as the vines came together forming into an arm and hand. Miles looked at both of his hands and his left arm fully healed and intact.

He clenched his fists a few times and flexed his left arm. Freddy just looked at him with a bizarre look as if he saw a demon trying to make its way out of a possession.

Miles looked up and saw his reflection in the window. All of the scars that were on his body had disappeared, except one that was around his neck. It looked as if he had been set in a noose and managed to survive with just that scar.

It hurt Miles' head to think about how he managed to get it so he never really thought on why he had it in the first place. Though he now has even more questions.

'If every scar disappeared why did that one remain? Why did vines grow from my body to repair it? Then the biggest one of all came to his head, if he saw Sarah die. Why wasn't she in the recording?'

"Freddy." Miles spoke calmly as he turned his head to look at him.

Freddy jumped hearing Miles call his name, but what scared him even more were the eyes that looked at him. Miles' irises had turned a dark sage green and the whites had turned completely black.


"How accurate are those recordings?"

Freddy gulped dryly before he responded. "It's recorded by the System of Paradise so unfortunately no matter how much power anyone may have it's unable to be tampered with!"

Miles walked over and stood before Freddy making him quiver just a bit.

"B-but! If what you said is true and she did die, there is a way to bring her back! You just need to collect enough Sinner Points and get the Flower of New Life!"

Taking a deep breath in Miles, nodded his head, and steeled his resolve. "Then let's go to paradise."

As Freddy was going to say something in turn he just sighed and gave up. "Well I suppose it's easier to explain in person." He shrugged as he turned around to walk into the vortex. "Follow me."

Freddy walked through the darkness and was gone. Miles just stood there for a minute and look over to the door leading out of the hospital room.

"Sarah, I'll find the answers and I'll get you back!"

After Miles walked through the portal, time in the hospital continued as if it didn't stop.

One of the two officers that was posted at the door took a quick glance into the room and was taken aback with a grim expression.

"What the fuck happened in here!?" He exclaimed as he ran into the room.

The second officer ran in right behind him totally dumbfounded. "It's like a bear was let loose in here… Fuck me… I don't exactly know how we are going to report this…"


As Miles stepped through the vortex he stepped out into a big plaza with a fountain sitting in the middle. Buildings surrounded the plaza, some stores, houses and apartments. Several alleyways in between the buildings, but what caught Miles' attention the most was the crowd.

It wasn't just humans that were here, no. There were Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, and Orcs. All kinds of races and creatures were walking around.

Freddy seeing that Miles had been caught a bit off guard felt like he had some ground to stand on again after nearly wetting himself prior.

"Let me officially welcome you to the Paradise of Sinners, where you can be what ever you want to be as long as you have the balls to earn it!" He said happily with that same smile he had before.

I know that these are fairly short chapters, I would just like to get one out once a week if I am able to! I hope you enjoy the read!

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