
Who is gonna answer him?

Who is bad?

This story is not gonna start as "long ago or one day,... There was a small boy who is very active and do fun stuffs with friends. He never wanted to ask anything from his dad as his mom passed away when he was born. The little boy was very happy but he was not satisfied. He always wondered why there is good and bad, why there is God and devil? Why can't there be only God and good. He thought about this a lot so he wanted to find the solution and he went into a hike with friends.

There they saw an crocodile which was eating monkey. He thought crocodile was bad,... After few hours he saw a lion eating a crocodile and he decided lion is bad.

And at end of hike they reached the rest place where humans were hunting lion, crocodile,, monkey..

Boy face was so sad as he found out who is really bad and evil. Then he decided to become a nature and animal lover.
