
PANDORA-Rise of the fool

"Welcome to PANDORA, a realm where the boundaries of reality are redefined, and the depth of your imagination is the only limit." Join Orion Nightshade as he navigates a world of magic and monsters after a tragic end in his previous life. Reincarnated and armed with future knowledge, Orion rises from the fool of the Nightshade family to become the Vampire Overlord. Follow his journey from loss and grief to newfound power in this captivating tale of resilience and transformation.

just_stay · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Story - Time!(Boomer alert!)

'Shall I just kill him? No, for the current me, that's impossible. Besides, how did he figure it out?' I was sweating profusely, busy in my mind.

Amongst this intense atmosphere, the old man finally broke the silence. "Brat, how could you? As a man, you should always prioritize a woman over training. Go back, don't let me see your face. I'm pretty sure my great-granddaughter would be a pretty girl, but you, my boy, this day you've disappointed me. I was thinking about my *forbidden* techniques for you when you grow old, but no, you, my boy, are dumb. *Sigh, kids these days.* Remember, boy: 'beautiful women above everything.'"

'What the heck is this old man? How can anyone be so *cringe*? The heck.' "Old man, I don't want any of your *forbidden* arts and your weird techniques. Just teach me all your fighting skills and aura techniques."

"*Sigh*... you are beyond redemption, my boy. You'll one day realize when you are an adult what golden opportunities you missed. Now, even if you bring me some money for research, I'm afraid even that won't help."

"Ah, don't worry. Keep those with yourself. Now, shall we start the training?"

"Now! Now, take your time, but remember, even if you bring me some *money for research*, I'm afraid even that won't help."

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine. I don't want anything from that. So, shall we start training?"

'Maybe he is just too small for this. Maybe after he becomes an adult, he'll buy them, and then I can immerse myself in some exquisite heheheheheeehhe *research*.'

"Fine, brat, do the usual. Close your eyes, and instead of focusing on multiple things, just do things one at a time. Instead of blindly trying to figure out and block them, go with the flow state"

As my old friend used to say '"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend."

"Brat from today the intensity is only going to increase exponentially and you would wish for death, I am going to try to break you and increase your pain threshold. Not many have come sane after this training. They become *INSANE*. Some become psychopaths, fools, brainless zombies to sustain the craziness running through their bodies. But only a few keep their urges in control. But only true warriors like me with strong mindset are not affected by those urges," he rubbed his nose in pride.

'Maybe you became a pervert. No, that's not possible. He looks like a once-in-a-millennium pervert from birth. Maybe just his pervert part has been amplified.' "Yoshi, here we go," Nathan interrupted Orion's thoughts.

Bam .... Bam ... Bam 'Sharp sword marks started cutting through my skin, followed by a spear which pierced through my very flesh. Blood started seeping out of them.'

"Yoshi, now it's time for the main course, brat. Hope you like it." The wounds that were opened previously were sliced again with a sharp edge. "Ahhhhhh, control, control," tears came out of Orion's eyes, blood continuously flowed from his hands. "Brat, don't oppose them, just evade it away. Understand the very being that your body's senses are capable of."

'Focus, feel it, feel it. Ahhhhhh, no control, control.' Pitch darkness surrounded my vision; the only thing that I should concentrate on is hearing the movement, and that's enough.

My whole upper body had cuts and piercing through which you could see dark red dry blood on them.

"You need a lot of work boy, anyways drink some blood and take a rest before leaving"

"Thanks Old man appreciate the effort"

"Old man, you prioritize women over training, right? Then why did you marry only one woman instead of a harem? And why are you so strong even though you say, 'women above everything.'"

Nathan scratched his head with an embarrassed face. "Brat, let me tell you a story back when I was in my youth."

"Forget it. I don't like romantic bullshit."

Nathan hammered down his hand.


'Why? Just why do I always get myself into a situation like this? Sigh, another old man's Storytime, I guess!'

Orion took a bucket of chicken wings from his ring and sat down as the old man started narrating his story.

"Back in the day, I was a powerful, honest, strong, handsome youth and was about to enter the academy to find a couple of young sheeps *cough* *cough* maidens for my harem."

'Narcissistic as ever, and what does he mean when he said sheep.'

"And then I met her, your great-grandmother, the heir of the Greenwoods family. She had the largest G*cough* *cough* most beautiful, I meant the most beautiful women in the world. And praise me because I was the one who proposed to her. It takes balls, boy, and she rejected me."

"Hahhahahahhha, serves you right, old man."

"Shut up! As they say, failure is the steppingstone for success. I continued to court her relentlessly until one day she agreed to go on a date with me and b'lah blah smooch smoochy."

'When is he going to stop? No way he's going to narrate that or *will he*?'

"But when I told her that I want a harem, she outright rejected my idea and said that she didn't like the idea of a harem. And then we had fights for over a year, and finally, we decided to settle this with a duel."

"Wait, does that mean you lost? Aren't you supposedly the strongest of your generation?"

"Well, throughout the duel, I kept staring at her large melons, and when her punch hit me, I was knocked out with blood through my nose. Ahh, such bliss, those youthful days of mine."

"Well, so you lost to her and were denied from having a harem, right?"

"Yeah, that's basically it. After that, we had kids and continued our life until..." Nathan froze as he was recalling something bad.

"Then what happened?"

Nathan still stood there, but if you could notice him closer, you could see his hands were shaking coldly.

'Did I hit a nerve?'

And then after a while, Nathan composed himself. "Today's lesson is over. You can head back and come back early tomorrow."

"But what happened?"

"Didn't I myself clear? Go!"

And I returned back and went to my room at the inn and slept away.