
Pacific rim x Godzilla verse

Our Mc (Leo) gets reincarnated into a kaiju like world. Or more specific pacific rim x the Godzilla verse. Will he manage to save humanity? Stop the long going war between the titans and kaiju? Or will he fail and let the world explode! Read to find out. (Just like to let everyone know that this can be dropped whenever since I’m usually not good when it comes to keeping up with updates) (Also the story will have some elements and events from both movies, but don’t except things to go exactly as in the movies)

axeltheeugene · Movies
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9 Chs

Things ain’t looking so good

Life was good. It was going as usually for Leo, just like any other day. He had just left his house when he started walking to school. Everything was fine or so he thought, little did he know that today would be his last day on earth… at least this earth.

Not even 10 minutes into his walk and it started to rain.

"Great it just had to rain."- Leo


And so Leo proceeded to speed up in hopes that he would get less wet. But things weren't looking so good for him as the rain intensified. At this point the streets were starting to flood and he could barely see where he was going. Yet he proceeded to march forward.

"I'm already wet, might as well just commit."-Leo

However poor Leo had made the wrong choice. As the heavy rain not only impaired his sight. But also the driver's.


That was the sound Leo heard before his world went upside down. His eyes had lost the ability to stay stable as they started to move sideways not being able to concentrate on anything. He couldn't move, he couldn't even breathe. He was just there on the sidewalk his body cut in half. While his lower half had gotten stuck in the car's wheels, his upper body had gotten flung to the other side of the street.

"HEY KID!" -Driver


"OH MAN, SHIT!"- Driver

"911 what's your emer…"

Those were the last words Leo heard before he complete lost his hearing. He would have loved to scream out in pain, but he couldn't do that either. As his jaw had been broken in multiple pieces. He couldn't even cry for help. He could do nothing, except wait for his doom.

And Leo wasn't given the luxury of passing out just yet either. As the adrenaline in his body was pumping as much as it could before he died. Yet the adrenaline did little to numb the pain. It just extended his pain.

"I should haev syated ni deb."-Leo

10 seconds into the initial crash and he couldn't even think straight. As the crash had also made his brain hit his skull repeatedly. A severe concussion would be the medical term. But it was far beyond a concussion.

15 seconds into the crash and his eyelids had started to get heavy.

20 seconds into the crash and he tried to take one last look at the clouds.

25 seconds into the crash and he was gone.

And so the rain continued to pour onto the pavement. Silencing the cries from the driver, and the oncoming sirens from the ambulance.


"Come on ma'am, just one more push."- Doctor


"Come on your almost there!"-Doctor

"Wahhh!!"- Leo

And so Leo was reborn. Not even a second passing for him. He didn't meet no god or goddess as he had except from his novels. No higher being. Just straight to the action. However Leo couldn't even process this at the moment as he then passed out in his mother's arms.

"Congrats ma'am it's a boy."-Doctor

"Congrats."- The staff said in unison

"Yeah."- Were the only words Leo's mother said. And who was to blame her as she had just given birth.