
Rose’s Journal Pt. 2

I do want to write about Cedric, I thought it was "pathetic" at first but I want to reread the story as I was living it to our kids one day.

It's easy to forget details once time has passed, so I want to keep some details that maybe are small but meaningful.

The second I saw Cedric I found myself so attracted to him, his beautiful hazel eyes and that messy blonde hair.

His kindness and will to help others entranced me even more, how he just saw me as an equal instead of below me, something else I noticed about him was just how nice his hands were, he had some weird discoloration around some fingers but other than that they were perfect, and they were so gentle and caring when he massaged my legs.

The simple fact that he did that was so attractive to me, his ego wasn't the size of Jupiter unlike the other supervisors.