
Albert the Master Haggler!

"Nope, nope, nope, nope...ah." Kim let out a sigh once more. This had been going on for 15-minutes, there seemed to be no end of classes. They just changed slightly and got more or less specific with the topic they covered. Most people would be offered a very small number of classes the first time, but clearly this was an exception.

"Uh, I don't really want to do magic. The top priority is keeping me and my family alive." Kim explained.

[-Mhm, I see.-] The original voice was quiet as the "manager" was working. But they were having no luck.

[-If I may…] Interrupted the original voice, [-I think I have a class that you might be interested in-]

~Ding~ The class, 'Initiate Spirit Tamer (Epic)' is available.

The older voice began to speak, [-How would this solve his issue? It is a strong class but it lacks in a lot of fighting ability.-]

Kim could feel the class, it allowed a person to incorporate Spirit Cores into their body and store the Mana Echo. It lacked a lot of bonuses that the other classes provided, but if he could tame a spirit, then he could have the pet resummoned for a very low cost.

"Hmm, I like it. How hard would it be to get a spirit to tame?" Kim had a slight smile on his face as he realized the pain of the dogs might be ending soon.

The original spoke, [-That is just it. We can use the potential energy to tie your potential to the dogs. Effectively making them spirits. They will still be flesh and blood, but they will be mana constructs like a lot of monsters.-]

The older voice stopped typing.

[-I think...it might be doable. We would have to make it a package deal. The Potential cost will be outrageous to create a new spirit species on a fresh planet, but the conversion bonus would be just enough to do it….let me grab another manager.-]

The second voice disappeared for a moment while Kim thought over this concept.

It would protect him and his babies. They would be un-aging and would be around forever.

He decided that his family believed in him enough to give him their "Potential" unconditionally. That has to be returned. There is no I in Pack.

As his thoughts raced, he was interrupted, [-Actually, I should apologize for my previous hubris. I did not mean to offend you...I merely got ahead of myself. I thought your survival would be guaranteed if you were able to steal their Potential, but I was wrong.-] Kim felt a deep sorrow behind the voice.

"If you were just trying to make sure we were able to survive, I understand. Is that your purpose then, to help me?" Kim rocked back and forth as he spoke out loud.

[-I suppose. My kind are used to guide new species. We are granted sentience, by you know who, and thus we are bound to our host. Should you perish, I will perish….I actually based a lot of my humor around your brain scans. I am able to remember everything. I was supposed to talk you through my purpose but with the Potential waiting...I got excited.]

Kim just nodded his head to the imaginary voice.

He was taking this very well.

"Wait, you wouldn't be regulating my emotions, would you?"

The voice stopped what it was doing, sweat poured of it's head, [-No..No, of course not.]

Kim laughed a little, "I suppose it makes sense to control the emotions. Heck, imagine what a hardcore Christian would be thinking right now. Fair enough mate, fair enough."

Kim nodded to his logic, still unsure of its origin, but it felt correct anyways.

He looked over to his babies and could see a white and blue glow radiating off of them slowly.

The voices kept talking, but now they were behind a muffle. He could almost make out the words, they had beginnings and ends, but it was like his brain refused to process them.

After a few minutes longer, a new voice came in. This voice clearly belonged to an "alpha male" boss. He was mad, but he calmed down near the end. Kim could still feel the occasional glance in his direction, making him avert his gaze...whatever that meant. It was just more of a feeling than anything else.

The resident douchebag was leaning over in his chair, [-Kid, it looks like we might be in the clear. I don't wanna jinx it, but it is looking VERY promising.-]

Kim just nodded his head and began to feel a little sleepy.

[-I got the approval, this might take a while, nighty night!-] and with a wave, Kim's consciousness slowly began to fade.


Kim woke up to a loud banging sound. As he looked around the room, he could see his family had all lined up in front of him. Every family member was here, all 11 of them.

Max and Boss slowly walked up to him, they had small golden orbs in their mouths. Once his hand touched Boss' orb, he received a fright.

~Ding~ 'The [Alpha Spirit Wolf], Boss Anderson would like to bond with you, do you accept? [WARNING: THIS IS A PERMANENT ACTION!]

"Uh, YES! Of course!" Kim looked at Boss and a golden light began to envelope them both as a small tether linked them.

~Ding~ 'You have successfully tamed a [Level 1- Alpha Spirit Wolf], congratulations!'

~Ding~ 'You have gained 400 experience!'

~Ding~ 'Your class, [Initiate Spirit Tamer] has leveled up!'

Kim felt a rush flow through him, new knowledge and power was at his fingertips.

[Wait, where is that douchebag?]

[-Hey, GRATZ on the level. And, must I be named DOUCHEBAG for the rest of time?-]

"Wait, you can hear my thoughts?" Kim looked around, trying not to think about trying not to think.

[-Yeah...I removed your rectum...I can "hear" your thoughts, but it is more like braille to be honest.-]

Kim just nodded his head.

"I should be freaking out right now. Yup." Kim took a moment to contemplate.

"Nope, can't do it. I can't even freak out when I want too, I sure hope I don't have an Alien STD." He waved his hands around and chuckled before his legs suddenly gave out.


[-Just for calling me an Alien STD, I have revoked your leg privileges, good luck saving the world without legs, IDIOT-] The sound of a door slamming could be heard.

"Hahaha, real funny man." Kim looked at Boss and gave a shrug.

"Seriously? Can I have my legs back?" Kim whispered to himself.

He heard a response that sounded like it was coming from behind a door, [-Only when you apologize! Do you know how rude it is to call a Carbon Based AI an Alien STD?-]

Kim just shook his head, "Look, I am sorry man." He was grasping at straws. "I didn't know it was a big deal, I just thought it fit…"

Steps could be heard, along with a door creaking open.

[-I...It is pretty funny.-]

Kim felt the AI shrug and he regained feeling in his legs.

"OH, thank God!" Kim felt the sore legs that had been stuck in a strange position, he loved it.

[-I am not God, by the way.-] The AI said while drinking tea.

Kim looked up, "Huh, what do you mean?"

[-You said, "Thank God!", the name is AI-bert-]

Kim looked confused, "Nice to meet you, AI-bert", he said as he then laughed.

[-No, it is pronounced A-L-B-E-R-T. Not A-I B-E-R-T. Just call me Albert or Al. But not Robert.-]

"Nice to meet you Albert. Care to explain the whole level thing? I kind of get the gist, but if we are going to min-max this, I need DATA BABY!"

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