
Pacific rim x Godzilla verse

Our Mc (Leo) gets reincarnated into a kaiju like world. Or more specific pacific rim x the Godzilla verse. Will he manage to save humanity? Stop the long going war between the titans and kaiju? Or will he fail and let the world explode! Read to find out. (Just like to let everyone know that this can be dropped whenever since I’m usually not good when it comes to keeping up with updates) (Also the story will have some elements and events from both movies, but don’t except things to go exactly as in the movies)

axeltheeugene · Movies
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


The fight between the monster and robot lasted only for 13 minutes. Yet for Leo it felt like a hour. He was so scared and tense, that time seemed to move at a slower rate. He felt like he was in a horrible dream that he couldn't wake up from. Like he was in a haze of fog. One moment having complete clarity and control of his body and mind. And the next moment going back to the fog. The only safe haven being his mother's embrace.

While Leo and other kids were busy concentrating on not passing out, the adults in the room were looking up at the two corners of the underground shelter. Were on both tv's it was showing the fight between the two giants. Which ended in humanity's victory. Although the damage it left behind was far to great to be ignored. Sure with the monster's body parts being harvested; they could have more then enough money to rebuild the city and repair the damages on the robot. Yet even with such positive outcomes, no one was smiling. Not even the copilots in the jaeger.

Everyone knew that it would take half a year to rebuild what had been destroyed. Business, homes, schools, etc… Not to mention the lives lost.

But no one had time to process this as the gates to the shelter were being opened. And soon the gates were flooded as people scrambled to get out. Some being tired of staying in such a cramped place, while others were trying to breath in fresh air. But all they got instead was smoke and dust. And soon enough they saw the true extent of the damage that occurred.

You would think that by now people would have been mentally prepared for the aftermath. But no one is prepared for war… especially against monsters.

"Everything is gonna be alright dear… I promise."- Catherine said in a soothing tone, trying to calm down Leo.

But Leo knew far to well that things weren't okay. And that they were only gonna get much worse.


The year was current 2014, one year after the first kaiju had appeared in San Francisco. And while countries across the world had taken measures to ensure the safety of their people; people were still constantly arguing about what the government's course of action should be. Some were saying to build a huge wall across the pacific cities, to protect them against the kaiju. While others were saying to continue with the jaeger program.

And in the middle of all these heated discussions and debate; a new problem was slowly rising.


Current location: Hollow Earth


Organization: Monarch

The Titans were slowly waking up, and the people monitoring them knew that the war was about to commence once again.

"Sir the titans are starting to become restless. We need to act fast and now."- Emma Russell

"You think I don't know that!"- Ishmael said as he slammed his fist on the table. Making the cup of coffee spill onto the floor, while the mug broke to pieces and scattered across the control room.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scream, it's just… the stress is getting to me."- Ishmael

"Listen I understand, but we won't get anywhere if we don't let more people join our petition."- Emma Russell

"The higher ups won't care if we get one, two, or half the facility to sign the damn paper."- Ishmael

"All they want us to do is to follow their damn instructions, even when it's clearly set for failure."- Ishmael

"Then what should we do?"- Emma Russell

"Prepare for the worse. That's all we can do now."- Ishmael

Emma didn't respond back, but she didn't need to. Since both Emma and Ishmael were highly intelligent people, and they both knew that their findings were correct. Even if they wanted to deny it, everything just added up to the same conclusion. The titans in hibernation were starting to wake up and soon they would clash once again with the kaiju. And if their estimations were correct, it should be in under a year or less.

So both Emma and Ishmael just stared at the giant ape like creature; behind the giant window in the control room. Slowly but surely his body was starting to become more responsive. His fingers and mouth would twitch every now and then. While air would be seen leaving his nostrils. His body covered in scars, a testament to the obstacles he's had to overcome. Since the title of king isn't just for show.