
Pâtisserie Kosaki Onodera

With high school life over, Kosaki Onodera is ready to move on to the next step of her life. What she isn't prepared for is finding herself being accepted into a prestigious baking school that she never applied to. Now in a new world with new people, can she survive and perhaps find a love she never expected to see? It's been years since I found the image for the cover art, but it seems that it's edited from a manga cover and is used as this dude's tumblr profile pic: https://grandmoffblarg.tumblr.com/

bigbear51 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Now with the gang graduated from high school, they were enjoying their short break before heading off to carry out their future plans. For today, Kosaki was enjoying a peaceful lunch with her friends. Things had certainly become much more quiet since a decent chunk of their friends had now since left. While she was glad they weren't facing off against ninjas or traveling across the world anymore, she'll never forget the fun times they all shared. At this point, they were enjoying the time they had left before heading off to college. Both Shu and Ruri were going to the same one, while Raku found himself one closer to home. Despite his stated desires to leave the Yakuza life, he had no plans on just abandoning those he considered family. For Kosaki, those plans were a little different.

"So Kosaki, you're really sure you're staying here to tend to the bakery?" Raku asked. She nodded, confirming her plans. Unlike the others, her dream was to take over the family business one day, there didn't seem to be any need to continue her education beyond high school.

"I guess that means we'll still be hanging out even after Shu and Ruri leave for school." Ruri glared at her. Even though her best friend said she had moved on, she often wondered if that was the case. By now though, that was no longer her priority. Ever since she confessed to Shu, things had changed between the two, however slow.

"Don't worry about us, I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun!" Shu said with confidence, giving Ruri a look before she snapped him in the head. Just because she liked him doesn't mean he didn't deserve a lesson from time to time. "What? You know it'll be true." He responded innocently. By now, they had finished up for lunch and prepared to visit the bakery. Aside from using it as an excuse to spend more time together, they also wanted to close out their meal with a little desert.

"We're just around the corner now." Kosaki said, as they near the shop. It was a quiet weekday afternoon. Most people were either in school or at work, leaving the area rather peaceful compared to the morning or dinner rush.

"Oh boy, I can hardly wait." Shu exclaimed. Even Ruri was a little excited to enjoy some treats from the Onodera's.

"Agreed!" Raku added in. "Your family always has the best deserts in town." He complemented her, causing her to blush, not that the others could see.

"Mom! I'm home! And I bro..." She called out as they entered the storefront. However, she cut herself short when she saw a man their age standing at the counter, crossed-armed looking at her. Embarrassed at yelling so casually in front of a customer, she apologized profusely.

"No need for the apologies." He stopped her. "You're just the person I'm waiting for." They looked at him, confused. Unsure if they should trust him.

"Who are you?" Raku asked. Walking up to him.

"Ah where are my manners. My name is Anadama Miyanagi." He introduced himself. He explained himself, telling the others who he was.

"Wow that sounds impressive. You must be quite the celebrity over in America." Raku complemented.

"Yeah, I'm sure you must have girls fawning over you all the time." Shu teasingly asked. However he was interrupted as Ruri grabbed him by the ear and pulled him away.

"Just ignore him." She said as Anadama stared with a blank expression. Once that was taken care of, he was able to resume his explanation.

"Anyway, I'm here for you." He turned to Kosaki, who hadn't yet contributed into the conversation. "Because we have an offer for you."


"Yes, an offer. My dad wants you to come to our school for one year." She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Such a famous school wanted her to learn, that hardly sounded like something that would happen to a girl like her. "I know this sounds sudden, but I've already talked to your mom about this." Her mother popped her head out from the kitchen and waved to her and her friends.

"Well well well." Shu said after Ruri let go of him. "Sounds like Kosaki has some fans overseas." He joked, but he really was happy for his friend to have an opportunity given like that.

"Yeah." Raku agreed. "Sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity." He smiled at her. That was one of her favorite things she always like to see from him.

"Yeah it really is." Anadama added, but there seemed to be something about his tone in that sentence that Kosaki noticed as odd. "So what do you say?" He went back to his original mood.

"Um..." She wasn't sure what to say. Everything was going so fast and it felt as though she wasn't given any time to think it over. "I'm really not sure."

"You're not? Well I guess you should give it some time to think it over." He replied, knowing that this was already a rather nontraditional recruitment mission his father sent him on. Pretty much everyone else who was invited to the school said yes right away. She haven't heard of the school before either, so he guessed it really wasn't a big deal. "If that's the case though, you won't have much time to really think it over."

"Really why?"

"Because the flight leaves in two days."

"What!?" She yelled out much louder than she intended to. This really didn't her much a chance to really make sure she was making the right decision.

"It's ok! I already have your things packed!" Her mom shouted from the kitchen.

"M-mom!" She yelled back, her cheeks blushed bright red feeling distressed.

"Yeah, she was really excited at the idea of you going." He responded. "Otherwise that's everything I have to say. I hope you think carefully over this. I'll be back the day after tomorrow to get your decision." With that, Anadama walked out of the store. Leaving Kosaki and her friend the looming choice ahead. Just outside, he saw his butler waiting by the street light. They greeted each other.

"I assume she said yes?" George asked.

"Actually she need a little time to make up her mind." Anadama responded. The butler was a little surprised to hear this new. With the school's reputation usually being invited meant immediate responses.

"Really? I wonder what answer you're hoping for."

"I don't care. It makes no difference to me if she decides to come with us, or stay here." He answered coldly and started his trek back to their hotel room.

