
The Blue Notebook and Body Language

I was eventually let go, however, my entire lower body was completely paralyzed in pain, I had to use a wheelchair to move around.

As soon as I was let go, I made my way to the dormitories to check for the notebook I had found.

During my stay, since I was so out of it from medications and drugs, and Rose was taking care of me, I told her.

Rose was obviously shocked but I soon realized when the medication wore off, that I shouldn't have done that.

I made my way to my bed and lifted a corner, I pulled a small piece of fabric covering an opening I had made in the mattress to hide things.

I stuck my hand inside the mattress and felt around for the smooth cover until I felt it hit my pointer finger, I gripped the small notebook with my pointer and middle finger and pulled it out, careful to not hurt myself while bending over.

Once I pulled the book out it fell on the floor and I picked it up