

So I'm still at the playground fighting this imp with a metal bat while almost being burned to cinders "Alright come on you got this let's go gimme a HOME RUN" then a loud smacking noise against hard magma then some hot liquid on my arm "ARRRGGHH hghuhah" the imp falls as my breath gets heavier and hotter and the guy who summoned him approaches and says to me (This is why you don't be a hero) "Eshsep" (huh) he says as he gets closer "GET LIT" and then I BURST into flames and watched him burn until he started rolling on the ground and I shot fire out my hand towards him which was really cringe but who cares no one will be alive to remember(HOLY S###) and then a massive smoke explosion emerges from the fire ball and grabbed my bat heated the metal part a little so it doesn't melt and hit one more home run then he's out cold "hey kid you ok" I turn to look at the kid and he's gone he ran away which made since honestly so have you guessed it my power is absorb where I take the ability of whoever I beat in a fight so I can summon and use fire abilities yep this will be a fuun experience then I summon a big dog to ride to school and umm hey have you been thinking about what's the downfall to my power well it levels up slower than normal peoples powers and it's weaker so quantity over quality kinda so sadly I'll be late today maybe I can get a new power after I get a new paper.