
PANDORA-Rise of the fool

"Welcome to PANDORA, a realm where the boundaries of reality are redefined, and the depth of your imagination is the only limit." Join Orion Nightshade as he navigates a world of magic and monsters after a tragic end in his previous life. Reincarnated and armed with future knowledge, Orion rises from the fool of the Nightshade family to become the Vampire Overlord. Follow his journey from loss and grief to newfound power in this captivating tale of resilience and transformation.

just_stay · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Today was the day of the spirit festival, where heirs from all the noble families would assemble to get their familiars.

--BANG--BANG-- someone was banging on my door

"Orion, Are you ready yet?"

"Yeah Yeah wait a moment"

"--Sigh-- Sometimes I wonder if you are a girl Orion, how much time does it take to get ready."

I put on my jacket and went out "Yeah lessgo."

"Do you even know where the spirit festival is held?"

'In the novel it wasn't mentioned properly, mostly it should be in the Academy, Peter entered the Spirit Pond after he came 10 among the First years.'

"Nope, but I guess you know so tell me where it is held sister? Is it the Academy?"

"Good guess, but no it is held in the Guild Headquarters. Only the heirs of the 4 Noble families like us are allowed to enter the pond."

"What about commoners? I heard that commoners get their familiars from the academy, Is it wrong? or Is there another pond in the academy?"

"You are not wrong, but only the top 10 talented individuals are allowed to enter the pond and No, there aren't two ponds it's just that for the security of the pond, No one except the members of the Round table know about its location."

"Do they fear that devil worshippers will acquire strong familiars?"

"I don't know much about that as father restricted the knowledge about devil worshippers, as far as I can guess It might be because they don't want the devil worshippers to get strong familiars."

"But aren't devil worshippers weak, why do we have to fear them? and even if they were to be allowed to enter the pool, I don't think with their power they would be able to have strong familiars. "

"It's not that simple Orion, to awaken a familiar you necessarily don't need to be powerful, see yourself you haven't mana, yet you are allowed to enter the spirit pond, why do you think that is Orion?"

"Maybe it has to do something with spirit strength or something like that."

"Don't just go by its name, Spirit refers to the familiar and pond refers to us Orion, Our Spirit is a reflection of our true self Orion, It doesn't matter if you are the most powerful person in the world, it actually doesn't matter No matter which rank you achieve your state of ego, remains the same."

"Even if you are a rich person who has lot of resources but have a timid personality you would end up with a timid familiar. This is the reason why Nightshades family doesn't allow children before familiar selection to drink blood."

"Why? Why are we not allowed to drink blood aren't we vampires?"

"Well, I don't know about the specifics It has been meant to be the same way for years, Once I tried to ask father as to why young vampires aren't allowed to do so?"

"He said it has something to do with heightened emotion or euphoria caused due to it and stop with these questions Orion, we've arrived at the portal."

As I entered out of the portal I saw a huge dark forest in front of me,

"Ahh Sister, I think we teleported to the wrong location."

"Look above you Orion."

A huge black Phoenix was heading towards our location, and --Bam-- it landed in front of us with its steeling figure around the height of an adult human.

"What? What is that?" I was prepared to take out Nebula at any moment.

It came towards my sister and started licking her

"Oh! Don't worry its --HAHAHAH-- Jake, my familiar. Jake stop am sorry it took long for me to return."

"Sister What? But when? When did you tame it?"

"Oh! don't you remember, yeah of course you were very young back then, at the last Round Table, Father made me meet his familiar the Patriarch of the Black Phoenix and by coincidence one of its eggs hatched at that moment, So I was present when it hatched so it became my familiar."

"How is that possible? didn't you say something about having the same ego or something."

"Yeah, What do you think would be the personality of a newborn?"

"Nothing, I guess they still have to grow up to develop up a certain personality, So what you're trying to say is that you babsitted it."

"Yeah, In simpler terms am Jakes mother --HAHAHHA--, aren't I Jake my cute little boy how large have you become."


"Then why did you come here with me to this place?"

"Of course, to see my baby, I can't take him to the outside world until both of us become stronger, aftercall he is the heir of the black phoenix."

"Is it time Jake?"

--Kiek-- Jake nodded its head.

"What do you mean sister?"

"Its time for some grand entrance." sister took me by the waist and We rode on Jake and arrived in the middle of a clearing of the jungle.

"We've arrived, be ready Orion." my sister shouted at me holding me in one hand dangling in the air.

"And now enters the heir of the Nightshades family."

"Yoshi lesgoooooo" my sister landed with a crack on the ground holding me on one side.