
packs under the stars

when five packs join forces against demons

MoonStarWolf1996 · Fantasy
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the five packs

once upon a time there where 5 packs of shifters one wolf pack, one tiger pack, one omni shifter, one pack of dragons, and one of lepord shifters. The wolves, tigers,omni shifters, dragons, and the lepord shifters all sinced danger. As the danger became more prevent the leaders gathered to descuse what to do. and all agreed that something needed don't but not what to do because they new not the enemies and new not how to plan for them. when the decided that there was not enough information on there enemy they had a group picked out of all five packs to try and find out more and they only reported to the alphas. when the group of five was ready for the journey they left with one pack each that carried dried meat water pouches to carrie water clothing and on there hips they carried swords and arrows on there shoulders they carried bows for hunting for meat incase of need. the wolf decided to being a pan and cooking emplaments. the tiger carried a fishing basket to catch fish incase they ran into a good spot to fish. the omni shifter carried herbs and medical supplies for cooking and for incase any of them getting hurt. the dragon carried fruits and vegetables that had been dried to help with flavoring the food. the lepord carried fire starting equipment. to cook and dry anything that they catch or gather on the journey they are undertaking. the packs only carrying what is needed and what may be needed for them to get where they need to get. as they left the pack taritories they met up on a ridge of the cliff separating the packs from the humans who despised all who where not like them hunting them killing them for sport. the shifters climbed down into the canyon crossing it into the human taritories only to find ten dead humans and the smell of an unknown creature. that creature had moved on and they walked towards the nearest town and found everyone afraid and not willing to even walk out side to get food and drink for something had appeared both dangerous and mystirous. the unknown being all that was found was the smell. the humans muttering about there being something, so fast that they could not see it. so silent that they don't hear it. the fact that they know not what it is they fear it all the more. as they get farther into town they hear some women crying about there husband's missing. something about that they went out to hunt a week ago and haven't returned. when they reach the other side of town in the evening, they see what was an abandoned shack. but smell something from with in. the smell is that if what killed the men they ran into that morning. they want up to it carefully opening the door so as not to make a sound they catch the humanoid form, but the eyes and ears are not the same the nose had an pig like curve to it. it looked like the being was half pig and half human but those where not the only differences the other was the teeth that looked like a wolfs teeth. as they moved closer to the life form they noticed it was only asleep and decided to take that chance to try and tie it up and take it back with them as they do this they don't wake the creature up. but when they finished tieing him up he woke up and tried to free himself to no avail. so he ran only able to get to the door before they had the ropes end in hand ready for the run.