
Palworld: Washed Up Outsider

Dying during a pirate raid, and washing up in a different world wasn't something I expected. Especially not in a world that was just newly introduced to me. My whole situation is unnerving, but I'm quick to move on and adapt. So even if there's magical bullshit now it doesn't affect me much. I just have to survive... should be simple enough. (SI sorta)

BiazarKaiser · Video Games
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13 Chs

8: Life is cruel to the kind

Chuckling to myself I couldn't help but feel cold, a spear impaling me through the chest. The burning and melting figure of this camp's commander glaring at me with pure hatred. The shadows exploding from me dying down as I felt things slipping, the commander seeming pleased with what she did. As she attempted to speak, a ghost-like paw I vaguely recognized smashed her head and neck down into her chest. The now deceased stubborn woman fell over dead, ripping the spear from my chest in the process.

The ghostly appearance of Cheshire standing behind the deceased woman with a blank expression. Shadows surging around my fresh hole and mending everything together once more going by the itching I feel. Looking at the Ancient I chuckled, my bindings being erased so that I could move about. Stretching out, my mind buzzing as Cheshire seemed to be doing something inside of my head. Her gold glowing eyes flickering every so often, the voices in my head dying off.

"Are you going to suffer backlash by doing what you are doing?"

"No. The conquered tower is feeding you plenty to allow my temporary manifestation."

"Conquered? I didn't conquer shit, I just failed to kill a woman and an overgrown rat."

"They left the tower, your traits awakened the Shrine within it and stirred the soul of the Fallen housed in the shrine. It now belongs to you."

Shaking my head at the rather magical nonsense, I noticed I was still exploding shadows. Cutting off the skill I watched as the shadows fizzled out harmlessly. Cheshire walking up to the bowl my head was getting dunked into every hour without rest. Without any preamble she destroyed it and its contents with a dark flaming beam. Disdain in her eyes as she did so. Sighing I tried taking a step forward and almost fell if not for the sudden feeling of a beak grabbing my collar. Looking back at Nite I chuckled softly, the big avian as she pulled me back onto my feet with a huff.

She also looked at me as if she's seen a ghost, just because I've suffered severe blood loss, and mental manipulation attempts that did cause my eyes to bleed. All over the span of a single day doesn't mean I'm going to die. It just means I'm tired if nothing else, as honestly I still feel alright if that tower really has been healing me even now. However, I don't think Cheshire realized something while in my head. Taking a step off where they essentially put me to show off to everyone.

As I passed by Cheshire I said something that caused the feline to still while I kept walking. My clothing taking on traits of a certain Pal, shadow spikes exploding up from the ground. Killing or double tapping any Syndicate members as the spikes popped their heads.

"Thank you, Cetalyn, really." 'And I'm sorry life has done this to us both.'

Reincarnation, such a cliche of cliches but a fundamental of everything. Walking past my Pals and freed Pals and Humans, Elizabee hovering behind me as I walked. I thought of the things I saw, and the things I was forced to relive from all my past lives. Especially from the one that hurt such a bright witch that could've saved everything yet became recluse with my death. Devil and Prophet… I'll fucking make you wish you died for your games. I always try to be peaceful and clean, but you two…. You two can't be forgiven this time, not this time children, not this time.

''For Cetalyn's sake I can't let you two do what you want anymore. Playing games with lives, my life, all for entertainment through war to fulfill visions can't slide anymore. Corrupting the minds of both Human and Pals alike to grow an army to conquer all you once protected. You two have fallen out of grace, and you need to pay the price.''