
Paper-Thin Hearts

Asahi Azumane is a single father who alaways puts his child's well being before his own. When his friend Daichi offered to watch his 5 year old son Ryu so Asahi "could get out there" He didn't expect to wake up with an extremely bad hangover and naked next to a complete stranger.

suga_shii · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Operation Asanoya!

-3rd person pov -

It's been a week now since Asahi had rejected Noya. It's also been a week since Noya's roommate's have had anything remotely close to a decent amount of sleep, courtesy of Noya's rock music of course!

It's also been a week since Daichi and Suga started their little Shenanigans to get Asahi and Noya together they called it "Operation Asanoya" which by the way was failing miserably.

It was awkward now when Asahi went to pick up his son, especially when Ryu refused to let go of Nishinoya which usually ended in a fit of tears or Noya and Suga having to walk home with Asahi and Daichi so Ryu wouldn't cry for hours... yeah, awkward.. I know. So here they are the four of them quietly sitting in Asahi's living room, while Ryu clings to Noya tightly refusing to let go... As Asahi thought... The rebellion phase was absolutely terrible.

Asahi in this moment was in full panic mode, had he done something wrong to Ryu?! Why was he being like this lately?! Ryu has never acted out so this surprised Asahi as well as Daichi... Although Daichi was a little greatful to Ryu... because even if he didn't know it, Ryu was making Nishinoya and Asahi spend time together which was exactly what Suga and Daichi wanted... they had just wished it would be less awkward and that less crying would be involved...

"So! why don't we do some quality bonding time since... Noya's stuck in a predicament!" Sugawara says clapping his hands together while smiling brightly at everyone, Suga then looks at Daichi and raises his eyebrow at him, Daichi soon gets the message and responds " YES ! Let's do that guys!!" Ryu lifts his head from Nishinoya's shirts and says " Yayyy I get to spend more time with Shi-chan and suga-chan!" This made Suga squeal and ruffle Ryu's hair " YOU'RE ADORABLE RYU-CHAN!" Ryu just laughs and giggles before hugging Nishinoya's chest tightly once again!

-Asahi's pov ( ・◇・)?-

I was currently staring at Ryu who was hugging a very uncomfortable looking Nishinoya.... gahhh I'm so sorry noya! I think to myself... this must be terrible for him... My thoughts are interrupted by Daichi's loud screams " RYU-CHAN ITS ALMOST YOUR BIRTHDAY RIGHT?!" Oh god... It was almost his birthday!! I see Ryu immediately plop up and throw his hands in the air " MHMMM I'LL BE TURNING 6 DAI-CHAN!!" Ryu yells eagerly, he then looks at me and smiles " Papa I'm going to be turning 6!" I smile and let out a whole heartedly laugh " So you are Ryu, Is there anything you want for your birthday?" Ryu looks at me and tilts his head in confusion, everyone starts chuckling at his actions including me.... HE'S JUST TOO CUTE (^ω^)!

Ryu continues to just stare at me his mouth agape that's when Daichi cuts in " Ryu do you not know what you want?" Ryu then shakes his head and then buries his face in Noya's chest earning a chuckle " It's your 6th birthday that's when you start becoming a big kid! so why not ask for something a big kid would want!" Nishinoya says happily while rubbing circles on Ryu's back... cute..

Ryu then looks up at me and says " I know what I want but I don't know if Papa would be okay with it..." Ryu says with a really sad expression on his face... NO. NOT MY BABY!? OF COURSE ILL BE OKAY WITH ANYTHING YOU WANT! I internally scream! " Papa would be okay with anything you want Ryu! I promise!" I say smiling at him, it only takes a minute for Ryu's pout to change to a humongous grin plastered on his face before he claps his hands together and squeals " Yayyyyy!!" I smilie happily to myself before Daichi ask curiously" So.... what do you want Ryu?" ... yeah what does he want that he was so scared to ask for?

