
PANDORA'S BOX: Survival Of A Hundred Misfortunes

Whether driven by boredom or a profound purpose unknown to all, the primordial beings chose to conceal artifacts throughout the universe. Artifacts, which promised immortality and divinity to those fortunate enough to find them. Humanity stumbles on one of these artifacts, bringing chaos and destruction to their world, as the benefits of these artifacts come with a catch. Survive a hundred misfortunes and reach godhood. Leo and the rest of the world are caught up in this trail their world turned upside down as monsters and zombies rampage. Each trail collapsing civilizations. With his intelligence and the perks of the new world; magic, artifacts, and systems. He navigates the new world with his friends in pursuit of the illusory light at the end of the tunnel; immortality and divinity.

Sam_Reuel · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Weak Can Win

"You guys sure took your sweet time," Mark exclaimed as the two walked into the storage room.

The books had been neatly arranged and sorted into what Mark believed to be magic, weapon, and skill training. During their absence, he had taken it upon himself to look for more artifacts, venturing into the upper floors and raiding every packrat nest he found.

He had gathered weapons, ranging from medieval times to the present day. Behind him lay piles of shields, necklaces, swords, spears, more books, and guns—all of which glittered like treasure, as pack rats liked shiny things.

"I thought you didn't bully the weak," Leo teased as he noticed the miscellaneous items behind, items he believed could only be in the packrat's nest.

"I didn't kill any of them..." Mark retorted.