
A skill paper

Hey guys it's been awhile and well I'm running my a## off currently there's a bitch coming after me standing on a crazy ape while on nom nom crazy explosions every side of me trees falling behind and sometimes in front then we switch places then after awhile I turn and shoot acid in front of their face then I made a web to block their way then I told nom nom to keep going as I jumped off then as they got stuck in the web I connected two webs and threw the net while adding fire and burn them while they are inside the net then I Jumped into the air and spiked them like a meteor out of the sky and smashed them into the ground ending the chase and turning them into bits and pieces except the demon she got away then I opened my chest and a paper came out saying write your skill and wrote smithing then got a skill menu with a skill tree and everything then I summoned coco my giant bouncy boy bat so I flew right back home and called nom nom back at home and ended another day I wonder where the bitch went ehhh it's probably nothing.