
Imperial Strategist on duty

Xavier looked through the letters he had received. Many were from Frederic.

Once he left, he began writing letters, with important things happening.

Xavier was pleased.

But it was something that caught his attention. Frederic said in the last letter that someone was asking questions about him while the soldiers were around women and drinks.

Xavier didn't think was the one who tried to kill him.

The man already knew his past otherwise he wouldn't try to attack him.

He did not have to look again. He was a new person. But he doesn't know if he's an enemy.

In time Xavier thought of how to proceed, a messenger from the palace suddenly entering the interior of the library.

-Prince Five, Yakbim Xavier the Emperor's orders.

As soon as he finished talking, handed a letter.

Xavier opened the letter.

The letter was addressed, to the royal strategist.

General Sigismund's daughter was kidnapped by rebels, on the way back to the capital.

Xavier is sent to mediate the partitions.

Without direct conflict.

It was a job that could bring benefits.

General Sigismund is one of the most important generals. But he is not the wisest of them. He is a man who uses the brute force to win. That's why his soldiers are the strongest. But the strategy is not. Especially negotiation.

Besides, he was bored. Once finished the first phase of his plan, he had to wait to see results.

They have not even tried to kill him.

-Men! Prepare carriage! And two chests of gold!

-Yes, my lord!

While the carriage was ready, Xavier changed into a golden royal outfit. He chose not to dress in the military uniform to make it easier to negotiate.

They thought to have attracted enough attention to whether a royalty comes to negotiate.

After a 30-minute ride, Xavier could feel the energy.

He knew that a formidable army was close to him. He was impressed.

Of course, this entire army was quite useless, at this moment.

If they attack, there is a tremendous risk that the hostage will die.

Once it arrives, it has concentrated all the energy in the body.

He had to make a fabulous entrance.

He needed to look like he was the one who ordered now. It was the first time he was on a battlefield. The first time the army sees his face. It was supposed to look like he is not weak. The easiest way to show this is to induce fear.

Xavier gets out of his carriage.

He started looking at the army. His face does not show any emotion. He could hear the voices of the soldiers:

-Is the imperial strategist? Did not they say he is weak?

-I've been through so many battles, but that man scares me.

- Is he human?

Xavier was pleased. He took a breath of air and with a loud voice:

"-My name is Yakbim Xavier, the fifth prince, and I'm here today as an Imperial strategist. As a first order!

I want, all the soldiers to throw their weapons!"

Once he's done talking. All soldiers looked at each other.

Xavier noticed no one respecting his orders, so he increased the energy on vocal cords and said.

-As I said: I want, all the soldiers to throw their weapons!

Although he was on the same tone, this time, they felt like if he did not throw the weapons, would die. It was as if a voice said: If you do not throw your weaponry, you'll die.

When Xavier saw everyone doing the order, was pleased.

One man did not throw his weapon. But he was terrified. Was thinking about how a man without fighting arts could inspire fear and respect so well. It took a lot of effort and energy to make the general not throw the weapon.

-This general welcome the Imperial strategist!

A thick voice was heard, from the crowd.

-General Sigismund, I hope you can tell me the details.

-Of course! Around here!

Although, his daughter was being held hostage Sigismund behaved normally.

It was like a typical day on the battlefield. Xavier was impressed by the general's attitude.

Xavier entered a military tent.

Inside, there are four other people. These are the general's disciples.

It was the first time they saw him on a fighting front. They thought it was just a brilliant mind.

But when he entered the tent, they realized how they were wrong.

He was much stronger than their general.

Although they knew, that he hadn't studied the fighting arts, they still feared him. They actually feared, so much that three were out.

They can withstand pressure.

One remained.

He was a 19-year-old man.

Was affected by the imposing Xavier's aura, however, was even more curious.

After sitting at a table, the general began to explain things to Xavier.

-Rebel Army. That's what they say. But they're just a group of people, who have been trainers in the savage ways.

-What do they want?

-Kara is their leader. After a raid, I managed to capture it. They seem to want him back.

-I understand. Do you know who's in charge now? How many soldiers are here?

-Selim is Kara's second. Most likely he is in charge. Around 1000 soldiers here.

After the general had finished speaking, the young man asked a question:

- Imperial Strategist, why did you order the army to leave their weapons?

Xavier moved his eyes to the young man. And in a tone as if you should explain the walk:

-To induce the enemy feeling of uncertainty. Followed by safety. It will be easier to negotiate if they are not always in the guard.

- Negotiate?

Without answering Xavier, he returned to general.

- Do you have a map?

-Yes. Says while pulling out a map.

Xavier looked at a huge, very detailed map.

Still, what draws his attention is a canyon.

-I want 1100 people here. How long will it take them to get there?

Xavier pointed to a canyon not far from where they were.

-20 minutes if we send the best men. But why that area?

-The enemy is not experienced in an escape.

It is placed to close. Probably, knows the canyon the best.

Even if is not, I will not give him another option.

-How do you know he will not choose another location? For example, the forest?

The general stretches his hand on the map showing a small forest.

Once he heard him, Xavier gave only a smile without answering.

-I hope, I can rely on you!

After he had finished speaking, Xavier left the tent and headed straight for the enemy's improvised fortress.