Meanwhile, back at the bakery. The others stood there, looking at their friend. Unsure whether to encourage her to pursue the school, or stay. It's true that Shu and Ruri wouldn't see her once they headed off to college, but they knew her too well to think that she'd want to just up and leave her family. It was Raku who broke the silence as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey." He grabbed her attention. "I'm sure you'll make the right choice." He always had confidence in her. No matter what happened, she knew that she could count on him to be on her side what she needed it. She hoped the others would feel the same. After conversing among themselves and weighing the options, it was getting late and they really needed to be getting home. After she giving them a farewell. Kosaki retired into her bedroom, where she landed right into her bed, burying her face into the pillow.

"Why does something like this have to happen to me?" She asked herself. Even after talking with her friends, she was no closer to making a decision. They simply talked about the obvious points. She knew that this was a good place to go and further her skills. Learning in America could do her good where she could meet many different type of people. At the same time, just leaving so soon after school had ended. She was hoping for a short vacation with her friends before they had to go for college. Now she was going to be the one gone first. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Sis?" A voice called from the other side. "Could I come in?" It was Haru, her younger sister.

"Of course." She gave her permission. As Haru entered the room, she could clearly see how distressed Kosaki was.

"I see you've been thinking."

"Oh I just don't know what to do." Kosaki confessed. She explained that while she though this was a good idea. There was something holding her back from making the jump. Haru thought long and hard for what to say next. Yet she did have her sneaking suspicion on what it was.

"Is what's holding you back? I mean do you still..."

"No! Of course not. I've moved on, I think..." It's true that she mostly moved on from what happened just a year ago. She may have thought she loved Raku then, but he had made his decision. If that means being with Chitoge, then that's just fine with her. But feelings of love aren't easily forgotten. Sometimes she did find herself thinking of what could have been.

"You don't need to lie to me sis. I know you, and I understand how you feel."

"Uh? What do you mean by that?" She asked, confused. Her sister never seemed to show any attraction towards any boy she knew of.

"I've never told you this because I didn't want you to feel bad for me, or get mad."

"You shouldn't worry about making me feel bad, I'm your big sister. It's only natural, but why would I get mad?"

"Because. I was in love with him too." This revelation hit her like a truck. Never once did she think that her younger sister had any feelings for Raku. Especially how she felt about him when they first met.

"Ehh?!" Was the only thing that she could speak.

"I'll spare you how that came to be, but the important thing was I gave up on him because I wanted you to be happy. I know you did the same thing for Chitoge." She wasn't wrong. There was no way that Kosaki wanted to take something away from her best friend. Even if that meant some self-sacrifice. Kosaki also knew where Raku's true feelings were, she knew there was no point in trying to change his heart.

"Why haven't you told me this? I would've..."

"Because I knew you would do something like that." Haru didn't let her finish her sentence. "Because you're the type of person to put yourself down so others can get ahead." She couldn't deny that. That was just in her blood she guessed. "I don't regret doing that, but I know now that if you want something. You should go for it." It now made sense what her sister was saying to her. She always made decisions because of what others thought, or because she thought that what people wanted her to do. But never for selfish reasons.

"So you're telling me that I should go to the school?"

"No, that would be against my point. What I'm trying to say is that whatever choice you make. Do it for yourself. Not for me, mom, or any of our friends." While she might not have had a side to pick. Haru's advice now made it clear to her what choice to make.

"Then I know what to do then. I'm going" She answered proudly. "I'll go to that school.

"Really! That's great." She gave her big sister a strong bear hug. "That's what I wanted you to do, but I didn't want to push you to it."

"Yes, yes. Now maybe you should put me down now." Her hug was starting to make it hard for Kosaki to breath. Though to be fair, she was going to be missed after leaving.

"Well we gotta tell everyone! But first we should go to mom with this."

"Right!" They got up to head to the kitchen where their mom was. Already planning how they were going to inform the others of the news. Elsewhere, Anadama and his butler was sitting in their hotel room thinking over what to do for dinner.

"Well we can't exactly eat desserts for the next two days." Anadama commented on the stack of leftovers cakes and treats that lay before them.

"I suppose you should have thought of that before you bought an entire store."

"So what will we be having then?" He ignored the quip. "We could go out, I'm sure there's plenty of nice restaurants around. Or maybe there might be a corner store that has some things we could work with and make them here?" He asked himself.

"I'd hate to sound lazy in your presence, but it's been a long and busy trip so far. Perhaps we should just dine out tonight."

"After everything you've done for me you do deserve a vacation." He responded. He looked around for his phone so that he could search up some places that were still open. "As long as it's somewhere that's cheap. I kind of spent most of our money on those desserts over there." George could only roll his eyes in response. "Now where did I put that phone?" As if answering his call, he heard the ringtone as he picked it up from beneath his blanket. It was from a number he didn't recognize. "Hello?"

"Ah, is this Anadama?" He could tell the voice on the other side was Mrs. Onodera. Then he remember that he had given his number to her if they had any other questions to ask of him.

"You're speaking to him. Is there something that I can help you with?" He asked.

"Oh I wanted to give you the good new! She finally confirmed that she'll be going to your school."

"Oh really?" He responded. There conversation continued a little longer, consisting of standard parental pride and congratulation. "Well I need to get going, but again congratulations." He hung up the call and looked over towards George.

"I take it she said yes?"

"Oh yeah. Well I'll find us somewhere to eat now." Anadama answered in a less excited fashion about the news. He was already quickly prepared to change the subject to their dinner.

"Would it be too much for you to be more happy for her. You know how hard it is to get into the school."

"Why should I care what people get into my dad's academy?" He replied in an aggressive manner.

"I assume that it would when she's going to be moving into the house as well."

"Well yeah, but she's not the fir… Wait what!?"