
Pandora Fate

Gold ring with one love shape diamond, embed with small diamonds around it. What was meant as a sign of love and devotion for other couples was nothing but a testament of his ownership on me. A daily reminder for the rest of my life. Until death do us part wasn’t an empty promise as with so many other couples that entered the holy bond of marriage. There was no way out of this union for me. So I was own by my husband until the end of my life. The last few words of the oath that men swore when they were inducted into the Black organization could just as well have been the closing of my wedding vow. This wedding wasn’t about love or trust or choice. It was about duty and honor, about doing what was expected. A bond to ensure peace in organization to stop more bloodshed in between two big organization - White and Black empire that clashes more than 200 years.

MsTranslator · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Feud to Peace

Father means a peace with the Fu?

As I know that Father and every other member of the Su hated the Fu. As they had been killing each other for 200 Year and only recently decided on ignoring each other in favour of killing off the members of other crime organizations, like the Mo clans and the Fo clans.

"There is no stronger bond than blood. At least the Fu got that right."

I frowned.

"Born in blood. Sworn in blood. That's their motto." Father said.

I nodded but my confusion only grew.

"I met with Black headmaster yesterday."

Father met with the Fu Wang the head of the Fu (Black Empire)?

A meeting between the headmaster of Su (White Empire) and Fu (Black Empire) hadn't taken place in for 200 years after the feud started between them and the last time hadn't ended well as I learn in Su History book. That was still referred to as the Bloody year for us in history.

"We agreed that for peace to be an option we had to become family." Father's eyes bored into me and suddenly I feel like didn't want to hear what he going to say next.

"Fu Wang and I agreed that you would marry his oldest son Fu Shuo, for the new future Reunite of the Su (White Empire) and the Fu (Black Empire)."

My world collapse as I felt like I was falling from the Himalayan.

"Why me?"

"As Father and Fu Wang have been talking on the phone several times in the last few weeks, but adamant that he wanted the most beautiful girl for his eldest son. Of course, we couldn't give him the daughter of one of our men's. As your Uncle Su Yue doesn't have daughters, so he said that you were the most beautiful and the eldest daughter of the Su."

"There are so many beautiful girls in the Su right," I choked.

I couldn't breathe. Father looked at me as if I was his most prized possession.

"You are our door into the eldest, Shen Mi. Both your sister were still younger," Father guffawed.

"But, Father, I'm only 16 years old who still attending high school, so I can't marry yet right?"

Father made a dismissive gesture.

"Shen Mi. You are the eldest daughter and you held a great duty since you were born into the Su. This is unavoidable for the Su peace and future, daughter."

My father said in his strict tone.

Thus I gripped the armrests so tightly, my knuckles were turning white, but I didn't feel pain. Numbness was working its way through my body.

"But I've told the Fu that the wedding would have to wait until you turn 18 year old, Shen Mi. Your mother was adamant you be of age and finish the high school, at least."

So my mother had told my father the wedding had to wait.

Oh no, my own father would have thrown me into the arms of my future husband that I never met.

My husband. A wave of sickness crashed over me. I knew only two things about Fu Shuo. I heard that he would become the head of the Fu (Black Empire) once his father retired or died, and he got his nickname 'The Fu Lion' for crushing a man's throat with his bare hands.

But I didn't know how old he was.