Ryu then smiles and looks at Noya before happily stating " I WANT TO GO TO LA-LA LAND WITH PAPA AND SHI-CHAN!" Daichi then starts choking on his drink while I just sit there like,oh shit. Suga begins to laugh and Noya looks at Ryu in confusion " Do you mean you want to go with me to La-La land or just papa?" Noya ask fidgeting in his seat " I want to go with both! at the same time!!" Ryu says flashing noya and me and happy smile that we both know we can't possible say no too.. *sigh*

La-La land is this amusement park that Ryu has been wanting to go to for the longest time.... I just didn't think he would ask Noya to go as well... " Well that's fine Ryu but what about me?" Daichi smiles at Ryu, Ryu then looks at Daichi and pouts " Sorry Dai-Chan only Papa and Shi-Chan can go!" Daichi stands there mouth agaped with Suga letting out a loud laugh, I look over to Noya who has a light blush on his face, I immediately go red... what the heck is this?! This kid is going to be the death of me.... Is my kid unintentionally setting me up?!

-Noya's pov-

How the heck do I say no to SUCH AN ADORABLE KID?! I feel my checks grow hot... Damn it! Ryu looks up at me and says " Shi-Chan are you sick? Do you have the sniffles?! Is that why your red Shi-chan?!" I immediately turn even more red... god this is SO EMBARRASSING! I unintentionally look over to Asahi and we make eye contact, I see his face turn red... wait he's blushing too?! I hear Daichi and Suga let out a howl andI immediately feel a scowl grow on my face " No Ryu Shi-Chan isn't sick.... but did you know that your Dai-Chan and My Suga-chan are love sick?" I say slyly, I immediately look over to Suga who's blushing like a mad man " That's not true Noya!! We're just close.... err friends!" I smirk and sarcastically say "mhm sureeee"

"It's true we're um... friends!" Daichi says backing up Suga, in that moment me and asahi look at each other before Asahi says " So you guys haven't been secretly dating this whole time?" Suga and Daichi look at each other and start laughing before Daichi says in between laughs " No! What gave you that idea!" Suga then joins in " Us? Dating PFTTT" wait so they aren't actually dating?! then what the heck has been going on this week?! Why have they've been finding ways to see each other and bringing us along?!

As if Asahi reads my mind he then says " If you guys are dating just tell us, You guys aren't good at hiding the fact that you've made so many excuses to see each other this week!" Daichi and Suga look at each other i'm assuming they're usuing some sort of telepathy because they're gazing at each other extremely hard..

-Daichi's pov-

SHIT. THEY NOTICED! I immediately look at Suga who's already looking at me and practically saying " THEY DONT KNOW ITS BECAUSE WE'RE TRYING TO GET THEM TOGETHER STAY CALM!" I nod and intensely stare back " WELL WTF DO WE DO THEN"?! Suga rubs his temples and sighs " Should we just do it?" I look around to see Asahi and Noya look at us like " what the fu-" Suga then arubtly says " HAHAHA you caught us, we're totally dating and we just didn't want to make you guys uncomfortable!" Suga says with an obviously forced smile he then glares at me intensely " Uh YEAH totally...err"

Asahi looks at the both of us for a minute before saying " awee congrats!" I stare at him, Bruh is he nice or just plain STUPID ?! Noya looks at suga and me eyeing the both of us suspiciously before grinning and saying "CONGRATS MOM!!" Suga just smiles and blushes.... say what?

The four of us continue to make small talk until it's past Ryu's bedtime, Ryu had fallen asleep cuddling to Nishinoya's chest... awww cuteee yeah i'm pretty sure thats what Asahi was thinking when he was glaring at the both of them so passionately... yeah he's not smooth in the slightest me and suga both picked up on it..

"Asahi you should show Noya to Ryu's room so you can tuck him in without moving him so much" I say cheerfully, YES FALL INTO MY PLAN (* ˚᷄ 艸 ˚᷅ *)!! Asahi smiles shyly at Noya and says " Yeah we should do that... if you're okay with it.." I immediately turn to Noya who's obviously blushing and mumbles out " Yeah... it's okay if it's for ryu.." Asahi smiles and gets up and slowly walks towards Ryu's room, noya following not to far behind!

The minute they're out of sight I hear suga yell/whisper " YES!" I turn to him and we give each other a double high-five operation asanoya was now starting to move along!! "Hey... Sorry I told them we were dating... I think we might have to err keep it up as an excuse to get them to see each other.." Suga mumbles turning away....HAJAJEIWK

-INSERT PAN- PANIC \(//∇//)\ -

WHY IS HE BEING SO CUTE FOR?! I take in a deep breath and say " It's all good, we gotta do what we gotta do right!" Suga looks up at me and smiles" right!"

