

Varsha_Patel_7999 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Village : part 1

Paala started running. She kept running towards a road with no end. The road where she could hear her pounding heartbeats, the wind, psithurism of the trees, the bats from the woods and the singing katydids were worse. The road was frightening, but she kept running.

"Alright Paala just ignore the weird sounds and the creepy silence, just keep running and be thankful for the road to be visible enough to guide ahead." telling herself to be positive with mixed emotions. The blessing in disguise lasted no longer, the road just got scarier. Ahead was a pathway filled in dark, the road eaten by the murk, not a pinch of light set foot, the sound stopped and silence crawled in setting a blank canvas. The only thing visible now was puzzlement. She had a chill to the bone with the view she encountered. After Being in that state for two minutes, She started looking around in panic with no clue.

And suddenly out of nowhere she saw a light coming through from her right hand side, a little far from her. Paala quickly hustled to run towards the light. Chasing the light she realized it was a firefly. The firefly led her to an auto rickshaw in the woods. It was surreal to find a rickshaw in the middle of the jungle with a firefly leading you the way. But she quickly focused back on getting out of that road. She went closer to the rickshaw, "Can you please take me through this road ahead?" She asked the driver with hopeful eyes. "Yes, get in." Replied the driver with a humble smile. She got in and prayed to god for sending an auto and saving her.