
PANDORA-Rise of the fool

"Welcome to PANDORA, a realm where the boundaries of reality are redefined, and the depth of your imagination is the only limit." Join Orion Nightshade as he navigates a world of magic and monsters after a tragic end in his previous life. Reincarnated and armed with future knowledge, Orion rises from the fool of the Nightshade family to become the Vampire Overlord. Follow his journey from loss and grief to newfound power in this captivating tale of resilience and transformation.

just_stay · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Year: 2050

Location: ALECORE, Capital of the world government


"Breaking news coming from the H.Q of the 'WORLD GOVERNMENT', The president of the world government has been assassinated by an assassin. 'Yes, you heard me right—the most-wanted criminal psychopath, also known as the 'SHINIGAMI.' Authorities are searching the entire city to find and eliminate him."

Listening to this report, the locals worldwide felt overwhelmed and happy. In one small country, there was a Japanese restaurant owned by a boy named Crayon Nohara.

"--Sigh-- guess no customers for today as well. Huh! at least, from the news report, it will take time for the government to stabilize, and until then, I don't have to pay those bastards any taxes."

'WORLD GOVERNMENT' was established 15 years ago, by the top 5 countries to conquer and enslave the rest of humanity and control them to do their bidding, while they rest in Alecore, a haven created for the leaders of the 'WORLD GOVERNMENT'.


Location: ALECORE, council of the world government

Bump sounds of anger and resentment were visible in the council room.

"Damn! That 'SHINIGAMI,' why hasn't he been caught yet? Why do you think we pay those salaries for you lot? If within another 24 hours you won't find where he is and eliminate him, say goodbye to your job."

The officer, after receiving the orders from the council, left the meeting ground and went ahead, but as soon as the officer left the door was slammed opened, 

Thud... Drip.. Drip... 

"AHHHHHHHH..." loud sounds of the council could be heard, and the whole organization was in panic. There stood a man wearing a demon's mask with the sword that severed the officer's head.

"Everyone calm down. Don't worry; I have pressed the emergency button. The army will be here shortly." one of the councilmen said.

"Well.. well, well, that's what I expected from the council. Not panicking in the face of death, are we? You fat Pigs." Rain stabbed one of them in the heart. 

Bleurgh... blood spurted out, and he wiggled out and thud... death.

"Oops... sorry fella no bad feelings ye" he turned his head to the councilman.

The councilmen were pissing their pants. "Who... who are you? What do you want? Power, money? Anything. I will give you anything.Just let me go... Pleaseeee," one of them pleaded.

"Hahahahahahahahah, quite a few wishful thinkers we have among here, I guess. Now tell me, do you all remember the 'MASSACRE'?"

"Why do you ask that? That was indeed a mistake from our part. We shouldn't have been so aggressive to the world, but that played a crucial role in our plans of expansion and to create a peaceful place for all."

"Oh! Right, condolences. That's all you can give to me. You know why you will die today? Not because of your so-called 'world domination' motto. You used me, my mother, like a guinea pig in this so-called plan of yours. To you who are in power, we were no more than ragdolls to play with."


Back to the past,

Year: 2040

Location: URALAKA, a small country in the Pacific Ocean

A small boy was sitting on his mother's lap while reading a novel called 'PANDORA'.

"Mother, this novel sucks. Why do you always read this to me? I don't comprehend the level of stupidity of these people. When the world is going to face a catastrophe, why would the hero indulge himself in pointless romantic shit? It doesn't even make sense."

"Rain, how many times have I told you to be happy with what you have? Don't you know that communications and transports are currently immobilized due to war? And finding a novel for you is already great. Be a good boy and continue to read it while mama will create lunch for you."

Rain pouted, "You always say that mother! Hum fine, but I want you to make me my favorite dish."

"No Rain eating so much Fried chicken is really bad for your health, Instead you should eat some vegetables and fruits."

"Mother, what is healthier than a nice chicken leg, Chicken eats healthy food and so I eat it making me healthier than it, I only want to eat chicken. "Rain asked her with sparkling eyes.

