
Pale Flesh

"Aiden Knight had everything he ever wanted - billions of dollars, total control of his company. But when his life is suddenly taken by greedy enemies, he discovers a power beyond his wildest dreams. As his shattered head regenerates and he awakens a mysterious Bloodline system, Aiden realizes he's been playing a game he didn't even know existed. And the stakes have just been raised to a whole new level."

fiendish_grin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 20: Echoes of the Self

### Part 1

The sudden emergence of the variant behind Aiden took him by surprise. With a fluid motion, Aiden twisted to counter the attack, narrowly missing a swift strike aimed at his neck. The two engaged in a rapid exchange, punches and kicks flying, each parrying the other's moves with precision.

"Relying on old tricks?" Aiden taunted, using his connection with Eve to analyze and predict the variant's pattern.

His counterpart laughed, "Experience teaches one the value of the tried and true." He initiated another series of attacks, each one faster, more unpredictable.

Aiden swiftly dodged a particularly lethal swipe, then retaliated with a series of calculated blows. The connection with Eve enhanced his perception, making each move of his variant appear fractionally slower, giving him the edge he needed.

Just as Aiden was starting to gain the upper hand, the variant used his void walk ability. The world around Aiden blurred momentarily, and suddenly, the variant was above him, using the gravity to launch a powerful downward strike. Aiden rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack that left a deep fissure in the platform.

The dream-like arena reacted, the azure rivers surging and twisting, creating water spouts that shot upwards. The variant, capitalizing on the distraction, sent a series of energy pulses towards Aiden.

With Eve's guidance, Aiden used the silver-leaved trees as shields, watching as they absorbed the energy, their leaves shimmering even brighter. He then ripped one such tree from the ground and hurled it towards his doppelganger, using it as a diversion to close the gap between them.

The two collided in a fierce embrace, grappling, trying to overpower the other. The entire nexus seemed to quiver, reacting to their sheer wills. The mountains shook, the clouds roiled, and the very platform they stood on began to fragment.

As they continued to trade blows, their conversation became as heated as their combat. "Do you truly believe your path, aided by an AI, is superior?" the variant sneered.

Aiden, panting from the exertion, replied, "It's not about superiority. It's about growth, understanding, and embracing change."

The battle raged on, neither willing to give an inch. As the environment shifted and molded around their emotions and beliefs, it became clear that this wasn't just a test of strength but of conviction.

After what felt like hours, the two stood, bruised and battered, staring each other down. The nexus had calmed, reflecting their mutual exhaustion.

"Perhaps…" the variant began, breathing heavily, "there's more to learn from this than I thought."

Aiden nodded, equally spent, "Every confrontation, every challenge, is a chance to learn and evolve. That's what I believe."

With that understanding, they prepared for the final, decisive clash that would determine the outcome of this epic confrontation.

Aiden and his variant circled each other, their breaths heavy and synchronized. The ground beneath them pulsated, its rhythm matching their heartbeats, amplifying the tension in the ever-shifting realm.

Aiden lunged, aiming a punch straight at the variant's face. The variant smoothly sidestepped, but not before Aiden, predicting the dodge, followed with a swift kick. The variant barely managed to block, using his forearm to deflect the impact.

Seeing an opening, Aiden tried to capitalize, but the variant had already launched into a rapid flurry of punches. Aiden parried and dodged, Eve constantly feeding him data on potential weak points and openings.

"Your reliance on that AI…" the variant began, voice dripping with disdain, "makes you predictable."

Aiden smirked, "Eve isn't just a tool; she's a part of me. Our synergy makes us formidable."

As if responding to his statement, the nebulous environment began to change, the silver-leaved trees twisting into arcane symbols, creating patterns that floated and danced around them. Each symbol represented fragments of Aiden's memories, challenges he had faced, victories he had achieved, and even his moments of doubt.

The variant, momentarily distracted by the swirling symbols, tried to use his void walk ability to regain the advantage. However, each time he tried, the symbols would intercept, preventing him from seamlessly transitioning, as if the very nexus was resisting him.

"They're just memories," the variant growled, swiping through the symbols with energy-charged hands, dispersing them. But for every symbol he banished, two more appeared, surrounding and overwhelming him.

Aiden saw this as an opportunity, attacking with renewed vigor. Their exchange was a blend of technique, raw power, and deep-rooted emotions. Each blow, each maneuver, echoed their differing philosophies and experiences.

At one point, the variant managed to land a solid punch on Aiden's chest, sending him hurtling backward. As Aiden struggled to regain his footing, the variant manipulated the terrain, raising sharp spires aiming to impale him.

Aiden barely managed to avoid the deadly trap, using his superior strength to shatter the spires. Gasping for breath, he said, "You might have experience on your side, but I have adaptability."

The variant grinned, blood dripping from a cut on his lip, "Then adapt to this." With a powerful roar, he unleashed a massive wave of energy, reshaping the entire nexus, turning it hostile towards Aiden.

Aiden braced himself, ready to face whatever new challenges this ever-evolving battle would throw at him.