

My name is George Smith. I am the son of William Smith and Evelyn Smith. My father is a business tycoon and is an owner of an Oil field too. My mother is a professional broker and has a major hand in the Stock Market. Despite all this, all I have longed for is a family. My father is constantly buried in his job and dealings, while mother has to attend meetings upon meetings. While, I am here left alone with the butlers and maids at home.

My education was taken very seriously and I had been taught by the best tutors the country could provide. I had lessons on etiquette and languages. Attend parties held by father's or mother's partners, interact with other businessmen and their children. It was too much. I was suffocating.

My only hope and help during these times were the caring and friendly butlers and maids of our house. They taught me to be kind and generous. They played with me when mother and father were not there. Heck, I could say I had gotten a maid fetish due to my interactions with the teasing and playful sister-like maids. They showed me a whole another world beneath all the money and glamour that came with being rich.

There were poor, desperate and helpless people out there left alone on the streets. Children who couldn't enjoy their own childhood like I did with the one's at home. I had accompanied my father once to a charity dinner some nameless businessman had thrown. Instead of staying with the crowd, I had sneaked in where there was no one else. I saw a lot other children there, peaking through the windows and seeing the chosen kids enjoy the gifts and meals.

I fished out whatever pocket money, which was a somewhat big amount, and gave it to them. The happiness and hope I saw that day was something I remembered for the rest of my life. After the encounter, I had finally found a goal to work for.

To help anyone I can. Not everyone can be saved, but the ones I could reach shall not suffer. I studied and worked hard for this. I may sound like I am just saying this to make myself feel good. But I didn't care one bit, seeing the people and children happy satisfied me enough.

I decided to establish a Hotel Chain establishment, where a lot of people would be needed to run, thus indirectly allowing me to help the needy by giving them jobs and a place to stay. It worked splendidly. The people I had helped were acquainted to the maids and butlers who I had given the responsibility to employ.

I planned to move out as soon as I turned 18. Away from this family. Away from all the fake smiles and friendships. Away from this loneliness.

Now, I am here all excited on the night of my 18th birthday. I'm trying to sleep but I'm way too excited. Soon enough, I calm myself and drift off to sleep.

.--. .- -.-. .. ..-. .. ... - / .--. .-. .. -. -.-. . ~\|/~ .--. .- -.-. .. ..-. .. ... - / .--. .-. .. -. -.-. .

W̴̢̧̛͕̲̣̪̔͛̏̓͘ă̷̭̾̀̽ķ̴̡̜̩̟̺̻̜̻̜̀͛̀́̚͝e̶̢̞̬͉̼͔̙̥̫̬̊̓̂́̎ ̶̗̩̘̻͈̒͝ù̶̳̻̱̘̫͚̣̤̉͊p̵̨̬̭̯̹̮̻̭̠͐̈͑̚ͅ.̷̛̘̲͑̓͂̇͒̅̓̍͊


Ẅ̸̛͕͎͈̻̙͖̖́̂͑̉̂̈́̈å̴̹̭̮͖͔͑̅͗͝͝ͅḳ̶̛̛͖̈͐͐̑̓e ̶̨̨͓͖̠̙̈́̓̅͋̈̋̓́͜͝u̷͔̽̏p̸͍͚̗̾̔̈́̂̀́̌,̶̨̠̺̭̜̬͙̖͖̺̓̍̈́̄͠͝ ̴̢̨͔̻̘̯̺̜͓̂̍̅̐͝M̸̆͗͝ȏ̸̢̱̞̽͌̃͜ͅr̷̦̰̳̘̫̺̬̠̫͛̊̈͂̊́̃̚t̶a̵̒͑̃́̈́l

'What the fuck!? Who is it!?'

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ opens(?) his eyes to see nothing but darkness. He tries gazing around but he felt nothing. He heard nothing. He smelt nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

As George desperately tried to do anything, he saw light. He didn't hesitate to float(?) towards it. As the light got brighter and brighter, Geₒᵣgₑ felt hope. The light had gotten so bright that he had to close his eyes(?).