Bam! *Fist pump on head. * And Bam and Bam!

"No chicken for you Rain"

Rain, with snotty nose and tears shook his head down.

Rumble... Rumble 

"Mom, Why is the ground shaking, its getting hot?"

"Don't worry Rain mama will always protect you."

Drop Boom... Boom...

'Massacre,' one of history's most powerful nuclear bombs, was dropped on the country of Uraraka to serve as a warning to all other nations of the world by the 'WORLD GOVERNMENT.'

'Flames surrounded the whole region of Rain's house, the roof hit the ground, amidst this, you could see a skeleton hugging a charred individual.'

"Cough, cough." Rain's whole face was charred, blood trickling down, as he opened his eyes. He couldn't comprehend the scene before him—remnants of bones of a woman hugging Rain. "Mom, Mom...sob... sob motherrrrrrrrrrrrr."

"Mother please come back, I won't eat chicken I will eat fruits and veggies please come back", 

That day Rain had lost his humanity, and the only goal in his life was to obliterate the council and the president one day.


Back to the present day,

"Hahahahhah, but today, my friend, we are going to play a fun game. A very funny... game." Rain took a gun from his pocket and placed it at the center of the council table.

"The rules are simple. Get the gun and shoot everyone else. Otherwise, I will shoot you with the same gun, and for your information, that's the only gun that I have. Now, I'm gonna count till ten. Snatch it before others can now begin." 

Ten... nine... eight...

"Guys, we can all agree. As your senior, I will take this gun and eliminate that Reaper." The senior council members made their move. 

Seven... six... five... four...

"Slap... Get your hands off it, old man. You don't have the balls to handle such weaponry. Let me handle it." One of the younger ones managed to snatch it back. 

Three... two... one...

He pointed the gun at all the council members and Rain. "Stay away. Don't come near me, or you'll die."

One of the councilmen tried to approach him. "Why are you doing this? Aren't we supposed to be the same council?"

"Get back, old man. Today, I'm going to become the president and rule over the world. And I will start this by taking your life, SHINIGAMI." He pointed his gun at Rain. 

And click... click... click... 

'Why isn't it working? Damn!'

"F*ck you 'Shinigami'. How can you fool us like that?"

"Oh, I never said anything about the bullets, gentlemen. Now, hehehhheheeheh." Rain took out a dagger from his pocket.

"NO, please, please don't. I have a family back home. We promise to hand over everything to you."

"Yeah, you can... ahhh... yeah, you can have the president's position and rule the world." 

Bam bam... 

The door slammed open, and hundreds of soldiers were present outside.

"Hands down, Reaper. Otherwise, you will be eliminated." 

"Guess it's time for the main act. Hahahhaahahha." Rain took off his mask revealing a hideous face.

"Ew, why is his face so gory?" Few of the council members puked at the sight.

"Oh, don't worry about this. After my mother's death, every second of my life, I reiterated various ways so I could kill you. 315,532,124 seconds and still counting." Rain opened his jacket, revealing a bomb on his chest.

"NO! You don't." One of the soldiers rushed towards Rain to decapitate him.

"Bye, guys. Meet you in hell! HAHAHAHAHAHA." Rain activated the bomb, and boom! Boom... Boom...

"Huh, quite a fun life. Finally, I can come back to you, Mother."


As the echoes of destruction faded, Rain found himself adrift in a sea of darkness, haunted by memories of loss and betrayal.

But amidst the despair, a flicker of light pierced the shadows, illuminating a figure cloaked in warmth and love.

"Mama," Rain whispered, his voice choked with emotion, as he reached out to his mother's outstretched hand.

With a tender smile, she enveloped him in her embrace, her presence a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

"Carry my love in your heart, my precious son," she whispered, her words echoing across the void. "For though I may be gone, I will always be with you."

And as the abyss embraced them once more, Rain clung to her memory, a guiding light in the depths of darkness.

---to be continued