
Painted Hearts

Painted Hearts is a gripping young adult web novel series that explores the complex relationships and emotions of three high school seniors: Ava, Jack, and Max. As Ava's talent as an artist begins to attract the attention of both Jack and Max, a heart-wrenching love triangle develops, forcing the three friends to navigate their passions, ambitions, and personal struggles. *** Updates every Wednesday and Sunday

JiaWeizhi · Teen
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Brushstrokes 006

Monday, January 18th

As Ava walked into the art classroom on Monday, she noticed that Max was nowhere to be found. She wondered if he was sick or had something else going on. But as she took her seat next to Jack, she pushed the thought to the back of her mind and focused on the upcoming art project.

Their teacher, Mrs. Lopez, announced that they would be working in pairs for the project and that each pair would have to create a mural that represented a social issue. Ava's heart sank as she realized she would have to work with Jack, whom she still had mixed feelings about.

As they began brainstorming ideas for their mural, Ava found herself impressed with Jack's creativity and style. He came up with a lot of great ideas and was able to put his own unique spin on them. As they worked together, Ava found herself opening up to Jack more and more. They talked about their families, their interests, and their dreams for the future.

Ava's idea for the mural was inspired by her love for nature and the environment. She wanted to create a scene that would represent the importance of taking care of our planet and the beauty that can be found in its natural landscapes.

The mural would feature a sweeping vista of a lush forest, with tall trees reaching towards the sky and a babbling brook winding its way through the underbrush. Birds and other wildlife would be hidden among the leaves and branches, adding a sense of movement and life to the scene.

But what really made Ava's idea stand out was her use of color. She planned to create a gradient effect, starting with cool blues and greens at the bottom of the mural to represent the forest floor and the water in the brook. As the eye moved up the wall, the colors would shift to warmer greens and golds, as if the sun were shining down on the canopy above. Finally, the very top of the mural would be a brilliant blue sky, dotted with fluffy white clouds.

Ava also wanted to incorporate a message into the mural, something that would remind people of the importance of protecting our planet. She planned to include a quote from a famous environmentalist, such as Rachel Carson or Jane Goodall, that would encourage viewers to take action and make a difference.

Jack was impressed with Ava's idea and couldn't wait to start working on it with her. He could see the passion and creativity in her eyes, and he knew that together they could create something truly amazing.

After class, Ava waited for Jack outside the art room. She wanted to talk to him about what Max had told her over the weekend. As Jack walked out of the room, Ava approached him.

"Hey, Jack," she said, trying to sound casual.

Jack looked up, surprised to see her waiting for him. "Hey, Ava. What's up?"

"I heard about your parents," Ava said, her voice softening.

Jack sighed heavily. "Yeah, it sucks. I don't really want to talk about it though."

Ava nodded understandingly. "I get it. I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to."

Jack gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Ava. I appreciate it."

They walked together in silence for a few moments before Ava spoke up again. "So, about the art project. I really liked your idea of incorporating a hidden message into the mural. Do you have any thoughts on what the message should be?"

Jack's face lit up as he began to talk animatedly about his ideas for the mural. Ava listened intently, impressed by his creativity and vision.

Ava and Jack found a quiet spot in the library to continue working on their art project after lunch. They had both been quiet during the walk over, lost in their own thoughts.

As they set up their supplies, Ava couldn't help but notice how good Jack looked today. His hair was perfectly messy, and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the light.

"Thanks for listening earlier," Jack said, breaking the silence. "I'm still trying to process everything, but it felt good to talk about it."

"Of course, anytime," Ava replied, smiling at him. "We're friends, right?"

Jack nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, we are."

As they began to work on the project, Ava couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness with Jack. They worked well together, bouncing ideas off of each other and critiquing each other's work.

Ava's mind began to wander, and she found herself thinking about how it would feel to be even closer to Jack. She couldn't help but notice the way his arms flexed as he worked, or how his lips looked so soft and inviting.

Before she knew it, their faces were inches apart. They both seemed to freeze, lost in the charged moment. Ava's heart was pounding so loudly she was sure Jack could hear it.

For a moment, neither of them moved. Then, Jack reached out and gently touched Ava's face, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Their lips almost met, and Ava felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body. It was soft and gentle, but filled with so much emotion.

As they pulled away, they both looked a little stunned. Ava could see the uncertainty in Jack's eyes, but she knew that in this moment she wanted to be with him, no matter what.

"Wow," Jack said, breaking the silence. "I...I don't know what to say."

Ava and Jack both sit there, frozen, not knowing what to say. Ava can feel her heart pounding in her chest, and she wonders if Jack can hear it too. She looks up at him and sees the same uncertainty in his eyes.

Finally, Jack clears his throat. "I'm sorry, Ava. I don't know what came over me."

Ava shakes her head. "No, it's okay. I mean, it's not like it was entirely one-sided."

Jack gives her a small smile. "Yeah, I guess that's true."

There's a long pause, and Ava starts to feel self-conscious. She wonders if she should say something, but she doesn't want to make things even more awkward.

Finally, Jack breaks the silence. "I just want you to know, Ava, that I really like you. Like, a lot. But with everything that's been going on with my parents, I don't want to bring any more drama into my life."

Ava nods, understanding. "I get it, Jack. And I don't want to make things harder for you."

They sit in silence for a few more minutes, just looking at each other…