
Pandemonium: Gates to Hades

Verin was dragged to hell at the age of 17 by two monstrous beings well beyond any power he had encountered. His body, broken, his mind a mess, he was left at deaths door and thrown to his father, who had commissioned this retrieval. He finds solace in his dreams, where a wonderful creature comes to aid him in his suffering. Through these dreams, they become closer: and then all hell breaks loose.

Sylphite_14 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 15

The sitting room was what greeted me when I looked around. There was a bookshelf molded into the wall and three cream colored couches framing a small table in their center. Ornamental looking rugs and a beautiful chandelier finished off the decor.

There were three doors. One to the left, one to the right and one in the far corner. The left led to the bedroom, sparsely decorated with a bed, wardrobe and vanity. The bedroom led to a bathroom that was pristine white marble and easy to use with handles where water flowed freely when needed. It was far more convenient than needing an attendant.

The far corner door led to a dining room. A small four seater table and light decorative items completed this room. It was small and homey, I liked the simplicity very much.

Then came the room to the right. This room was fully barren except for a desk and chair stationed neatly in one corner. Part of me was excited to see what I could turn this room into, should I choose to stay.

I closed the door and immediately made my way towards the bathroom, needing to bathe rather fiercely. I had spent the entire day bleeding and I felt rather disgusting.

I looked through every cabinet within the bathroom and found a plush robe, a handful of towels, soaps and washcloths. Everything I would need had been stocked neatly for my use.

I turned towards the tub and pulled the lever at the top, watching as the bath filled with water. It was the most interesting thing I had seen up to that point and I marveled at the flow of water with no magic.

The tub filled in no time and I disrobed, slowly falling into the water and breathing a relieved sigh. It felt amazing.

The trouble began when I grabbed a washcloth and ran it over my body, washing the filth that had accumulated.

"It's okay." I told myself as I ran the cloth over sensitive under arms and chest.

"It's fine." I mumbled as I washed my bloodied legs and watched the water turn pink.

I refused to acknowledge the reality of what it had all meant and focused on rubbing my skin raw to clean it. For the most part my denial worked, until I felt my stomach and hips. Denial could not do away with my slightly protruding abdomen and clearly widened hips.

I flung my hands off my stomach and took in a shaky breath, trying to forget the sensations still lingering on my finger tips. I finished my bath quickly after that.

I wrapped the plush robe around my body and slid into bed. It was barely midday and yet exhaustion settled into me and before long I had fallen asleep.

I was woken several times to the sound of a heartbeat echoing in my mind, too fast to be mine. I would promptly slam my hands to my ears and weep myself back to sleep.

The next morning came all too quickly and I was fully woken by the sound of knocking. I ignored it for a moment, hoping to fall back to sleep, but when the knocking persisted I begrudgingly left my bed and opened the front door.

There Lycher stood, a set of clothes draped over one arm and a tray of food in hand. I groaned but allowed him entry, having promised Damien I would do so.

"Change and eat." He demanded.

I glared at the audacious healer before angrily snatching the outfit and getting dressed. I fell onto a couch soon after and reached for the tray.

Steamed fish, bread and a glass of water. I ate it all and slammed the empty tray onto the table.

"How is the bleeding?" He asked, looking at me expectantly.

I shrugged. I could hardly hear him over the sound of a heart beating in my ears causing my head to throb in tune with each beat.

"That isn't a reply." He sighed.

He grabbed my right arm and lifted, examining my under arm for traces of pain. I hissed as he pressed down and he tsked in disapproval.

"Lie down." He instructed. "I need to check on the bleeding."

I shook my head.

"I need to make sure your bleeding isn't excessive."

I gave in and laid down on the couch facing the ceiling. He made quick work of examining my abdomen for which I was thankful.

"You may get up."

I did not move, having gotten quite comfortable, and waited for the results of his exam.

"You'll need a few remedies to help strengthen your body, but everything seems to be healing up well."

I nodded.

"I'll go fetch them from Damien." He announced as he stood to leave. "I'll be back soon."

He was gone shortly after, leaving me alone with the sounds rattling through my mind and that damnable heartbeat that would not die.

It was a quick and loud succession of beats that began driving me mad. The more I tried to ignore it, the louder it became until I could hear nothing else.

Thoughts raced through my mind, unending and torturous.

You did this.

It's your fault you're in this mess.

Your fault Ada died and you were had.

You weren't strong enough.

Fast enough

Good enough

He took you because of what you did

What you said

What you looked like

You should have fought harder.

Been stronger.

You did this.

You deserve this.

I groaned and buried my face into the back of the couch. Holding my ears in the hopes of drowning out the voice screaming in my mind.

Do you hear it?

The heartbeat of the monster you carry?

It's growing.

The parasite did not die.

It's clung to you

It will be born and have his eyes.

You will have to carry it

Feed it from your body

It needs to die

It needs to die

It needs to die

You have to kill it.

Go on. Kill it.

Kill it.

Kill it.

I came back to myself only when the front door burst open. I blinked and looked down at my bloody hands, a knife dangling limply from my fingers.

My abdomen was a mess of stab wounds still bleeding freely. I felt no pain as I turned glazed eyes onto Damien, who was trying desperately to gain access into the building.

I opened and closed my mouth, wanting to speak yet no words escaping. I was left mute in the aftermath of my own self destruction.

I had no clue how long it took, but soon Damien had flown into the room at a sprint, dropping to his knees before me.

Apparently I was sat on the couch, bent forward with my elbows resting on my knees, hands barely keeping hold of the hilt of the knife used to wound me.

Damien wasted no time in grabbing the offending object and throwing it clear across the room, far enough where I would not easily reach it. He framed my face in his hands and I could see tears forming in his beautiful eyes.

"Don't cry." I mumbled, having lost a substantial amount of blood. "It's okay."

"Look at me." He demanded as my eyes began to droop. "What happened?"

"S the…um." I could not think well enough to form sentences but I tried. "I could hear the heart…thing? Boom boom."

"The heartbeat?" Damien guessed and I nodded.

"Uh huh. It was a-live and I killed it." I smiled brightly at the silence that now dominated my mind. I had killed the source of the heartbeat. I had won.

"Okay." Damien said, voice quivering. "Okay. That's fine." I was sure he was panicking. "Drink this."

I felt the press of glass to my lips and swallowed obediently, finishing off the contents quickly and efficiently before closing my eyes and resting my head on the hands still holding my face. I was exhausted.

"Keep those eyes open." Damien cooed. "Let me see your eyes."

I blinked open my eyes with a grin. "I won."

"Yes, gorgeous, you won. Now keep winning and keep those eyes on me until the wounds close."

"It quiet." I giggled. "I'm sleepy."

"Did you know I used to be an angel?" Damien said suddenly. "Lucifer and I were best friends."

"I nvr had any friends." My words were slurring as I spoke.

"That's a shame." Damien sighed. "Why not?"

"People knew I wasn't normal. You know, cause my eyes."

"But your eyes are so beautiful." He complimented, while continuing to hold my attention.

"You cn have em."

"You need them to see." Damien pointed out, moving me in order to see my wounds.

The worst of my bleeding must have subsided as he sighed in relief. He let my head drop and stood, lifting me into his arms with careful ease.

"Up we get." He said, walking me into the bedroom and placing me on the bed.

He pet my hair a few times before tucking me in and sitting at the edge of the bed, watching as my eyes slipped shut.

"Get some sleep." He soothed. "I'll be here when you wake up."