
Pacific Island Nation Captures World's Attention

Chen Yang, armed with the legendary [King's System], embarks on an epic journey to found his own nation! Your mission? To transform a deserted island into a prosperous and powerful kingdom, the Kingdom of Yan Guo! But to achieve glory, Chen Yang needs citizens. And the more citizens he attracts, the greater the rewards! With each immigration milestone, Chen Yang unlocks revolutionary technologies that propel him to the top of the world: 1,000 immigrants: Obtain [fertilizers without side effects] and build the world's first farm, exporting coveted agricultural and secondary products to all countries! 10,000 immigrants: unlock the [anti-cancer drug formula], build the world's first hospital, and become the source of global health! 100,000 Immigrants: Master the [Automobile Manufacturing Project] and establish the world's leading automobile manufacturer, with hundreds of car models, from economy to luxury, dominating the streets of every country! 1,000,000 immigrants: Conquer the [Phone Manufacturing Project] and create the most powerful technology giant in the world! On the first day of listing on the stock exchange, shares soar to 80 million, exceeding all expectations! Tens of Millions of Immigrants: Unlock [Information on Nuclear Weapons Research] and make the Kingdom of Yan Guo an unstoppable force on the global stage! But Chen Yang's ambition is not limited to power and wealth. He dreams of creating a haven where everyone is free, prosperous and happy. Join Chen Yang on his epic journey to build a new world from the ground up! “I am Chen Yang, the first king of the Yan Guo Kingdom. My goal in founding this country is to create a home where everyone is free from…” Discover what awaits you in the Kingdom of Yan Guo! **IMPORTANT WARNING** This is just a translation of the novel "I bought an island in the Pacific and founded a country that caused a sensation throughout the world." I don't own the copyright to it. If you are the legal owner and feel offended in any way, please contact me and I will remove it immediately. **TRANSLATION NOTE** If you want to support the work I do in translation, consider joining my Patreon/SolarisVitally to support me and keep bringing me projects and reading more advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter 16: Who is really behind the Yan Guo Kingdom?

"The Longteng Plan includes the first modern city of Yan Guo, the Yan Guo seaport terminal, the Yan Guo expressway..."

As Chen Yang spoke, he continued to point out the locations of airports and ports on the map.

Immediately, he retrieved thick volumes of books from his backpack.

He picked up one book and opened it. On its pages were intricate architectural drawings outlined with lines.

Chen Yang said, "This is the blueprint for the underground gas pipeline project of Yan City."

Then he took out another one: "This is the planning and design drawing for Yan City's land transportation."

"This is the blueprint for the Yan Guo International Airport project, this is the design drawing for the Yan Guo Port, this is..."

He picked up the drawings one by one and continued to present them.

Listening to Chen Yang's confident and powerful words and looking at the detailed and professional design drawings, netizens were shocked and speechless.

Ports, airports, cities, highways...

Overnight, were all the conceptual drawings for a country completed?

Not to mention it's a small island, even in developed countries, the design time for a single project would be measured in months, if not years.

All of this done in a single night.

Was this possible?

But the premise is: how much would all this cost?

How much labor is required?

Even the most ignorant layman can clearly understand that the necessary funds are absolutely astronomical!

The total value of the design drawings in Chen Yang's hands is probably worth several billion!

Although Chen Yang did not clearly state who provided this assistance, it has come to this point, and netizens are not blind.

Fishing boats, yachts, sports cars, helicopters, tens of thousands of workers, and several construction vehicles.

There are also maps drawn overnight, as well as these complete design drawings.

Those who can accomplish so much overnight work must be a large country with strong confidence.

Or it's a consortium with strong financial resources.

The only thing they can't understand at the moment is why the other party wants to finance Chen Yang to build a country on such a deserted island?

It makes no sense whatsoever.

But, no matter what happens, one fact can be seen from the actions of these countries or consortia.

That is, they are taking the initiative to help the country Yan Guo advance toward urbanization.

The future of the Yan Guo Kingdom is full of hope!

Chen Yang carefully stored away the design drawings one by one and said, "I'll post the design drawings on Yan Guo's website later, and interested friends can check them out for themselves."

"Now, for the second matter."

"Damn, I forgot one more thing."

"Tell me what the second thing is."

Chen Yang pondered for a moment and said, "The second thing is that, starting today, Yan Guo will be selling $6.9 billion worth of treasury bonds with a face value of $13 each. The savings treasury bonds purchased by investors will accrue interest from the date of purchase, and both the principal and interest will be repaid in a lump sum at maturity, without compound interest, and no late fees will be added."

"The Treasury bonds are divided into three-year and five-year terms. The annual interest rate for the three-year term is 2.63%, and the annual interest rate for the five-year term is 2.75%. You can directly access Yan Guo's official website to verify."

"Everyone can download Yan Guo's app and buy national bonds directly through the app. Yan Guo's app has opened payment channels for various countries."

"Furthermore, everyone who purchases national bonds can get a Yan Guo passport for free!"

Chen Yang seemed serious and said solemnly, "This is the last opportunity to obtain a passport for the Yan Guo Kingdom by purchasing treasury bonds. In the future, treasury bonds will be sold but passports will not be issued."

"I'm going crazy! $6.9 billion!"

"The king is amazing, he's starting to sell government bonds now!"

"I really didn't expect this move, it's so outrageous!"

"You've even finished the website and the app, but your efficiency is terrible, isn't it?"

"I did the math, and it's been less than a week since investing in the island through crowdfunding."

"This app is so well-made, so smooth! I can't believe it, is this a government app?"

"The website is so beautiful, the aesthetic is simply amazing."

"I didn't support the crowdfunding to buy the island. I'll definitely support this national debt wave!"

"A passport from a deserted island is useless, only fools buy national debt."

"Yes, it's just a deserted island. You never know when it might become something more."

"Brothers, please don't buy. This is a waste of money. You really don't think this guy will use 6.9 billion to build a country, do you? I think the money will disappear within minutes once it arrives!"

"How can you ensure that the public debt will be paid? Does it solely depend on your deserted island? What's the difference between that and a white wolf with nothing?"°

"I'm scared, but I'll buy it for $13 anyway."

"This is the last way to get a passport by buying national debt. It won't hurt, even if the $13 is lost."

"Fearing wolves in front and tigers behind, people like you are destined to never achieve great things."°

"Life is a gamble all the time. Betting $13 on a passport for a future developed country is very worthwhile!"

"Are you really worried that the Yan Guo Kingdom won't be able to fulfill its promise? Yan Guo obviously has the support of a big country behind it!"

"$13, bought!"

"Now I'm starting to suspect that the big brother should be supported by a consortium instead of a country, and there's more than one consortium!"

"Yes, that's what I think too. These consortiums probably want to create a new developed country through the boss!"

"If you don't get on board now, how long will you have to wait?"


(Translation notes:

I really don't understand these popular Chinese sayings.

If you find any errors in the translation, please let me know so I can correct them.

Subscribe to my patreon.com/SolarisVitally to read advanced chapters.)