
Palworld Vs Gantz: Apocalyptic Collision [Isekai Pokemon]

After an inexplicable transfer, Shirona finds herself trapped in a nightmarish world where the only constants are her seven beloved Pokemon and a mysterious black sphere that pits her against lethal aliens. Forced to fight for survival, she must rely on the extraordinary powers of her Pokemon companions while unraveling the secrets behind this twisted game of life and death. In a realm where a single misstep could mean oblivion, Shirona's bond with her Pokemon will be pushed to its limits as they battle to escape this alien apocalypse. Can their unwavering friendship overcome the overwhelming odds? Please follow/support us at: https://www.patreon.com/ZenpaiTrans

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51 Chs

Darkness Lurks Below  

There was one man among the spectators who stood out with his sharp gaze. He wore a green-based outfit with intricate patterns on both the top and bottom. He clearly belonged to some organization.

"Self-Defense Force, huh. Their deployments have been increasing lately."

Anzu provided some explanation. Apparently it was some kind of civil defense group. Shirona had indeed noticed those outfits here and there recently. With the succession of disturbing news reports lately, including civilian casualties, the police alone were likely unable to handle the situations.

The Ikebukuro incident left a particular impression. People wearing black suits had fought against and defeated some kind of monster. According to rumor, the famous Reika was among them. Even for someone not interested in gossip, it was certainly an intriguing case.

The effects were definitely showing, Shirona was certain. The fact that they had defeated those horned aliens seemed to have been completely covered up. Instead, it was portrayed as an achievement of the Tokyo team. Without suffering total annihilation.

The face of a young, student-like boy came to mind. Perhaps that youth she had helped in the past had pulled through successfully. Wishing that was the case, she gave instructions to Milotic and the others.

Anzu's proposal involved putting on a show with the Pokemon. While part of Shirona may have felt uneasy about it, she had now started viewing things from a different perspective.

These children were neither aliens nor monsters. They possessed the potential to coexist with humans. So by unveiling them publicly like this, that mindset could spread. Show the world just how wonderful her Pokemon family members are.

Milotic created a ring in the air. The water portion glittered brilliantly in the sunlight, causing some people to cheer. At the same time, money was repeatedly tossed into the set-up cans. At first Anzu was a bit reserved, but gradually she became overjoyed. Of course Shirona intended to properly split the earnings with her, but Anzu may not have realized that judging by how she would occasionally become subdued with what looked like guilt.

Faced with the crowd's amazement, Shirona contemplated her situation. Perhaps she truly wouldn't be able to return. She might have to keep living in this world forever.

But she was okay with that, she keenly felt. The realization that one's place didn't have to be sought, but could be created. While it was certainly painful not to be able to reunite with her family, she was confident she could overcome it. Shirona herself was starting to become fond of this city.

Besides, she couldn't just abandon Anzu and the others either. First, she had to settle matters related to Gantz. Then she would have to explore how to go about living her life from there.

With that measured resolve, Shirona directed a genuinely warm smile towards her Pokemon. They responded in kind, putting on the best performance they could muster. While they had participated in Pokemon Contests before, they seemed to be enjoying themselves more this time.


Tsuchiya had lost count of how many times he had yelled at people that day. To ease his workers' dissatisfaction, he took the lead in actively working himself. No one seemed energetic at all. Everyone appeared to be nearing their physical limits.

"What was that?"

When one of them pointed and said that, Tsuchiya turned to look but saw nothing there.

"Looking for an excuse to slack off?"

"No, sir - I really thought I saw some kinda weird creature. I'm sure it was an illusion."

"Figures. Seems you're starting to hallucinate from exhaustion."

The workload had been even greater today. That was undoubtedly because the three elite workers were all absent. They were tireless. While they put on a good act, it was easy for the construction site supervisor Tsuchiya to see through. They truly must have wanted to learn more about the mechanisms involved, but all three had taken the day off as if conspiring together.

"Wonder where we'll go drinking later."

When he entered the locker room, the other workers had already changed clothes.

"Supervisor. That same place again?" 

"Yeah, a good girl works there."

"I'll pass. I just wanna sleep today." 

"Seriously? What about you, Nitta?" 

"Hmm, let me think..."

As Nitta seemed to be wavering, Tsuchiya suddenly felt an impact in his abdomen. He saw the blade piercing his body. It appeared to be a small knife.

"I'd prefer a hefty severance package."

Nitta, who had been a subordinate and temporary co-worker, was grinning menacingly as he gripped the weapon. Tsuchiya realized Nitta wasn't the only one armed. He dropped to his knees as the others surrounded him.

"For making us work like dogs." 

"Let's take what we can and get outta here." 

"Hey, grab his phone. We're screwed if he calls for help."

Tsuchiya was aware of similar incidents occurring elsewhere. But humans have a tendency to treat things as someone else's problem until it's too late. They don't prepare themselves at all, unable to fathom being victimized themselves.

"Please, stop...I'm begging you..." 

"Goodbye, Supervisor."

The knife was swung down towards Tsuchiya. It was the sight of a helpless man against an organized robbery, his shoulder slashed open as blood gushed out. As he fell to the ground, Tsuchiya's eyes met the gazes of the men looking down at him, taking in the unsightly expressions on their faces.

The underground passage opened up. As he walked, he wiped away the dripping blood. Tsuchiya's appearance had already begun transforming. His work clothes melted away, being absorbed into his abdomen, and his broad chest shrank as his chest area swelled up instead. Even his reasonably well-endowed manhood vanished.

Batting her sultry, narrowed eyes, the woman took a seat in the highest spot of the underground space. Around her, some had already finished eating.

A winged, tengu-like monster was devouring a human wearing work clothes. On the opposite side, a dog-like creature draped in priestly garb used its long arms to meticulously tear into a corpse. It then opened its large maw and gorged itself, knife and all, like a bipedal canine.

The woman rested her cheek on her hand and spoke softly, " I will start by seizing control of this territory first."

It was an elderly, low voice. Although quiet in volume, it carried equally to everyone present. Not due to its vocal quality, but because the overwhelming pressure exuded by her very existence allowed the words to reach even those far away.

Demonic spirits and fiends of all varieties filled the space, bowing their heads respectfully towards their leader as she opened her wicked smile and issued a terse command - to devour all life other than their own kind.

The response was a chorus of ecstatic cries. At last, the time of submission had ended. They reveled in the realization that their era had arrived.

The woman looked forward to it as well, if only a little. No matter what place she had destroyed before, there had never been an existence that could oppose her. But perhaps this time would be different. Maybe she would be able to experience an exhilarating battle.

With that small glimmer of anticipation, she waved her arm. In sync with that signal, the monsters began moving. Obediently forming lines, they ascended the stairs leading above ground.

The atrocities were about to begin.



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