-Meanwhile with our little babies (asanoya) hehe-

-3rd person's pov-

Asahi was currently tucking in his small child, this was the first time Ryu had fallen asleep without his night pats and this shocked Asahi greatly Ryu must really trust Noya... and the thought of that made Asahi's heart flutter. Noya on the other hand was staring at how Asahi was so caring towards his kid, He was kind of jealous... he doesn't remember the last time he even had an enjoyable conversation with his parents.

"Hey let me ask you something?" Noya whispered towards Asahi, Asahi turned and smiled " What is it Noya?" Noya looked away and mumbled " If Ryu in the future believed in something entirely against your beliefs, how would you react? Noya turns to look at Asahi with an emotional expression... Asahi stands there completely lost for words... what would he do? he thought to himself. " Oh uh sorry that was a weird question!" Noya blushes and waves his hands hastily... Asahi then flatly says " I'd support him." Noya stands there wide-eyed "w-what?"

" I would support him! Just because he believed in something I didn't doesn't mean it's wrong, I'm his Dad I should support him no matter what! Unless.... it's drugs.. or anything dangerous! I would definitely not support him joining a gang!" Asahi continues to ramble on and Noya stares stunned before chuckling " You really are something Asahi-san.." Asahi immediately stops rambling and stares at Noya a light blush forming on his face " Y-you think so?" Asahi ask rubbing the back of his neck, Noya smiles and says " I really do..."

Asahi takes notice of Noya's sadden expression " Are you alright Noya?" Asahi ask worriedly, Noya looks up stunned by the tears that formed in his eyes in mere seconds. Without hestotation Asahi gets up and immediately pulls Noya into a hug. "W-what are you doing!?" Noya questioned completely caught off-guard by Asahi's sudden motions. " You seemed sad ... and my body just kind of err moved on it's own.." Noya's eyes widen before hesitatingly hugging him back, Noya's immediately filled with Asahi's scent which smelled nicely like cinnamon. Noya closes his eyes taking in the relaxing scent of cinnamon... before mumbling out " My parents kicked me out in high-school... and disowned me... for being gay." Noya immediately feels tears threatening to fall down his face..

Asahi stays quite noticing the shaking in Nishinoya's breathing.... he's crying ...Asahi thinks to himself, Asahi then begins to rub small circles on Noya's back while Noya sobs into Asahi's shirt... How could anybody do that to their kid asahi thought beginning to grow angry. After a moment like this, Noya slowly pulls away from Asahi his face read and puffy from seconds of extreme tears...

( I don't know about anyone else, but it only takes seconds for my eyes to become like pufferfish after crying, is that just like a me thing or what?😂)

Asahi then quietly mutters " I'm sorry noya... I had no idea you went through something like that..." Noya then looks up at Asahi and let's out a small smiles " Suga's parents took me in... they practically adopted me right after, I was so lucky to have such amazing friends like Suga and Tanaka.." Asahi continues to stare at Noya sympathetically.. He was about to say something to Noya when he heard loud rustling coming from Ryu's bed, They both turn to see Ryu rubbing his eyes... They had woken him up..

" Why is Shi-chan crying?!" Ryu ask concernly and immediately running up to Nishinoya.. Noya chuckles and picks Ryu up " I'm sorry Ryu, I didn't mean to wake you up.." Ryu then shakes his head and hugs nishinoya's face " It's okay Shi-chan, no more sniffles okay!" Ryu states earning a small laugh from both Asahi and Noya.

"Ryu... you should go to bed baby.." Asahi says ruffling ryu's hair earning a yawn from ryu.. " I'll go to sleep if papa and shi-chan give me my night night pats!" Ryu says cuddling into Nishinoya's chest " Alright we'll do that" Nishinoya softly smiles at Ryu in his arms meanwhile Asahi..... HAS A FREAKING HEART ATTACK BROSKI 🥺

Nishinoya then makes his way to Ryu's bed and puts him down, Ryu then looks at Asahi " Cmon papa it's time for night night pats!" Ryu says tucking himself in so he's ready to receive his pats ;3; Asahi chuckles and sits on the right side of Ryu while Nishinoya sits on the left. Asahi then begins to pat Ryu's stomach lightly while Nishinoya plays with Ryu's hair, Ryu smiles brightly before closing his eyes and dozing off... *^*

Asahi and Nishinoya smile at each other before both turning red and looking away... Anybody could tell there was something between them.... even a kid. Especially Asahi's kid and let's just say Ryu was totally team Asanoya..^ω^