

Red our Mc with a dark past and carefree attitude goes around the world solving crime. Red’s world is seething with humans with power and intelligent magical creatures, with his abnormal invisibility skill Red plans to spend his time-solving crime, striving to be the best. * * * * * * Follow my twitter @LyrdDoom Join the discord-https://discord.gg/DVnDh8sH

DaoistDoom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"I told you a million times, I thought she was a girl getting chased by strangers so I help her out." Red said as he spin around in a chair. Right now Red was sealed in his local police station that was built to hold some of the strongest awakeners. Large, thick red copper pipes line the wall of the room making a pentagon in the center as a green gem shine in the middle.

The old policeman let out a sigh as he picked up his pen and wrote something in a notebook. His expression darkened as he looked at his notes.

[Scared girl turned into a witch.

Strange stalker's

One dead homeless

Possibly tied to the missing White Lion kids]

"I still can't wrap my head around this." The old policeman said to himself as he tapped his pen on the steel table.

"Are you sure, the witch only jumped out of the window after leaving you with a few words?" Asked the old policeman in curiosity.

"YES! I have been telling you that for an hour!" Screamed Red

"Ok, ok since no harm out of our control was done, you're free to leave but keep in contact, magical monster never runs away." Said The old policeman as he slid back in his chair. Red stood up respectfully and shook the old policeman's head as he quickly walked out of the interrogation room.

"Before you leave Red, I was advised to give you this." Said the old police. In his hand was a brown card with two swords in the middle, anyone could've guessed that the brown card had something to do with hunters.

"Thank you, sir." Said Ted as he took the card.

[ recommendation from the NCPD]

"A recommendation? Why?"

"My supervisor told me to give it to you, why I don't know. I can only guess it has something to do with the witch." Said the old police as he sat back down in his chair.

"Ok…" said Red as he quietly stepped out of the interrogation room. Soon as the door closed, the old police turned his attention to a wall behind him.

"Did he lie?"


"That means an abnormal has escaped." Said the old policeman as he rubbed his scalp. As if his day couldn't get any worse, first he had to deal with a missing member of the Star company now an advanced monster was roaming free in his city.

"Do you want to get the captain involved?"

"That's the only thing we could do right…"

Red walked out of the police station with a smile on his face as his eyes gaze at the traffic in front of him. Without thinking twice about it, Red went invisible.

Yes invisible, ever since Red was young he could deceive people's eyes. Thinking it was a useless ability that couldn't get him anywhere his family force him down a scholar path instead of the wealthy path of a hunter. Red wanted to resist but he was always met with hate from his mother.

"You little shit! I didn't have you with that useless specimen of a man to have a useless tool." Said a black hair woman as she slapped a red hair face.

"But… But mother.." cried Red as he reach the woman's leg.

"Remove it before I kill you, I can't believe I wasted four years of my life with you. Well, it's not too late to start over, I did it before I could do it again…"

That was the only nice memory Red had of his mother, the day she left him by himself at the age of 5, surprisingly he had some family members from his dad's side of the family that took him in as one of their own but his childhood trauma only grew and caused more problems from him.

Living like a ghost with no path for most of his life Red stumbled over something incredible. Not only did he have the power to turn himself invisible but he also had the power to turn other things invisible too and with time and practice Red was finally able to see through things.

Using his invisible ability to the max Red was able to breeze by life with relative ease. If something or someone was in his way he would just go invisible and hope they give up on finding him. Only when he had accepted his first "job" to find his old neighbor's cat did Red realize his invisible was much more. Not only was he invisible his presence was too as if he wasn't there.

"What do I do now?" Red asked himself as he stopped in an alley to think. If he goes home mostly the witch would be near his apartment waiting for him, if not he still has to worry about the stalkers. Not to mention the one he has tied up in a hallway.

Out of options, Red let out a sigh of relief as he looked up at the sky in disappointment.

"I can't believe I going back there, after everything that happened…" Red muttered to himself. Of course, the place he was talking about was the house he was raised in for most of his life.

Walking down the street with a pitiful expression a thought flashed across Red mind.

"Damn it! I need to get clothes, but I can't go back to my apartment…"


"I mean office, not to mention this hunter license thing. Ohh, maybe I can get one of those cool swords they used to kill giants." greed flashed across Red's face as he subconsciously dodge a middle age woman on the street. Walking while being invisible was almost second nature to Red, sometimes he would forget he was invisible.

~ abandoned apartment~

"That Bastard wasted my time, he almost cost me my spell." Said the Witch as he pull a strain of golden hair from a girl hanging from a wall. The poor girl's eyes were almost lifeless, one wavering will come be seen as she stared at the witch with a hateful gaze.

"Can you stop looking at me like that? I don't want my new body to have any side effects." Said the Witch as she toss the strain of hair into a black cauldron full of brown liquid. "Who I'm lord you can't respond." Said the Witch as she ignored the girl.

"But I can." Said a cold voice a wall next to the witch caved in. A figure in a suit and a black tie was hovering over the ground with a wicked expression. "You almost had me fooled, I would've killed that kid if he showed any signs of working with you but he wasn't dumb enough to fall for your plans."

"WHY! I was almost done with the spell!" Screamed the Witch as her expression darkened.