When he reopened it, he saw a magnificent room. Marble pillars, beautifully crafted windows with long silky curtains draped over them. He saw himself. He finally saw his body. He was there kneeling in front of a flight of never ending stairs. He looked around confused before he slowly got up and started climbing up the stairs.

He climbed and climbed for hours on hours. After a lot of time passed, he looked back to see where he was. To his horror, he was still at the very. First. STEP. Confusion and panic filled his mind as he started breathing erratically. His eyes darted around everywhere. He slowly fell to the floor and stared blankly at the never ending stairs.

"You sure are tough aren't you? Mortal named George?"

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ whipped his head to the sound and say...something? Or someone staring him down. The pressure he let out made him kneel on the ground with his head bowed.

"Hmmm? Oh. I let out my powers there. Apologies. Now, why don't you raise your head~?"

Feeling the pressure vanish, Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ slowly raised his head. What he saw as nothing he could describe. There in front of him, stood a woman. A gorgeous woman he should add, gazing at him with amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Oh my. Thank you for the honest compliment Mortal named George. Now, before you start freaking out. I am the Goddess of Reincarnation and fertility, Arianrhod. Why are you here? As the name implied, you are to be reincarnated! How did you die or perish? To be honest? It was a cardiac arrest. Anything else?"

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ just dumbfoundedly stared at the Goddess in front of him and heard her talk. He died. Cardiac arrest? He doesn't remember being so unfit. He was being reincarnated? Felt like those weird Japanese novels he had read when one of the orphanage kids had recommended it. Anything else she asked...

"Where exactly am I reincarnating, Goddess Arianrhod?" Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ asked. The Goddess hummed before she nodded.

"You will be reincarnated in a different world. It's a whole lot different than this world. There's magic users but they are rare. The world is compared to yours when it was in the 15th or 16th century."

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ hummed after hearing the answer. He then questioned what was plaguing his mind since he heard of her name.

"Why am I being reincarnated?"

The Goddess just smiled hearing his question. It looked liked a mother smiling lovingly at her child.

"George. That is something I cannot answer."

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ just nodded.

"What about my family? Are they fine?"

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ asked as he gazed at the Goddess with a worried look on his face. The Goddess just giggled as she walked closer to him and grasped his cheeks.

"Oh George. You even worry about your family here of all places? Worry not. They are all fine, besides being sad at your passing. They have remained strong."

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ just smiled sadly as tears slowly slid down his face. He had so much left to do. So many more people to help. He could only hope that everything would be fine.

"What will happen to me now? Will I just reincarnate or is there something else I have to do?" Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ asked as he stared into the Goddess' eyes. The Goddess who had held his cheeks just smiled and pecked his forehead.

"George. Not a lot of people are out there like you. You had a kind and gentle heart and did so much to help the helpless. As such, I have decided to grant you two wishes before you are reincarnated." The Goddess said as she hugged the young man.

Geo̷̞̿r̷͚̰̓̃̅̎͝ǵ̸̢̝̰̘̲͜e̷̎͆͐̿̑͝͠ just stayed and enjoyed the warmth he felt from the hug and hummed.

"Knowledge. I need knowledge to survive. Since the world is regressed and a lot of things are yet to develop, grant me knowledge of everything from this world. My own personal library that I can access that contains knowledge of everything. That's my first wish." The young man said as he pulled himself out of the warm embrace.

"Easy. one final wish. Go on~!"

"A family. I want a a loving family."

The Goddess just smiled a she hummed in affirmation.

"Your wish has been granted, George. Live happily this day forth. Hurdles and hurdles may be placed upon you, but stay strong. Live happily. Love those who are close to you and cherish them. I, Arianrhod, hath bless thou, Reinhart Von Eisenberg. Live free, regret nothing and always have hope for tomorrow!"

G̵̡̝̰̩̈́̄͊͌͒͝͝͠ę̷̮̰̙̖͖̆̎̃̽̒͌̕̕͜͝ͅo̶̮̠͖̼̼̍͛͐r̸̢̨͖̭͎̬̖͑̀́ḡ̵̳̊̀̈́ĕ̶̳̥̫̌̅̕ felt himself being sucked in somewhere. The final thing before his sight vanish was the loving smile that The Godd- no, Arianrhod gave. He smiled back just for a moment before everything went dark.


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